Solare [sol-AIHR] Moneta [mon-EHT-uh], goes by Sol, Mandalorian Initiate
25 year old Sarkhai female
Stands 5'9" (1.75 meters) and weighs 139 lbs (63 kg)
Her eyes are dark - either dark brown or black, it's hard to tell, and she has red hair and pale skin.
Slightly Force Sensitive - more force-sensitive than force-user.
Speaks Basic, Sarkhai, some Huttese.
Her defining features are her tattoos, a scar on the back of her right shoulder, and a latticework of scars on her left calf and thigh.
+ Brave
Nobody who knows Sol can say she isn't brave. The young Sarkhai can and most likely will take on most any battle that presents itself, although it has yet to be determined if she is brave because she is brave, or because she is stupid and blindly charges into fights.
+ Intelligent
Sol is quite smart, even if she doesn't always think things through before she acts. She will recite most any fact or figure that she has heard more than once in passing on command, and is usually able to figure things out from other things. Unfortunately, this ability seems to vanish into thin air whenever she's in a fight.
+ Quick
Sol is a quick person. She has faster than average reflexes, faster than average speech (which can make it hard to understand her when she startstalkingreallyfastlikeacrazypersononspice), and a faster than average mind that will revert almost entirely to primal instincts in combat or decide to switch off when not being actively engaged. Small annoyance.
= Personality
Sol's personality seems to be one large advantage/disadvantage. Her loyalty, while admirable, requires her to go to the ends of the universe for those she has admitted into her circle of friends - and has a tendency to turn her into a mother hen, which can be quite exasperating. Her sarcasm, natural aggression, and strong will make it incredibly easy for her to send the wrong message or get her into a fight, and she often finds herself backtracking awkwardly, trying to avoid getting punched by someone. On the other hand, it is incredibly entertaining. And that ruthless streak of hers doesn't exactly help anything.
- Talking
Sol is not good at talking. She is good at spouting facts, getting into debates that border on arguments, conversations where two parties attempt to out-insult each other, and spouting snarky one-liners. She is not good at diplomacy, holding civilized conversations, or anything else like that.
- Strength-Related Activities
Sol is not a physically strong individual. Sure, she's quick, but she can't do pushups very well. Her shoulders and forearms are strong enough, but her biceps and triceps are woefully underused.
- High-Strung
Sol is very easy to set off. A misplaced remark, a sneer that she has the misfortune to hear, an innocent question - all of them have the potential to set her off or send her down memory lane - although the first is more likely. She is also quite sensitive to physical contact and doesn't like to be touched - she will automatically shrink away or block an incoming hand.
Solare Moneta is a native of the planet Sarkhai, and a wanted criminal. When she was still young, Solare found herself alone in the world and became a street rat and sneak thief. As she grew older - into a teenager - she had to be more careful, and become faster, faster, fast as the wind. There's been some close calls in her life, but she's always managed to get away - although those close calls, coupled with an overly vivid imagination, have left her with some serious issues with having anyone touching her, even if it's just a hand on the shoulder or a handshake.
About a year before the poodoo hit the cooling unit, Solare got into a minor scrap with the Sarkhai cops, and was saved by Mit Tuxaire, his rifle, and a thermal detonator. Mix, ever the gentlemen, promptly took her to a diner and bought her two plates of nerf sausage and some tea.
Solare was heading towards twenty-five - far too old for anyone to take pity on a poor, starving child, and as she got older, the harder it was to survive in a world made for a population with an average age of fifteen. So she planned a heist. She worked with her old friend, Lilac Rain - not her real name, but it was how everyone know her by - and together they stole a small fortune from various businessmen and women, most of them involved in politics in some way. The crime spree lasted nearly two weeks before the two friends decided they had enough, and they vanished into nowhere - or at least, that was the plan. The plan was scuppered by a third party - Lilac's twin sister, Danya, had informed the law about Lilac and Solare's crimes and where to find them in exchange for immunity and a way off the streets and into the civilized world.
The law did not seem to like Solare's plan, and now Solare and Lilac are fleeing for their lives and freedom, desperately searching for a way off of Sarkhai.
- Uh-Oh - In which Solare escapes the Sarkhai cops with the help of Mit Tuxaire and is given free nerf sausages.
- Double Trouble? Make It Triple - In which Solare manages to get caught by the cops and the Mandalorian wookiee Thryykarr.