Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soma Ackermann.

'We fight to grow strong. Or to prove we're the strongest,'
[NAME] Soma Ackermann.
[AGE] Fourteen.
[SEX] Male.
[SPECIES] Anzat.
[AFFILIATION] Jedi/Light Side
[RANK] Apprentice.


By and large, Soma is average in many respects at a glance. He stands at a modest five feet, five inches tall and weighing only one hundred and fourteen pounds puts him perhaps a little on the small side. Atop the boy's head is a mane of ash coloured hair that, in general, Soma doesn't do much of anything to tame. The white crown of hair frames a face that probably hides his age better than his size does. Soma's face is defined by a collection of soft, boyish features which, while not remarkably attractive, does well to highlight a pair of yellow eyes that somehow speak of things that the rest of Soma's visage does not.

Where Soma might be considered more remarkable is the build of the body that he has been given. Since early childhood, Soma has excelled at feats of athletics, agility and strength. Not only does he truly enjoy physical training and fitness, he also has a natural talent for it. This has resulted in his body achieving a very toned physique and an extremely low percentage body fat.

Soma prefers light, long robes and coats to traditional Jedi fighting garbs. Soma's fashion choices stem from some of his personal philosophies about his training and some from his sensibilities of not necessarily appearing as a Jedi at all times. Allowing him to roam around dressed something like an official who could be from any near-human world. In another light, Soma's attire could be described as Sagely, long white fabrics and layered hoods over top of layers of gradually smaller tunics and mantles occasionally peppered with symbols of spiritual regalia.

Probably the most important part of Soma's outward impression of himself is in his behaviour and the way he carries himself. He walks confidently, perhaps cockily and hides a sly smile with hands that often play around his chin. He prefers his hands to linger there where possible because his mouth is where he gives himself away. All his tells are on his lips. There's something regal about his voice and his posture like perhaps he was raised as a child diplomat.

All in all, Soma could be described as the kind of person you could take anywhere nice. His demeanour and fashion might make him stick out in a bar or somewhere slummy, but a Gala, ball, senate or dinner would suit Soma perfectly.

In another universe, Soma would have made a wonderful Sith. He is an intensely driven individual who truly values growing his own strength in combat and in the Force. Some of Soma's tutors within the Jedi appreciate these traits but have noted that his drive is cut with a ruthless ambition and competitiveness that could be dangerous if not properly addressed. Soma thrives on proving himself and growing stronger, and as such he is always seeking out new training partners and tutors. Despite a competitive streak and a lot of ambition, Soma is not really a hot-headed individual, but instead his want to fight comes from something more cerebral about his persona. Soma truly does value growing strong much, much more than a Jedi should.

Despite personality traits that would have lent themselves perfectly to a life devoted to the Sith, Soma has been trained by the Jedi from a very young age and truly does align with many of their philosophies. His psyche might lend itself towards the possibility of slipping to the Dark Side but Soma is far too loyal and, if he were to be perfectly honest, far too proud to let himself dabble in the grey or black simply our of principle.

All of this makes Soma sound like a rather poor excuse for a Jedi but all in all, he's a nice enough person. Soma knows right from wrong and makes a habit of helping people where he can, defending people who can't defend themselves and upholding the will to put good out into the universe in one way or another. Soma doesn't shy away from fighting but he knows not to kill for the sake of killing and he has very little interest in expanding his powers with knowledge of the Dark Side. At times, Soma can be hard to talk to because he has a habit of being self-absorbed, but who's perfect?

If you're passionate about the same things and are driven towards the same goals as Soma, he will probably come off as passionate. If you don't, he can be overly ambitious or even cruel.


Throughout all of Soma's skills are two very fundamental weaknesses. First and foremost is his age. Soma is young and as such he finds it difficult to spar with adults because he simply doesn't possess the size, strength or refinement that comes with age. Secondly, Soma's prowess with the Force is average at best.

Soma is as classically trained as one could expect from someone trained by the Jedi since very early childhood with the exception that Soma is much more skilled in physical arts than ethereal ones. Soma excels at lightsaber combat and practices this skill frequently. The boy's species lends itself to strength and speed and Soma is no exception, he exhibits higher than average physical prowess in the areas of speed, strength and agility than he might if he were human but he is still young and even his enhanced, juvenile strength is barely a match for most adults and skilled adults can often simply overpower him in direct confrontation. It is likely that in time, Soma could become a powerful combatant, but the hands of time move at their own pace.

Novice - Master
Shii-Cho • • • • • • • • •
Makashi • • • • • • • • • •
Telekinesis • • • • • • • • •
Speed • • • • • • • • •
Strength • • • • • • • • • •
Anzati Hypnosis • • • • • • • •

The thing I remember most about my Mother is how much she longed to see our home world. She used to tell me stories when I was really young, about the lights that shine in the sky over our home. She told me all about how our ancestors become the light and even if we never got to see them ourselves, one day we would return home as lights in the sky. I don't know how much of that is true, but I like to think a little of it is. The way I'm telling it probably makes it sound like this is a sad story but it's not really. In fact, I don't remember a whole lot of what life was like before I was with the Jedi. I was so young when we got here that the whole time before then just seems like a blur...

It's surreal how little I remember of life before the Jedi.

My earliest memories are of when me and my Mother lived on a satellite, I think it's where I was born, I remember having lots of friends there but we didn't have a lot of money. It's a whole lot of feelings, colours and smells than actual images though. I don't know how old my Mother was when she got sick but I must have been almost four. The community around us, who helped each other, tried their very best to help her when it started getting really bad and eventually they offered to pay for passage to a Jedi temple somewhere in the Republic who could possibly help her with their Sages. We were on a ship for something close to a week before we arrived. The Jedi at the temple were more than willing to care for my Mother and help her through her sickness, and asked for nothing in return. By the time we had spent several months living in the temple, her sickness was starting to get better and she was able to begin the road to recovery. It was around this time that the Sage who had been treating my Mother approached me about talking with him and some other masters about whether I might like to stay with the order. He explained to me all about what it means to be sensitive to the Force and that I was still young enough to be taught, if I wanted to learn.

It was a year before Mom was well enough to consider the option of me staying seriously. It was she who first inspected the temple, talked with some of the masters and finally decided that she would leave me with them. Since the day she left I suppose I've been more or less a normal student. I turned fourteen a month ago and I've been told that I can begin seeking out a master to train me into Knighthood. It's not that I haven't been looking for a Master... It's just I'm holding out for one who really knows how to fight.


It's a character called Tsurumaru Kuninaga from a game called Touken Ranbu. All the art I'm using for this character (avatar, sig, and all images used in the profile) is that character.

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