Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sol Damerin



[SIZE=9pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Sol Damerin[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]RANK:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Mercenary, force wielder, former Jedi Knight[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Human[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 5’10”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 80Kg[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Blue[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Chestnut[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SKIN:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Fair[/SIZE]



[SIZE=9pt]STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum): [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]While by no means a prodigy Sol is strong in the force, stronger now than he was when he was a Jedi. His main strength is in Lightsaber combat he is skilled at Jar’Kai, Soresu, and Vapaad. He knows most basic force powers: Speed, Jump, Push, Pull, Trick, and Saber Throw. He is exceptionally strong at using the force to read the flow of combat and reacting to his opponents movements. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]He also knows a few esoteric force abilities. A more potent variant of Force Stealth which hides his presence from other force wielders and people as long as he doesn’t draw attention to himself. Essentially he just makes people ignore him, categorize him as someone else's problem. As well as another that keeps to himself that he learned through experimentation. He has learned to project an aura that combines light and dark side force energies, what it can do he has yet to determine though at present it seems to be nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]For all this, he does have his weaknesses. His biggest are psychological, he has a loner streak and issues with authority. He is independent and he will do his level best to stay that way even if it costs him his life, which it might since he tends to give people with power lip. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]APPEARANCE:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A [/SIZE]little under average height Sol possesses the lean wiry physique of all Jedi swordsmen. His skin is fair bordering on pale, his jaw strong if a bit angular, his pale blue eyes are a tad sunken, his nose is aquiline. He keeps his chestnut brown hair cut short and he usually has some stubble on his cheeks. Overall, he could best be described as rugged.

[SIZE=8.5pt]BIOGRAPHY: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Sol was born on the city planet of Coruscant. Identified to be force sensitive in his cradle, he was taken into the Jedi order without ever knowing his parents only the way of the Jedi. His time in the order was fairly typical he was neither the strongest with the force in his class or the weakest. The only thing that made him[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]standout at all was a natural ambidexterity which led to him learning the Jar'Kai sabre style.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A Jedi Master by the name of Alto Var’Sa took the boy on as a padawan as he also used the twin sabre style of Jar’Kai, Sol quickly grew attached to the man. Having secretly longed for a paternal figure Sol began to view Alto as his father. His Master, rather lax on following Jedi scripture, indulged his new padawan perhaps more than he should. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Things were good for a few years but when on a routine peace mission to Onderon something happened. Sol and his master were in a civilian transport ship when it got hit by an anti-aircraft round. The peace talks had gone sour and Alto hadn’t been able to warn the pilot in time. The shuttle went careening to the ground and Alto shielded his padawan with the force and his body. When the smoke cleared Alto was dead a piece of shrapnel through the heart. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sol cradled the body of the man who'd been his teacher, friend, mentor, and father. Grief dominated Sol and he tries to follow his training. The teachings of the Jedi said to let the grief move through him and pass away, but he couldn't do that. Neither could he embrace his grief and fall to the dark side he was not that kind of person. All he wanted to do was wallow in it, he wanted to mourn and perhaps in time to heal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Gathering up his masters belonging Sol fled, he fled from the wreckage, he fled from his lifeless master, he fled from the Jedi Order. Years pass and Sol learned how to survive, how to hide his force sensitivity, how to shoot a blaster, and how to find work under the table. He works as a mercenary and a bodyguard these days and when he isn’t doing that… The lessons of the Jedi failed him on the day his master died and Sol abandoned them. Now he is working on his own views on the force different from the Jedi, the Grey, and the Sith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]SHIP: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Nope.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8.5pt]KILLS: [/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt]None.[/SIZE]



One Way to Pray [Private, monastery siege] [Suspended]

What's The Worst That Could Happen? [Public, barroom brawl] [Concluded]

Woman Yells at Rock [Private, philosophy discussion] [Concluded]

A Heart in The Storm [Public, training] [Suspended]

Their Blood Runs Black [Semi-Public, Incursion] [Concluded]

Good Old Fashioned Brawl [Private, fight club] [Concluded]

Gotta Find It [Public, treasure hunt] [Suspended]

Calling Sister Midnight [Private, rescue mission] [Concluded]

We Need Medicine [Private, medical care] [Suspended]

I Ran [Private, getting smuggled] [Suspended]

Mercenaries, Come one Come all [Public, recruitment thread] [Suspended]

Bring on the Heat [Private, taking on war criminals] [Suspended]

Strange Bedfellows [Private, bounty hunt] [Suspended]

Reality [Private, training] [Suspended]

Not as Planned. Not as planned! [Dominion] [Concluded]

First Encounter With The Enemy From The Deep [Skirmish] [Suspended?]

Anyway You Want It [Private, Taking down criminal scum] [Suspended]

Civil War: Counter Strike | Mandalorians [Mission make Muad marry a bear] [Concluded]

Burning Down The House [Public, weirdly popular crappy strip club] [Suspended]

Savage Hearts [Public, bar thread] [Suspended]

Killer Queen [Private, helping a lady] [Suspended]

We Didn't Start The Fire [Private, fighting raiders] [Suspended]

Better Cal Sol [Private, fighting off a boarding party] [Suspended]

This Will Go Well! (No It Won't) [Public, a tragedy of errors] [Suspended]

Great Balls of Fire [Private, Spaceport bombing] [Suspended]
[member="Muad Dib"]​
[member="Lady Kay"]​
[member="Muad Dib"]​
@The Murder Kids​
[member="Sky'ito Yumi"] Annoying kid who stalks Sol.​
(Ask if you want to be added to either list)​
[member="Lady Kay"], Muad Dib is both Sol's best friend and greatest enemy.

[member="Jairdain"] of course, can't give sage advice to someone on two separate occasions and not count them as a friend. ^_^

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