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Approved Ranged Weapon Solar Flare II

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation: Esmeralda Io
  • Market Status: N/A - Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Frame may be coated or electroplated with various materials
    • Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Aesthetic Modifications
    • Various Barrel Attachments
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Optic and underbarrel rail interfaces may accommodate a number of attachments
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Double the Fun - When fired at the maximum rate, the Solar Flare II can empty its magazine in just over three seconds. In effect, the rifle can unleash a potentially devastating amount of firepower in a short span of time, making it a truly terrifying weapon when placed in the hands of a skilled, disciplined shooter.
  • Kinetic Train - The Solar Flare II manifests an extreme potential for damage when discharged on the active power mode, which utilizes both chemical propulsion and linear motor rails to accelerate the bullet to hypersonic velocity as it leaves the barrel. This extreme velocity imparts the intermediate-sized projectile with kinetic force roughly equivalent to that of a large-caliber projectile fired from an anti-materiel rifle.
  • Redundancy - In the event that its electrical systems are disabled, the Solar Flare II will still be capable of firing (albeit with considerably reduced damage potential) as it can discharge slugs solely via chemical propulsion.
  • Stealth - The Skuggalegt polymer coating makes the Solar Flare II extremely discreet, making the weapon difficult, if not impossible to pick up on sensors or scanners. The weapon also has an integrated silencer, making it effectively dead silent at the point of discharge.
  • Ammunition Weight - Pound for pound, energy weapons are generally more efficient than slugthrowers. Unfortunately, the Solar Flare II is no exception to this. Magazines are larger and heavier than power cells, limiting how many can be carried at a time.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the Solar Flare II will be susceptible to Mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other mechanical failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the shooter vulnerable.
  • Washed - A bevy of electronic subsystems are incorporated into the Solar Flare II, including systems that function to control recoil, Verpine magnetic field projectors that accelerate discharged projectiles to extreme velocities, cooling systems, and various other features. Should an EMP or Ion-based knock out these subsystems, the rifle would run hotter, be significantly less powerful, have less range, and be more difficult to control.
The original rendition of the Solar Flare was gifted to Esmeralda Io for her actions on the Avatar of War during the Battle of Tython. However, the Solar Flare II is an entirely new rendition, custom-made weapon made for one of House Io’s most decorated Sirens. Like its predecessor, the Solar Flare II has a twin barrel design with two triggers and two independent firing systems, giving it a blistering rate of fire.

Out of the many changes from the original Solar Flare, the Solar Flare II eschews the oversized round of its predecessor and instead uses a more conventional, intermediate caliber—a 5.56x45mm cartridge with a ~60 gr bullet. This projectile is propelled by both chemical and magnetic means, giving it a muzzle velocity of 3 km/s. As such, the bullet hits with outsized force (~17.5 kJ), possessing a damage profile more akin to that of a large caliber anti-materiel round. It is capable of shooting through ferrocrete walls and blocks. It also has a high potential to rip through flesh, armored organic carapace, stone, and personal armor plating constructed from reinforced metal alloys the likes of titanium and impervium. In addition, even in the event that penetion fails, the projectile can impart extreme amounts of blunt kinetic force on impact, generating concussive waves of overpressure that can blow open body cavities, shatter bones, sever limbs, and liquify organs.

However, the Solar Flare II does have weaknesses, including those inherent to its nature as a slugthrower weapon, a potential vulnerability to Ion / EMP discharges, and a susceptibility to technology-twisting powers that some Force-users are capable of.

Still, the Solar Flare II is just as much a treasured gift as it is a lethal implement of destruction, given to Esmeralda not only as a reward, but as a symbol of resilience and victory.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update an old weapon submission for Esmeralda Io.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Esmeralda Io
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Titanium-Durasteel Alloy - Receivers, Chronium-Dallorian Alloy - Barrel Linings, Skuggalegt P - Exterior Coating, Liquid-Aenite Treatment - Sensitive Components, Agrinium Shielding, Polycarbonate, Rubber, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction - Sensitive Components, Anti-Corr 113 Treatment, Protective Liquid Coating Treatment, CryoBan - Coolant, Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Various Mass Driver Slugthrower Rifle Materials and Components
Ammunition Type: 5.56x45mm
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Assault Rifle
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