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Approved NPC Sohna Odam

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Name: Sohna Odam
Loyalties: [member='Ayvari Dorian']
Role: Reluctant Student of Ayvari; Child of Xanxus; Prisoner

Development Threads: [The Punishment of a Lifetime] | [The Darker Side of Life] | [Subjugating Will]

Age: 14
Species: Human

Appearance: While physically young, Sohna's eyes tell of a lifetime of perils and woes no man or woman thrice her age should have suffered. Her body sustains a myriad of damage, from simple bruising and cuts to a cybernetic arm and deep scars just beneath her shirt. Ragged and unkempt, pale and fragile, her spirit has been broken though there still remains a very slight fire in her eyes that speaks of raw, untouched potential. Most definitely her Father's child, Sohna bears the dark hair and light eyes of her once great House, and when she believes that nobody is looking her back straightens and her chin lifts in an attempt at reclaiming the dignity she has most definitely lost. There is a terror in her gaze, but also a will to fight. Which of the two will win the battle for dominance, however, is anyone's guess.

Personality: Made to be meek and submissive to a fault, following years of arduous training and belittlement, Sohna to many would appear simply weak. Not worth the time or effort it would take to assist. Little more than a child, yet lacking any childish mannerisms outside of her curiosity and cowardice, she fights each day to retain some sort of control over the life that is no longer hers to lead. It is no secret that she despises her captor-and-Master Ayvari, a woman who had at one point been like a sister to her. Yet where once she had fire enough to fight the demands and wishes of her tormentor, now she can do little more than listen and obey.

All signs of the girl she had once been during her Father's living years are gone, and deep down she knows it to be her own fault. For being too weak, for resisting too strongly the will of the Emperor. Spending the majority of her time locked within a cell has left her longing for freedom, yet too afraid to simply submit so that she might taste it. For what remains in the Galaxy for her now? Part of her has grown to love the tiny room she now calls home, a place where she worries over nothing save her next meal. There's no doubt that she wouldn't survive if loosed into the Galaxy.

Perhaps that is why she continues along a resistant path. Though even Sohna herself does not know the truth of that anymore.

Force Sensitivity: Apprentice-Level

Weapon of Choice: Training Lightsaber

Skills: Very Basic Force Ability (Minor Telekinesis)

Wealth: Technically Sohna is set to inherit her Father's estate... However, it does not look as though this will be in her future any time soon. At present she owns exactly nothing, in fact for all intents and purposes she herself is owned.

Combat Function: Sohna is a reckless coward; She may rush headlong into battle if she believes she can catch someone off guard, but the second that they counteract her she will immediately submit her weapon and retreat. At present she would be absolutely useless in any situation involving combat.

Notable Possessions: The Clothes on her back, and one Training Lightsaber which she is only permitted access to during lessons.

History: Born the child of a Sith Lord, yet kept from his sights for the first four years of her life, Sohna began with an iron will and the voice to utilize it. Even at such a young age she commanded and captivated all who fussed around her, enjoying the control she had without having to lift so much as a finger. But this was to be her undoing, though she had no way of knowing it. For perceived power that could not be backed up led to some very harsh realities.

When Xanxus felt her first motions through the Force, her first attempts to follow in the footsteps of her predecessors, he had her sent for and brought to his laboratory on Mustafar where he kept her hidden away. She was taught and trained in solitary, though the girl who had previously had everything her heart desired was unimpressed with her new living situation and resisted at every chance she got. While he was not want to harm his child, with time the reluctance she showed soured his view of her until his visits lessened.

And then they ceased all together.

The next face she saw was that of a woman... Or more, a fellow girl as she wasn't incredibly older than Sohna herself. Someone she had heard her Father speak of, the student who would, who could, who did. The one that he always pitted her against though neither girl had met the other until now. A sister, he had referred to her as, a sister for little Sohna.

In the end their kinship would not surpass Xanxus' words. The man, she learned, was gone. Vanished alongside innumerable others including the Emperor himself. And here she was, this woman, to whisk the girl away to fulfill her Father's wishes. But if Ayvari believed she could succeed where her Master had failed, she had another thing coming.

Resistance bred contempt. While her Father had never so much as laid a finger on her for her misdemeanors Ayvari did not hold back. Pushing, testing, punishing... Pitting her against another student, punishing her - and him - when he attempted to help her instead. And when Sohna ran - and run she most certainly did - her punishment for doing so was far greater than anything she had experienced before.

The loss of her arm quenched all remaining thirst for resistance. Instead she became meek, mild, hiding away in the cell she called home between training sessions. Broken. But not beyond repair. For her Father had a purpose, and his student sought to fulfill it. The only remaining question? Was Sohna finally ready to take her place among the Sith, like her Father before her and his before him?

Intent: To create a firm foundation for Ayvari's reluctant student, so that others may better know who Sohna is.


[member="Ayvari Dorian"]

Nicely written, looks good, and I can't see anything wrong about it.

Approved by me, pending secondary. :)

[member="Lorelei Darke"]
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