Sola Tymon
W̴͘A͏͡RN̢͝I͞� NG̷͢:̸ BR̶E͞A̶͏C̀H҉ ̸̢DÉ͜T?

g e n e r a l _ i n f o r m a t i o n
Sola operates on the holonet under the alias of "akkd0g_".
Planet of birth
Nar Shadda, the Mid Rim.
dat҉a co̵r͢r̨u͟p҉t (The Collective).
da͝ta ̕cor̡ru͠pt͝
p h y s i c a l _ i n f o r m a t i o n
5 feet and 4 inches - 163 centimeters.
Sola is dangerously underweight, so much so that her bones are somewhat visible.
Sola has a light complexion across most of her body, bar where her headset sits which is extremely pale. While her skin is mostly unblemished, faded track marks run up both of her arms.
Facial features
Sola has a somewhat longer face with gentle curvature, one what would almost fit an uncommon porcelain doll if it wasn't for the radical difference in skin complexion between where her headset sits and doesn't sit. She almost always wears a virtual reality headset, which functions more-or-less in an augmented reality capacity with intense holonet integration. She sports grown dark brown hair which is normally tied into a ponytail or a bun; it isn't uncommon for her hair to be messy or unkempt, as she will often often neglect it in favor of keeping her headset on as much as possible.
b i o g r a p h y _ a n d _ s k i l l s
Sola is extensively familiar with the holonet and it's more illicit implications: namely, slicing. She's been slicing for most of her life and has even made a successful career out of it, with some of her most daring work being attacks on imperial facilities. Naturally, skills in areas like maths and computer sciences come with the territory.
Through her time spent trading in illicit services, Sola has made herself familiar with the names and inner workings of the galaxy's underworld. She has her finger on the pulse with what's happening and often uses this to secure work for herself and the mercenary team she supports, while simultaneously making them difficult to track.
Sola is extremely underweight, so much so that she's not much more than skin and bone. Physically, Sola is almost incompetent, not even capable of some common daily tasks. There's no doubt that she'd be at terrible odds in a fight.
Sola is currently recovering from a severe spice addiction. While she has been clean for some time, she's still subject to periodic withdrawal symptoms - namely, when she's stressed enough. Evidence of her addiction can be found along her arms and the inside of her nose, both of which are clad in the aftermath of a spice addiction.
Equipment and holdings:
Other than her VR headset and assortment of computer odds and ends, Sola conceals a meager holdout blaster on her person. She has no ship or property, but instead lives between the ships of the mercenary team she supports.
Sola was born 27 years ago in the depths of Nar Shadda, in the Mid Rim. As is fairly common for the crowd of Nar Shadda, she never met her father and in turn was raised alone by her mother. Her mother worked two jobs: as a dancer for a local crime lord in order to keep her apartment, and as a receptionist at a local starship workshop for credits; in turn, Sola was largely left to her own devices and found a sense of independence early in her life. By the time she was 9, she was carrying out most of the housework herself.
Sola's mother made an effort to isolate her from the outside world, wanting her daughter to have a chance of having a normal and healthy life. In her isolation, Sola spent most of her time on the holonet, which quickly turned into something of a dependency. As she entered her mid-teens, Sola started dabbling into the illicit reaches of the holonet, finding the relative lawlessness of Nar Shadda's depths an easy place to practice her skills in. While she initially struggled, severely outclassed by more experienced slicers around her, she eventually found her way to a small community of slicers; in this community, she practiced and expanded her skills, until - at almost 19 years of age - she was experienced enough to find success in the broader holonet. She remains in the community to this day as a senior member.
Naturally, with her dabbling into the underworld that came from a career as a slicer, she dabbled into the nightlife of the galaxy. While she started with simpler recreational drugs, she initially had no interest in harder drugs. This changed when her mother found herself out of work and in terrible circumstances in order to keep her apartment, which led to her turning to spice for relief. Sola, in response to her mother's condition, picked up the slack working for a local crime lord to keep the apartment. Her mother, now relieved of her obligations to keep the apartment, fell further into her spice addiction until she eventually overdosed when Sola was almost 22. Sola to this day blames herself for her mothers death and ironically picked up spice herself.
Since her mother passed away and she started life as a wandering slicer, Sola became more dependent on spice in her day-to-day life. This continued until she was 27, in the midst of several jobs and homes in the more lawless reaches of the galaxy, when she overdosed herself. While it fortunately wasn't fatal, the overdose was a stark wake up call for her; since then, she's been on-and-off attempting to quit spice, with increasing success with every attempt. It was around this time that she picked up stable work with Koda Fett and his crew of mercenaries, where she joined them in their galactic mercenary adventures.
Through her time working with the Steel Sleens, Sola fell into the employment of the shadow organisation: the Collective. When the Steel Sleens started to fall apart, Sola simply... vanished. While her whereabouts are unknown, she is, in reality, contributing to the Collective's secret government.
c u r r e n t _ r o l e p l a y s
[PUBLIC] Nar Shadda Cantina :: Where the sunlight wanes
[FACTION] Nocturne City