Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sogash (WIP)
Basic information:
  • Faction: None
  • Rank: None
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Red
  • Skin: Dark green
  • Height: 6'7
  • Hair: None
  • Force Sensitive: None

A fierce Trandoshan warrior and nationalist, Sogash has large dreams for his people. For too long have they languished as hunters, their impact on the galaxy is nothingness when compared with other races. The clans, the hunting, they are all organisations which must be torn down so that the Trandoshans can begin anew. The state of their world, divided and backwards, has left them open to foreign occupation. They must stand up, as a unified species, to run their own affairs.

For a culture so rooted in its traditions, this is extremism. Laughed out of Trandosha, there is only one way for a Trandoshan to gain power and respect, by appeasing the score keeper and proving one's self a great hunter. Sogash must play to the system he wishes to tear down. He wanders the galaxy looking for prey, the greater the prize, the further his legitimacy and maybe, just maybe, with enough respect he could be seen as the Scorekeeper's chosen and then... Trandosha would have to listen.

(+) Sharp intellect for his kind
(+) Deadly with a variety of weaponry from rifles and explosives to toxins
(+) Naturally physically strong and athletic by virtue of his species

(-) Lack of understanding of the Force can make him susceptible to unexpected abilities
(-) Limited social skills
(-) Relative outcast




"I have your scent..."

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