Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Smeagol is free
As it says on the tin - not a full blown one. I'll still sort of be around. But for the rest of the week I'll be spotty af due to deadlines at work. So if my reply to you takes a bit of time, I do apologise. I'll do my best to get to it in a timely way, but I'll have a couple of late nights with work, so there will be longer delays. Terribly sorry y'all - touching grass is terrible, don't try it. It consumes.

If you have to skip me for a turn in the lower key threads, feel free. I'll catch up in my next post to react accordingly (don't you dare shoot down my NPC Shar Sieu Shar Sieu - I will nuke you with an autocannon for shits and giggles)

If y'all really really need me, just DM me on discord. Otherwise leave me alone, I am drowning in Excel spreadsheets.

Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton Argilac Argilac Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad Tyrus Vastor Tyrus Vastor Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim and everyone else in the Council meeting (it's a lot of tags) Veshok Rook Veshok Rook Oleander Webb Oleander Webb and anyone else I happen to miss
Smeagol is free
I am very sorry to say that this soft LOA now turned into a hard LOA with no set end date. If I do manage to write, the relevant person will know about it at the time, but life threw me a hard curveball and I need to navigate that first.

I am terribly sorry for everyone I am dropping with no prospect of a reply or other planned stories happening. This was unforeseen and quite unwelcome tbh, but unavoidable and will require me to be fully present IRL so RP will be taking a backseat for a while. It sucks hairy balls but here we are - so sorry folks. Here's hoping it won't be a long one that turns into a hiatus. I'll keep everyone appraised.

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