Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler

Image Source: [link]
Intent: A multifunction handheld scanner.
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Clan Rekali, Incorporated
Model: Solus'orhaar ('United/Comprehensive Scan') Handheld Scanner
Affiliation: Clan Rekali, select customers
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Red havod alloy, electronics
Description: The Solus'orhaar is a bulky portable scanner with a variety of modes and functions. It was designed by Clan Rekali based on Alec Rekali's experience with the more expensive, more powerful Levantine Scanpack.
The Solus'orhaar is a multifunction military-grade combination of several types of personal scanner. Basic decrypt capacity allows it to understand transmissions up to, but not including, military-grade encryption; alternately, it can transmit intercepts to more powerful military computers. The Solus'orhaar incorporates a variety of sensor types in order to keep multirole expeditions from having to carry a number of different scanners, some of them capable of overcoming various kinds of stealth at short range (details in precedent links). A pressure- and water-sealed havod casing is required to keep the complex circuitry safe from impact and environmental hazards. In a pinch, the durable Solus'orhaar can be used as an impromptu melee weapon. Though the Solus'orhaar has good range, it can also be used for focused directional scans. The top of the Solus'orhaar can detach and serve as an in-depth control panel, or the Solus'orhaar can link wirelessly with most kinds of Mandalorian helmet, including the helmet of the standard aliit'gam 'clan skin' armor.
Portable Scanner Capabilities:
- Motion sensor (range 200m)
- Metal and magnetic sensor (range 150m)
- Comms interception/simple decrypt (range 1200m)
- Life-signs detector (range 650m)
- Minerals/geomatic sensor (range 1000m)
- Energy field/power generator detector (range 2000m)
- Basic holorecorder/projector
- Comlink (range 45km)
Primary Source: A version of this with different priorities. Second paragraph and capabilities adapted from that submission.