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'Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace (WIP, accidentally posted)

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Combat Medic's Best Friend: Not only featuring a full suite of medical equipment and an array of drug, medication, stimulants and the like, also featured are six tool arms equipped with a number of medical tools that are small enough and have enough articulation points to be able to perform complicated surgery.
  • Resilient: The 'Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev' is made from a Stesr'gar-Stygian triprismatic polymer composite, allowing it to resist damage from a number of sources such as energy weapons, kinetic energy weapons, EMP/Ion weapons and even lightsabers.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: The 'Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev' features a built-in crushgaunt with a number of other lethality enhancing and utility functions. This not only makes the wearer more lethal on the battlefield, particularly in close combat, but also makes them more versatile in their capabilities.
  • Supplies: Though easy to replenish via the magsealed refill port, the amount of drugs that can be stored is limited, allowing for only a few doses of each substance.
  • External Power Source Required: The 'Sol'akaan Gotabor b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace was designed to be connected to an armor's power supply rather than be used without a suit of armor with a self-contained power supply. It could be connected to a power supply independent of an armor as well, but doing so would be up to the user.
  • EMP/Ion: Though well protected against EMP/Ion weapons and against potential short circuiting from weaponized electrical attacks, should any of these actually manage to cause damage, it will likely cause a catastrophic cascading failure given the high percentage of electronic and electric systems.
The Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev or combat medic's fist in galactic standard basic, was designed to be the answer to company combat medics' complaints of a lack of an integrated solution to carrying medical equipment. In Strill Securities, combat medics have the unenviable task of functioning as combat medics and surgeons as well, with there more often than not being a lack of time or ability to MEDEVAC or CASEVAC a warrior wounded badly enough that their armor's integrated medical suite cannot tend to them sufficiently. The Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev integrates a number of solutions for use in an expedient manner for that precise reason.
A number of medical tools are attached to articulated micro tool limbs that stow under the vambrace out of the user's way when not required, keeping them safe from damage and more importantly, keeping them sterile. These tools are controlled via finger motions or via connected armor neural interface and are small enough and have enough articulation points to be able to perform complicated surgery. A flash-sterilizer and a pressor generator are included among the tools along with an intradermal injection system with a number of different medications, stims and the like. These, however, are not connected to the tool arms but are nonetheless still at hand should their use be (inevitably) required.
In addition to the already well known shortfalls of this model, there is the issue of running out of medical supplies, especially in a particularly pitched or extended engagement. It is, however, easy enough to replenish them via the magsealed refill port.
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