Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solutions: Fleeting

I am biased here, but the fleeting battle of Omega was one of my favourite threads I’ve done on SWRP. It was also the most successful fleeting battle on SWRP, or any site I’ve been on in that it was epic, it had massive destruction…and it finished.

But, looking past my nostalgia, there were issues. Here are some of them which need fixing.

  • The map and rules were complicated despite my best efforts. Need a way to make things run smoother without having as many rules problems.
  • I will not have 4-5 hours to update the map and do my moves every round like Omega. Multiple GMs and less emphasis on a map will certainly help a bit here.
  • Need a good balance in size. Omega was epic but probably too big to reasonably control. Multiple GMs will help but what’s the best size?
  • Implement a ‘Team Captains’ rule to move the fleets of those who don’t post?
  • Allow randoms who fly around in a single ship or not?
  • How to determine damage for the NPCs. I have a system (as always) which is the fairest way of doing it, but also time consuming and rules based. Other GMs might not want to use it.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Well with fleets being a space battle and space being so huge, why don't we expand our scale a bit? We could have it be in a system and can have each of the GMs for it be over a planet or key location in said system. People can then choose to engage who ever they wish and move around it as desired. We can even do something like the GM fleets are x3 the length of what the maximum allowed is for a single fleeter. Then if say a single person engages one of the GMs but another GM gets dogpiled we can move the surplus where it needs to go.

I think if we do this then we can have less worry about the map and it makes it more adaptive. It also will encourage interactions and provide for some fun tactics on both sides. Like we could end up flanking them if they aren't careful and properly lock down the individual GMs' fleets.
[member="Gray Raxis"]
Multiple threads run the risk of getting out of hand. I understand what you're suggesting, but I think that we have to keep things combined if only because it's the best way to ensure the threads stay active.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Oh I wasn't implying multiple threads. I was saying we have put in a few locations in one that are where our fleets are located for it. The idea being not to clump all of our forces into one spot and give people a choice on which ones to engage that can mean we could have possible flanking we could do if they don't work together enough to sort of lock down all the locations in the same thread.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Idea to tie fleeting into the rest of the story:

The final battle features a superlaser or something equally stupendous. The ground/PVE team has to destroy the superlaser. Takes X posts to charge and fire, something not so ridiculous that they don't have a chance, but rapid enough that they feel the pressure. If the superlaser fires X shots, the star that feeds the cage is destroyed, and holy crap levels of cosmic horror are released.

Superlaser or whatever doesn't necessarily one shot any single ship, but might instead affect large swathes of them at once. Maybe the Maelstrom cannon on a massive scale.
Hmm, did superlaser last time and it was fortunate to have some writers willing to participate.

I do like your idea of the weapon destroying the cage though. Maybe their whole invasion of the galaxy is to recover the components they need?

I'm having flashbacks of Omega, here.

What I'm hoping this time around is that the Maelstrom Cannon might actually knock ships offline altogether and begin to infect them with the Shards. Just to sort of keep that whole yes we're fighting ship to ship but at the same time there's a story here and not just I'm advancing X line of ships up here and firing here, and yeah.

Edit: Yeah and they need more people to work on their projects thus why they're turning much of the galaxy into their uh wonderful (corrupted servants).


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Hmm, I wasn't there for Omega. Sorry about the repetitiveness.

What if the superlaser is a fakeout? It's not really a weapon, it's a pressure release. We play it up like we're doing the superlaser thing, only when it goes off, it doesn't hit anything. But the star noticeably shrinks, and suddenly the madness that's permeating the area intensifies dramatically.

They're not looking for people to make a weapon, they're looking for weapons experts so they can divert all that energy in a controlled manner.

[member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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