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Codex Denied Sol Arisen

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist


  • Name: The Arisen
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: The Arisen assigned to the Sol Choushin
  • Average Lifespan: 200
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: Tall, blonde haired and beautiful... the strand-casted clones are grown in vats and trained by the Disciples of the Ta-Ree within the silver jedi. THeir bodies considerably fit physically taking on a feminine form like their main variant. The Sol Strain are able to venture away from temples and travel... surviving in the depths of space and vacuum while communicating with an internal communicator. THeir skin absorbs heat and fire giving them a pale white look and blonde to red hair.
  • Breathes: Type I, Type II, Type IV
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • 2 meters (standard model)
    • 1.66 meters (rare model)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale
  • Hair color:
    • Blond with darker roots
  • Distinctions:
    • Midi-chloroxian: A synthetic blood connection to the force able to function and be grown with the force sensitive biots.
    • Hive-Mind Bond: Grown together and mentally connected. THey can share thoughts, experiences and finish each other sentences.
    • Mono-Gendered: Grown in a lab with generational Recombinant DNA for diversity of genetics. THey are similar to the Gutretee being able to absorb information from each other.
    • Natural Repulsors organs in the body allow travel, the ability to draw ustenance from abient background energy of the galaxy, the sun itself and force energy as well as natural Instinctive Astrogation to traverse the galaxy.
    • Elemental/Gravity: Able to resist high heat, cold and gravity allowing them to travel around from worlds but also towards the Sol Choushin and gather fruits on the surface of the sun.
    • Flame Manipulation: ABle to absorb, convert, channel and manipulate fire and energy itself. From the sub-atomic levels to releasing a golden flash like a solar flare. They can wrap their bodies in a cocoon of energy in emergencies.
    • Able to operate as an individual but be within the hive mind.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Bond: THeir force bond is powerful, they are able to meld their presence in the force as a powerful mental block over jedi temples to heavily resist mental influences as well as be able to alert each other to visitors.
  • Hive Mind: Learning from studies of the Drengir their minds are not simply a hive mind. THey share close to a root mind with all being able to be connected in a bond through the force that allows sharing thoughts, experiences and to face one is to face them all. It makes mentally trying to trick them exponentially harder but not impossible.
  • Star Dragons: Naturally spliced with star dragons allowing them to be able to survive in the vacuum of space, enter and leave atmosphere and travel in hyperspace using choushin trees as beacons and guides where they are able to go.
  • Force Nullification: Being grown as strand-cast they are force clones without the danger of madness as they in theory have diversity as small as it is in their genetics. Nullification of the force is like poison to them as their bodies rely on it and they can seem like fish out of water struggling to breathe.
  • Bond: THeir bond has as many benefits as detriments and dangers. Their shared experiences and thoughts can mean anger transfers, pain transfers and deadly incidents such as one or more being killed can be highly dangerous and traumatic to the others.
  • Darkside: THey are created as lightspawn... force beings crafted and grown with influences of the lightside of the force in their bodies. It makes them strong and beacons of the force but like most things made with one side they are highly vulnerable to the other... darkside powers physically are more dangerous to them.
  • Diet: Omnivore: THey are grown and able to eat anything they can find.
  • Communication: Verbal, Body Language, Telepathy
  • Technology level: Grown with flash knowledge of Sasori's advanced technologies and highly educated in history and sciences. THey have been expanded and are able to tend to the Sol Choushin trees to cultivate the fruits for use.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Born on from the lightside of the force and experiments of the silver jedi grandmaster and tied to the developing works of the order. They are the caretakers of the Sol Choushin and temples... able to move around the galaxy as needed following a natural force beacon of the mind that they feel. Much like purgill could navigate to Peridea from galaxies away from it. The Arisen variants are dedicated and serve within their purpose as well with the jedi master who created them.
  • General behavior: Calm and sedate as they preform their duties, with a cooler demeanor as they share their emotional stability. Allowing one to draw on hundreds in situations... often giving them a serene face that doesn't falter. They are caretakers and harvest fruits of the choushin to bring to jedi and those in need. Being able to descend from the skies with food for those who hunger or offering aid across worlds before turning and returning to their charges.
Created only recently by Matsu as further experimentation of the Arisen caretakers could be done... what came was splicing stardragon DNA into the arisen and testing them. Through force manipulation with the lightside. It would take some time and they worked on it.. as the development of the choushin improved and they tested being able to plant the trees themselves in the stars to spread life and lightside energy across the galaxies. The Arisen would be able to be their eternal caretakers cultivating, spread and harvesting the fruits of the branches. Working alongside jedi and working to preserve the knowledge wihtin the trees themselves as they were given the most advanced technical upgrades as biots to resist, absorb and channel heat, vacuum, gravity stressess... dangers that would come to them and they would. THey can become heralds of fire and life incarnate as the fruits of the trees are meant to bring life to worlds... cultivated for future generations.
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Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

I again apologize for the delay. I consulted Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris on this submission as well and we agree again...This is not Star Wars. This idea is even more closely associated with other fandoms. Utilizing the Stepford Sisters' images, their hive-mind telepathic abilities, and the nature of their bond, plus, subbing out "cloning" for "strand cast" is a pretty blatant way of porting the characters in. I'm not even going to get into the "walking on the sun" part...In the end, we're Star Wars, not Marvel/Gifted.

You're welcome to try and re-work it and re-submit these as well.

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