Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soft LOA update

My third child arrived last weekend, and in between moments of joy and panic, I'm terminally bored. You may have seen me screwing around a little as Cradossk the Trandoshan, and there's a reason for that: I'm looking to Chaos for a bit of casual phone posting as the moment allows. So yeah, I may pop up here and there to build a ship or burn a fleet or something. I have even less interest than usual in planned threads, threads for threads' sake, and old obligations, so please don't ask.

See you around, folks.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Congratulations on the new little one in your life, Jorus !

All the best to the child's health as well as his parents mental health...(Because you know, R.I.P. Sleep).

As a father myself, I really feel this.

Good on you, mate!


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