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Approved Starship Sojourner-class Research Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Starchaser Enterprises
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Low
Height: Small
Size: Large


  • Intent: To create a flagship exploration, research, and humanitarian vessel offered by Starchaser Enterprises.
  • Image Source: Eve Online, Nestor
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: In the list, from Jon and Caltin, and Danger
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Scientific Vessel (Exploration, Research, Humanitarian)
  • Length: 510 meters
  • Width: 75 meters
  • Height: 90 meters
  • Armament: Very Low
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space:Average
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Visiting and docking shuttles and light yachts (2 squadrons)
    • Droid Starfighters to act in defense (1 squadron)
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low/None if Area of Protection is active
  • Hyperdrive: Yes
  • Research laboratory for a variety of disciplines (Exobiology, astrophysics, hyperspace research, chemical engineering, geology
  • Containment cells for flora, fauna, and contaminated beings
  • Water Purifying System
  • Air Purifying System
  • Machine Shop for small ship repairs
  • Additional housing for refugees
  • Additional long term storage for goods, and food stuffs
  • SE-9NC Navigation Computer
  • Advanced Medical Suite
  • Advanced Sensors Suite
    • Advanced Planetary Scanning Suite to determine atmosphere composition, geologic planetary composition, and life form detection
  • Starmapper MkII
  • Advanced Droid Control System for Droid Fighters
  • Probe Droid Launch and Retrieval Bay
  • Area of Protection Shield Generator
  • Sojourner is a research and science vessel, providing everything that a wandering science team could need.
  • Sojourners can be used a humanitarian vessels, as they majority of their labs can be changed out and provide more storage for goods and people.
  • Area of Protection Shield Extender creates a shield bubble around a Sojourner to allow sit under an energy shield to recharge their own shields for combat
  • Not a combat vessel
  • Science vessel with many advanced systems
  • Slow and ungainly.
The Sojourner is the final installment in the explorer-and-humanitarian vessel line of the Starchaser Enterprises. Designed similar to the Seeker shuttle and the Pathfinder Frigate, the Sojourner is a cruiser level ship designed with research and humanitarian work in mind. Equipment with the standard Starchaser Enterprises navigation, and data collection hardware, the ship has an entire deck of labs that are easy to swap out in drydock for similar sized modules but comes standard with a scanning room, perfect for understanding the composition of the planet and nearby system one is in, a medical room, perfect for treating all manner of issues from the away team of the ship, and those they find, as well as labs for exobiology, astrophysics, and general planetary science.

While the ship focuses on being a Research/Exploration Vessel, the power it doesn’t use in offensive weaponry, it brings back in helping others. The ship can defend itself enough to get away from harm, with quad laser cannons designed for keeping starfighters at bay, point defense anti-missile laser cannons, and two banks of heavy ion cannon turbo lasers. It will keep foes off itself, and cause enough havoc on pirates and foes until the HIMS system can allow it to escape. The Sojourner also makes use of a squadron of small, unshielded droid fighters commanded from the vessel. These interceptors are the equal of the ancient Galactic Empire’s TIE/D however are more akin to A-Wing by design

The helping of others also extends to the ship’s ability to be modular. All Sojourners have a lower deck that is designed to be broken away, allowing the quick establishment of a settlement, and the retrieval of modules to assist with evacuation. The laboratory lends itself quite handily to becoming a humanitarian vessel, with storage not being used for military material allowing for foodstuffs, medicine, and extra bunk space for civilian refugees and evacuees.

As the galaxy is a difficult place, the engineers at Starchaser Enterprises are using the Sojourner as a test platform for an up-and-coming technology known as the Area of Protection Shield Extender. Essentially, the Extender is a mobile shield generator, creating a bubble around the starship of an energy shield, allowing ships to be close to a Sojourner and reallocate their own internal systems to complete repairs, recharge their own shields, or recalibrate weapons. While a Sojourner is not trying to find combat, it has the ability to protect ships that may be defending it.

The flaw in the Extender is that the shield generator does drain energy from the engines, however the defense weapons and ion cannons are still welcome to cause havoc on hostiles.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a flagship exploration, research, and humanitarian vessel offered by Starchaser Enterprises.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Explorers, Navigators, Humanitarian groups
Model: Sojourner-class Research Cruiser
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Research
Modular: Yes
Material: Alusteel/Titanium Alloy plating, Quadanium Steel Alloy Framing, Glasteel viewports, Solarium gather panels
Armaments: Point Defense anti-missile laser cannons
Quad laser turrets for anti-starfighter defense
Ion Cannon Turbolasers
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: None
Kinetic Resist: None
Radiation Resist: None
Minimum Crew: 250
Optimal Crew: 600
Passenger Capacity: 1000
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Very cool sub again!
  • The Solarium gather-panels is closed market item, I'd like to ask you to ask a permission from Danger.
  • The SE-151 Shield Force Multiplier's link is broken.
  • The HIMS is restricted material, I'd like to ask you to remove it, or modify the production scale to Semi-Unique or Unique.
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