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Codex Denied Sol Choushin

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Name: Sol Choushin
  • Origins: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
  • Other Locations:
  • Classification: Choushin FOrce Tree
  • Average Growth Cycle: Once planted it matures at an accelerated rate until it reaches an average size of an adult. Then its aging and growth slows, standing tall and sprouting off the surface of a sun. It spreads its branches out and bears fruit.
  • Viability: Sunlight and concentrated living force energy.
  • Description: Modified through use of the force and lightside to function at the heart of a star. An old saying among the guardians of the Whills "the brightest stars have hearts of kyber." THe silver jedi and Matsu took that literally as the choushin a force sensitive tree they spliced showed effective in their temple network. Being able to connect the minds of the temples and the ships. The choushin seed has been heavily augmented with the force itself... made to be able to survive and flourish. With the roots spreading across the interior of the sun and absorbing energy itself.. the highest level of it coming off of the furface and spreading out. Coveed in glowing fruits that spread from the branches and can be harvested.
  • Average Height: 50m above the surface with the roots extending downwards.
  • Average Length: N/A
  • Color: Pales shades of brown
  • Nutritional Value: The fruit from its branches is concentrated living force energy. Able to heal, able to purge corruption.
  • Toxicity: When ingested by a darksider can cause issues with severe nausia, intestinal issues.
  • Other Effects: Improves energy, augments force connection exponentionally for a few hours.
  • Distinctions:
    • Able to grow in space and among intense heat.
    • The force manipulations have made the fruit super dense.
    • Bark of the tree is incredible force sensitive and tuned to the lightside.
  • Lightside Beacon: The lightside tinkering itself has made the tree massive attuned to the lightside of the force and is like a burning sun to force sensitives.
  • Song of the Force: A clonal effect of the hybrid, born from a singular organism and interconnected from the force allowing the trees within temples, ships and where they are planted to form a network.k.
  • The Trees Remember: The quasi-sentience of the trees if formed from the force giving it a will and a purpose... the tendrils from the branches being able to be heard with techniques similar to Theran Force-listening and what is witnessed by the trees being able to be seen. FOr a price it can bestow knowledge on one who uses it but it is dangerous.
  • Fruit: The fruit produced by the trees themselves radiate the lightside of the force itself... As they break off in the solar winds and are propelled towards planets they can bring the living force and potentially life.
  • Force Nullification: Force voids brought around the tree can damage its abilities and cause it to wilt and eventually wither.
  • Darkside: THe lightside tinkering with the force has altered and empowered the tree but that comes at a cost... the darkside is extremely damaging to it.
  • The Trees remember: A rudimentary flow walk but it can't be controlled and discerning past, or present is difficult. The clonal network makes the shared system allow even more difficulty as one tree can see the experiences of another.
  • Discordant Sounds: The connection between the trees functions like a hive mind... pain and influences to one can be dangerous to all and damaging the original source can kill the others.
  • Distortions: Heavy gravity, heat, magnetic and solar winds protect the fruits and the tree itself. Ships need special modifications for their shielding like the silver jedi have to approach and survive.
Created by Matsu as an offshoot of her Choushin tree... it is something different in many cases... part seeing if it could be done... part wanting to expand the knowledge fo the jedi order and how they use their skills and more so the chance to really do it.. to be able to seed solar systems with the force itself... planting the seeds of trees that shade will be for future generations. Matsu took some interest in it when it was revealed the fruits it bore were inriched and almost practically edible solari crystals. Infused throughout with the lightside of the force and living making even the oldest jedi's move around like they were in their twenties again. The tree itself is experimental... it isn't seen often and few jedi know about it. Matsu has taken care to test its viability beforeseeding other suns with it or it would be able to be used in the other galaxies that they have been working to explore.
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Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

I’m going to admit I’m heavily confused here by your Average height and length. By inside do you mean underground?

Maybe it’s just me not seeing what you’re saying, but if you could let me know that would be awesome.
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

I apologize for the delay. I consulted Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris on both of these submissions and we agree that for a multitude of reasons they are not Star Wars. Your idea is really interesting, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into it. However, it feels like a lot of elements are more closely associated with other fandoms. The original tree is borderline so for the moment we'll leave it be. I'm sure you're thinking reading this that a lot of submissions are indeed borderline. You're right. But this is just a little too much, too far, in the opposite high fantasy direction.

You're welcome to try and re-work it and re-submit them but bear in mind for the future that our contributions should be true to a Star Wars setting.

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