Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Solvar's Skunkworks

  • Intent: Create Jaena's Unique shock-recon platoon
  • Image Credit:
  • Role: The unit that Jaena trains and leads into battle
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: 3rd Troop, 1st Regimental Reconnaissance Company; "Silver Ghosts"
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Classification: Special Reconnaissance/Direct Action/Infiltration Troops
  • Description: The "Silver Ghosts," or 3rd Troop, 1st RRC, is a newly formed reconnaissance platoon in the 76th Pathfinders. Formed from a number of rugged, rowdy, and less-than-disciplined troopers from across the Pathfinders, they nonetheless form one of the Regiment's elite reconnaissance platoons, picked by Lieutenant Taan and her own CO to be molded into the shining spear-tip, leading the way in defending the U.S. Named after their nascent CO and her silvery eyes, 3rd Troop combines the mission of the Pathfinders with the Ethos of the old Urban Guerillas, and the spirit of their commander's warrior culture - and are tasked with facing some of the deadliest enemies the Pathfinders come up against.
  • Unit Size: Medium (40)
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function:
    • While the Pathfinders as a whole are dedicated to special reconnaissance and guerilla operations, the RRC takes that to a much granular level - its platoons utilizing light infantry and small unit tactics to carrying out specific reconnaissance missions and, when necessary, direct action missions: they slip into enemy territories undetected and gather critical intelligence, sabotage strategic and tactical targets, call in precision strikes, and paving the way for a larger friendly force, acting largely independently as a infiltration group. When stealth fails, 3rd Troop results to rapid assaults, coordinated ambush tactics, and forced close-quarters combat to occupy and neutralize high-value enemies.

      They're the 76th Pathfinder Regiment's eyes and ears in protracted combat, and serve as a "tip of the spear" force to provide situational awareness and surgical interventions on the battlefield. Though 3rd Troop claims a lineage back to the Urban Guerillas, and adopt much of their fighting style - they're dedicated to finding success on any terrain.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A
  • Up Close and Personal: Commanded and trained by a skilled Echani martial artist - one who's deeply studied the greatest warrior cultures in the galaxy - 3rd Troop is deadly in close-quarters, using all the tools available to them to disarm and neutralize even heavily armored opponents.
  • Celer, Silens, Mortalis: 3rd Troop rigorous training, advanced equipment, and specialized tactics make them an exceptionally skilled force at operating in the hostile environment of the enemy's rear and carrying out a myriad of missions for the strategic interest of the GADF, making them Quick, Quiet, and Deadly.
  • Of Their Own Accord: Perhaps the most important strength of 3rd Troop - and indeed of her sister platoons in the RRC - is its independence. Trained to operate on their own initiative, Jaena and her squad and section leaders are entrusted to identify the enemy's weak points and choose their own routes, targets, moments, and methods of attack.
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]
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