Solan Rarr
Solan favors his father in most respects. He stands around 5’9’’ tall and weighs around one-hundred and eighty pounds. His eyes, like his father’s, are a piercing shade of green. Unlike his father, he does not shave his head, but instead allows his black hair to grow somewhat freely. He usually keeps it shoulder length, or styled in some kind of spiked manner. He is muscular and lean, obviously a being who keeps a strict physical fitness regime. When he speaks, it is usually with a soft tone. Unlike his father, he has a certain aura of cockiness about him and is known to be a bit of a ladies man-at least in his own mind.
Armor: OS-124 Tactical Ballistic Vest, OS-108 Energy Buckler
Weapons: A pair of OS-105 Stalwart Light Blaster Pistols, one ZV2 Compact Heavy Blaster Pistol, one ZV1 Mentor Blaster Carbine, OS-101 Retractable Vibrosword, OS-102 Wrist-Mounted Hold-out Blaster
Combat Accessories: Attachable Grappling Spike Launcher for ZV2 Pistol, Underslung Scattergun for ZV1 Carbine, Attachable Viper 2 Grenade Launcher for ZV1 Carbine, dual shoulder holsters for Stalwart Pistols, hip holster for ZV2 Pistol, sling for ZV1 Carbine
Other Accessories: OS-133 Wireless I/O Jack
Cybernetics: L0-1C Optics and Occipital Region Cybernetic, HPI Overseer Pattern Biochip - Standard,
Ship: An OSA-16 Cheron Light Freighter called Kiesha
Solan has a somewhat temperamental personality. He is quick to anger and known to be somewhat impulsive. That being said, he has a good heart and strong sense of morality. He believes that people should be allowed to do what they like, so long as nobody is being hurt, and should be free of oppression and exploitation. Solan has a deep resentment for his father, who he believes abandoned him at the age of 10. That resentment grows even deeper any time he is presented with his father’s war record, or other achievements. Despite this, he does have strong residual pride that he carries the surname Rarr and is familiar with his family’s long force wielding heritage. He has something of an obsession about learning more about his grandfather and namesake.
Force-Sensitive: Solan Rarr is force sensitive, like his father and grandfather before him. As a child, he was taught some rudimentary meditation techniques and some basic force skills such as telekinesis and force speed. He is far from the level of an adept, but occasionally he is able to use his powers to give him an edge that a non-force user would not have.
Cybernetically Enhanced: One of Solan's jobs after leaving his mother's home was as a courier for secure information between underworld players. To facilitate this, his employers implanted him with a L0-1C Optics and Occipital Region Cybernetic, which gives him increased vision as well as dampens pain and other stimuli as needed, and an HPI Overseer Pattern Biochip - Standard, which allows him to carry data securely within himself.
Cocky: Solan has a somewhat inflated view of himself and his abilities, which coupled with his tendency toward impulsiveness can often lead him into trouble where trouble did not necessarily have to occur.
Untrained: Solan is mostly untrained in the use of the Force, which leaves him open to being easily manipulated by more proficient Force Users and leaves him vulnerable to the temptations of the Dark Side.
Solan Rarr was born to Beltran Rarr and his wife Soriah Endo on the world Denon in 883ABY. For the first ten years of Solan’s life, he was raised in elegance and luxury as befitted his father’s station as (secret) owner of Obsidian Star Technologies. While growing up, Beltran taught Solan many of the skills he had picked up as a mercenary and later military officer. As well, he mentored his son in the use of the Force.
At the age of ten, Beltran disappeared from both his and his mother’s lives. Neither they, nor any of Beltran’s extensive net of friends and contacts were able to find his whereabouts and nobody seemed to have any idea why he would simply walk away from the quiet family life he had come to desire so much during his time at war.
While still able to tap into the near inexhaustive wealth that his father possessed, Solan was sent to a number of prestigious private schools. While his grades put him in the top percentile, his anger at the perceived abandonment of his father caused Solan to act out. This resulted in him being expelled from more than one institute for learning.
Eventually, he dropped out of school altogether and decided at the age of 15 that he was done being the quintessential “rich-kid”. So he did the most mature thing he could think of, and ran away from home.
Though inexperienced and naive, the skills his father had taught him and his natural force abilities allowed Solan to make credits in a variety of ways. Some included cheating at games of chance, while others had him running secure messages between various underworld players and occasionally serving as a mercenary. At 16, he had saved up enough credits to purchase a used Cheron Class Freighter, which he named for an ex-girlfriend of his Kiesha. Now he travels the galaxy, doing odd jobs while also trying to find out where his father has gone.
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