Soliath Devin Talith
Family Man

Intent: In order to create a ring that connect Soliael to Kira Liadain, giving her peace of mind and to also help Soliael with his struggle in using the darkside of the force.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Soliael Devin Talith, Darth Moridin, Dissero
Affiliation: Soliael Devin Talith
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Electrum, Angraal Crystal
Classification: Ring
Weight: 9.5g
Quality: 10
Description: Though Soliael is no great craftsmen of artifacts or blades like his father, he does have an incredible wealth of knowledge from both his Uncle Dissero, the journals of his father, and his Holocron as well. These simple tools, through study an analysis have garnered him the ability to make a ring for himself as well as Kira's necklace earlier on. Though he stated to himself he would not attempt to items of master craft so early on, he found a disparaging need for something to keep him level.
What in the end he created was a simple ring, forged out of Electrum, a bit of Kira herself, as well as shards of one of the Angraal Crystals that was found in the ice caves beneath the Fortress on Exocron. This ring, has many of the same effects as Kira's Necklace, save for the shield talisman. Soliael found it unnecessary to evoke such things within an item for himself and instead focused more on creating the ring as a crux for his already massive force potential.
The Ring itself appears to be a simple White Electrum Ring. There is nothing special about its appearance to the normal eye, however when looked upon under UV light one notices thousands of tiny shards of crystal embedded within the ring, thousands of pieces of an Angraal Crystal that Soliael bonded into the ring itself. Along with this if one did an x-ray and several other tests, one would find a single strand of Kira Liadain's hair running through the band of the ring itself.
Aside from this, the ring has no unique physical appearance.
Special Features:
Force Enhancement: The ring, much like Kira's necklace functions as a way to channel the force more effectively. It acts much like a talisman of concentration, with one great difference. Unlike Kira's necklace and the normal Talismans the Ring acts as not only a way to draw on more of the force, but also a buffer. This buffer prevents Soliael from initially over using the force, although it can be overcome, it creates a distinct awareness within Soliael that what he is doing is incredibly dangerous, if not foolhardy. Once Soliael breaches the buffer the ring begins to act as an enhancer to Soliael's strength in the force, augmenting his ability to use the force to a near absurd amount. As of yet Soliael has never found an upper limit to the strength the Ring allows him to call upon, as such he is of the opinion that continuous use of the ring to amplify his power would end up with either his death or burning out. It is assumed by both him and Dissero that the ring is one of the most powerful force artifacts in the galaxy, rendering the user capable of drawing many times their original strength in the force.
Peace: Angraal Crystals have the unique feature picked up form the turning tides of Exocron. These crystals when held or touched by someone gives a unique feeling of peace and relaxation over someone. Though it is not enough to stop negative emotions entirely, the effects of an Angraal crystal are incredibly calming. This is effect as Soliael and Kira have found out is quite useful for lightside users as it keeps them calm and present within the battle. This sense of calm and relaxation increases strength and power within the Lightside of the force, making the connection easier and over all more powerful. On the other spectrum however the crystal disrupts the use of the Darkside. Since the Darkside of the Force requires negative emotions, the crystals calming effects make it more difficult to utilize. This effect however is localized to the wielder of whatever the crystal is attached to. When placed into the ring, the Crystal was crushed into thousands of tiny pieces, however these pieces retained their latent effect, and together its ability was transferred into the ring itself. This effect has a two fold Benefit for Soliael. On one hand it fights against his natural bloodlust, on the other it keeps his use of the Darkside at bay. Having been one of the most prolific users of Sith Magic in the galaxy up until a few short weeks ago, this ring is a stalwart barrier against his slipping back into the use of the Darkside of the force. Similarly to Kira's necklace, the ring also protects Soliael from techniques against his mind. Though he is already well practiced against mental attacks, the Ring allows Soliael an extra buffer against those who would seek to control or effect his thoughts in anyway.
Artificial Bond: The last, and most important feature of the ring was something for Kira, not himself. Soliael, though again not a Master Alchemist by any league consulted with his Uncle Dissero, as well as his fathers Holocron, to achieve something more powerful than what he had placed within Kira's Necklace. Through the pinching of one of her hairs, as well as the adaptation of her force signature, Soliael was able to forge the ring into creating an artificial force bond to Kira with whomever wore the ring. This artificial bond gives Kira a sense of who is wearing the ring, much like a real life bond through the force. This bond gives Kira a sense of Soliaels mood, his general health, and where he is in the galaxy. It should be said that these feelings become more vague the farther he is away, meaning when they are across the galaxy from each other Kira will only feel that Soliael is generally happy, he's alive, and that he's somewhere in the outer rim. The closer Kira and Soliael get to one another, the more powerful these feelings become to the point of where Soliaels own emotions are capable of transferring over to Kira if they are...embracing.
Primary Source: N/A