Mirra Voss
Too weird to live, too rare to die!
The Iron Knight
I want a robot man to hold me tight...

NAME: Solari
FACTION: None (Silver Jedi)
RANK: Jedi Knight
AGE: 112 (physical), 964 (chronological)
SEX: Genderless in natural state, standard droid chassis presents as female.
HEIGHT: 0.35m (shard), 172cm (human-form droid)
WEIGHT: 100kg (shard), 200kg (human-form droid)
EYES: Blue-Silver Artificial / None
HAIR: Blue-black synthetic / None
SKIN: Metallic silver / Blue Crystal
Voice: (shard) | (droid)
A Shard of the Force - Solari is a rare lifeform in the galaxy, a force-sensitive Jedi-trained Shard. As a consequence, her natural form is exceptionally hard to 'kill', being largely made of crystal.
One Shard, many Bodies - As an Iron Knight, Solari has become aware of and trained in the ability to operate speciality modified droid chassis - the majority of her individual strengths and weaknesses come from these chassis. She can move between them with half an hour of work and a specially equipped area.
Silicon Lifeform - Solari's natural form is that of a large, immobile lump of crystal. While she can compenstate for some of the many natural flaws this brings with the force, she is essentially helpless without her specialised chassis.
Just a Droid - Solari's bodies are, for all their construction and the fact she herself is force sensitive, only droids. This presents two flaws - one is that force powers which affect the 'self' only affect her crystal body, not the droid, rendering them somewhat ineffective. The second of which is that anything designed to work against a droid will work against her (although individual chassis may be resistant to this).
Note: These strengths and weaknesses do not take into account the strengths or weaknesses of her droid chassis. These are listed under 'Available Chassis' below, the chassis she is wearing will be specified in any given post.
Solari appears as a thirty five centimeter blue-silver crystal shard, tapered at both ends. It glitters with an inner light, almost like ice or the reflections of light on water.
(For her specific appearance in any droid chassis - see Available chassis below.)
One of the children of Ilum who trained under Jedi Master Aqinos during the Arkanian Revolution and through into the later periods of the Galactic Civil War, Solari was always considered one of the 'brightest' of the Iron Knights - if not in intelligence, then in personality. She was the second youngest of the entire group, and she and her 'sister' Qixoni were the most curious of the Knights - the travellers and the explorers, venturing far from the others and from their homes in search of new experiences, new people and a deeper understanding of the mysterious ways of the force.
Solari was often not present during the titular events that marked the rise, fall then rise again of the Iron Knights, although she was aware of the Jedi Council's disgust of them and the excommunication of Master Aqinos. As such, she learned a number of the arts of Jedi Concealment - while not precisely a Jedi 'Shadow' - she and Qixoni were capable of passing as non-force sensitive shards, and while rare, the droid-bound crystaline entites were common enough that most did not look at them twice.
But with the rise of the Galactic Empire, a darkness fell across the galaxy and even free Shards were persecuted, along with all others who did not match the galactic human norm. Qixoni grew bitter at this treatment, insisting that the pair fight back against the Empire. At first Solari went along with this and the pair assisted a number of rebel cells, however the prevelance of anti-droid weaponry often put the two of them on the back foot unless they wished to reveal thei Jedi nature - they were explorers, and while both had advanced chassis, neither had combat chassis available to them.
Qixoni's increasing bitterness and sense of helpless fear drew her down the path to the dark side - and the 'sisters' to the planet of Torivan XIII, a frozen ball with barely any atmosphere that held an ancient Sith Temple which Qixoni's notes insisted contained a power both could use to overcome their weaknesses. Afraid to challenge her sister openly, but also afraid to leave, Solari travelled there with her. Deep within the ancient ruins they found active and inactive Sith combat droids, alongside a manufacturing facility steeped in Sith Alchemy and the ancient art of Mechu-deru.
Solari rejected the teachings and the place as a vile abomination, but Qixoni's crystal form was stirred by the promise of power and she drew the knowledge into herself. Sibling turned upon sibling in a battle of blades and inhuman strength which neither could win, until Qixoni's use of the ancient power threatened to shut down Solari's form. Despite, the Iron Knight sacrificed her own chassis survival to briefly sever her siblings connection to both the force and the droid she was controlling, then collapsed the facilities central chamber on top of them.
Unable to move, trapped in bodies of iron deep beneath an insignificant outer rim planet, both siblings sunk into deep hibernation trances. Shard are long lived - in the end, only the elements can kill them and the planet was stable and secure. It might be a year until someone uncovered them, it might be a thousand, but they could wait...
Available Chassis:
Solari S-1 (Default)
Rising Dawn (Solari's Lightsaber)
Force Powers:
Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet the Force.
(Training not listed by power, but by Sense / Alter / Control with exceptions to the average picked out.)
{ ││││││││││││-│ }
{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master - Full Mastery }
Sense - { ││││││││││││-│ }Lacking a robust body, or a consistent body she can affect with powers, Solari has highly developed sensory powers across the board. She is particularly known for her use of Battle Precognition during combat to make up for the fact that quickening effects have little affect on her droid chassis.
Alter - { ││││││││││││-│ }
To alter the force is to cease to hear it's song, as a consequence Solari has yet to develop this area of talent to her full potential. However there are several key skills in which she excels within it due to natural circumstance or training. Note. Solari has no access or training in darkside oriented powers.
- Alter Damage - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Telekinesis - { │││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Jump - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Pull/Push - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Throw - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Barrier - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Stun / Stasis - { ││││││││││││-│ }
Control - { ││││││││││││-│ }
The Jedi Order may have first taught Control, but Iron Knights struggle with some of the central powers. These are very under developed in Solari, and her mastery of the overall aspect is among her weaker traits.
- Art of Movement - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Body - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force Speed - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Hibernation trance - { ││││││││││││-│ }
- Force stealth - { ││││││││││││-│ }
Lightsaber Styles:
{ ││││││││││││-│ }
{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master - Full Mastery }
Form I: Shii-Cho { ││││││││││││-│ }Form II: Makashi { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form III: Soresu { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form IV: Ataru { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form V: Shien / Djem So { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form VI: Niman { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad { ││││││││││││-│ }