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Sol Andraste

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[ /search/patients/profileID=09234830 ]
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"Ghost I"
Galactic Republic
Galactic Intelligence Agency
Special Operative
Force Sensitive:
Appears early twenties
"Subject 09234830, or simply 'Sol' has exhibited numerous traits but has demonstrated preference for two particular forms: the first of which is what I had known as the only version of herself up until recently, when I was allowed access to certain classified information. This form is known as Andraste Val Thea. Humanoid, particularly human, she generally stands at 5'9'' and maintains an athletic although slim body structure. White skinned, that varies in tan depending on recent station, is generally a fair colour. Hair is best described as auburn, more so reddish-brown than brownish-red, and generally reaches just below shoulders but usually worn in a ponytail. Hair does not often vary between loose and ponytail. Eyes in this form are blue. No other distinguishable markings. Age appears to be in early twenties but due to actual species she can be much older than she appears. While I was not given access to her exact age, she has told me in interviews that she is fifty-two years old. Her species becomes adults at sixty-one placing subject in late teens, if attempting to translate into human perceptions."
Attached: 0record1, 0record2, 0record3
"While she strongly identifies with the Andraste form it is not her 'true' form. With my recent promotion and the... regretable fate of my predecesor, I was given access to the information that she is actually a 'Shi'ido'. A shape shifting species. While little is known regarding their biology what is known is that in their 'true' form they can possess pale skin, wide mouths, and possessed thin but dense bone structures. They also likely had additional skin beneath the visible layer for moving about the body and aiding in their transformations. Additionally possessed the ability to move their limbs across their body. This form, in which she refers to herself as 'Sol', does not exactly match up with the definition. May either be the perception of Subject 09234830, or we know less of the possible Shi'ido characteristics than we think. I personally believe both. In her 'true' form she is 5'10'', has a similar body structure, but skin is now grey and appears harder. Hair appears to be longer and the texture harder, however the latter appears to be due to her hair in this form sticking together and creating large and numerous strands. Eye colour is not static and seems to respond to her emotion at the time. When calm it is grey, when angry takes a dark yellow shade, and when suffering a great deal of distress or emotion can appear purple. At times has sharp tentacle-like structured protruding from her back, similar to that of a spider. But I do not believe that is part of her 'true' self."
Attached: 1record1, 1record2, 1record3

Personality breakdown:
"Subject 092344830 appears to suffer from dissociative identity disorder. While both forms retain the same memories in general, both are missing key pieces from the other, and have certain personality differences that I have noted. 'Andraste', the human-appearing side, is confident, personable, dedicated to her career, and seemingly desensitized to the nature of her work. Does not enjoy or dislike what she does one way or another. Often engages alcohol but wouldn't be defined as an alcoholic, enjoying a glass or two but spaces the time of drinks and is therefore rarely intoxicated. While desensitized to the grisslier aspects of her career she does suffer stress, and a sense of responsibility to the Galactic Republic, based on her past. More time with the subject is needed before I can fully map out her personality. But for now the key aspects have been noted. Andraste has mentioned she enjoys physical activity as a stress reliever. Is a practitioner of martial arts but prefers sports for her own leisure time, feeling as if martial arts is to closely related to her work. Also enjoys technology to a great degree, but suffers from the same association to her work. In one of our sessions I suggested she find a hobby not related to work. Following up on that she had taken to reading old literature - particularly poetry.
Her other form, 'Sol', retains many of the same qualities to Andraste. Except where Andraste has her emotions in check Sol appears to still deal with mood and temper fluxation. Sol in defiance to Andraste also does not appear to feel as responsible to the Galactic Alliance as does her alternative self. Sol also enjoys physical confrontation much more than Andraste and even often verbally spins her words or manipulates language for one purpose or another. I have only met Sol once and so any thing further would be speculation. She has described that as a 'Reader', a term used by her handlers to mean telepath, when she or Andraste do read some thing in that regard the emotional side is pushed back, where Sol can access it. I believe her upbringing, or her age, has made her ill suited for the emotional depth of her job and in response she pushes all of the negative feelings away ignoring them. In response to this the subject may have created a separate self to deal with the negativity of emotion. Sol, while not a musician herself, has mentioned that she enjoys hearing it. Through a few excercised I have also noted that Sol attempts to control things most people would simply ignore. From the simple organization of objects on a table, to the conversation we have, to most likely the events in her life. Further interviews will be necessary for any thing more in-depth."
-Force Training: Subject received training in a few force techniques during training for her current career. Learned to hide her own thoughts from other force users, learned a few techniques suited for her work but due to limited training was not given opportunity to strengthen abilities too much. Likely the equivalent to an apprentice at this stage in Force control.
-Reader: Shi'ido are born with the ability to project telepathic commands to other species to better convince them that they are what they have taken the form of. Appears to be a subconcious application. Also received training in telepathy to expand this racial ability.
-Combat training: Trained in the use of guns, common melee weapons, and martial arts. Is currently a practitioner of Teras Kasi, K'thri, and K'tara. Fighting style is based on quickly removing the target as a threat and remaining undetected.

-Brute strength: Subject, in either form, does not possess above average brute strength. Relies more on technique and speed in her martial arts. In reflection of this does not have a large threshold for taking hits and will avoid them when possible.
-Emotional control: 'Sol' does not appear to have great handle on her emotions and can be enraged easily, or otherwise overrun by emotion.
-Force stamina: Due to limited training in the Force she is not able to use those abilities repeatedly for too long or she will otherwise quickly tire out.
-Telepathy: While a skilled telepath, due to the fact it is strongly attached to her species, she has little control of it and will at times hear surface thoughts when she does not wish to, or when in a crowded area can suffer sensory overload.

Force Abilities:
-Temperature control: Subject is skilled in this ability.
-Dampen force: Subject is able to apply the ability on a target however only for a few minutes at a time. Cannot use closely after using it once.
-Telepathy: Subject is very skilled in this ability, likely due to it also being a natural ability of her species.
-Psychometry: Subject is skilled in its use however the emotional side of it appears to be affecting her mentally.
-Force Cloak: Subject is skilled in this ability.
-Force Concealment: Subject, while skilled in its use, has reported difficulty in maintaining it for too long.

Does not have any ship registered to her. Likely due to classified information.
Armour & Attire:
While the specifications of her armour are classified, Andraste did let me know she has three sets based on where she is going. The first attached file is of her jungle, forest, grass terrain armour. The second her desert, sand, mountain based armour. The third her more general armour.

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[ ...Saving 'personal notes' to local hard drive. ]
[ Logging Doctor Ciri Virai out. Thank you. ]
Oh, thank you for the opinions every one. The profile is not quite done yet but I thought it would be a good start for the character until I have a better idea of who she is.

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