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Approved Tech Solarion

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Conqueror of Heaven and Hell
  • Intent: A personal weapon for Imperius Imperius
  • Image Source: Medium
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A



  • Manufacturer: SSBB Inc., Imperius Imperius
  • Affiliation: Darth Imperius
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Phrik, paint of Gold
  • Classification: Spear
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Light
  • The double-edged nature of the spear-head conceals a little nozzle, which at the flick of a switch activates the flame-throwing mechanism, allowing Imperius to pour out fire from Solarion for a sustained period. Miniaturised Version of The Pyroclastic Flamethrower.
  • DECEPTIVELY POWERFUL: The flashy spearhead also plays a second purpose- it disguises the fact that on the flick of a second switch, the spearhead can turn into a lightsaber, far more deadly than what it looks like- without any visual cues.
  • EXTREMELY DURABLE: As a result of it being made out of Phrik, Solarion is extremely durable, and is able to catch a lightsaber on its own ilt, despite not being a complete light saber.
  • RANGE: Like all melee weapons, Solarion suffers from a reduced range, thus forcing its user to close the distance if combat is to be initiated.
  • FLASHY: Even as the gold plating makes enemies unaware of the tricks that Solarion conceals, it also makes the spear decidedly not stealthy.
Solarion holds an extremely important position in Imperius's heart, and any disrespect towards the spear, perceived or otherwise, can send a person on a one-way trip to the morgue. It is the Sith Lord's primary weapon, and he almost never substitues it with a rifle or any other long-range weapon that might seem more practical in certain scenarios.
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