Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Somai Estelon

In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Somai Estelon
Age: 20
Species: Chiss
Hair: Blue-black
Eyes: Red
Height: 5"8'
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Physical Description: Somai has a perfect body and a gorgeous face. Her hair just passes her shoulder blades, and is slightly wavy. She also has an old insignia branded on the back of her neck.
Background: Somai was born to a Chiss crimelord on Corescant. When she was sixteen, her father was killed by a bounty hunter, leaving her the title of crimelady. She accepted the job, of course, and continues to maintain it to this day.
Ship: Somai flies a shiny Naboo cruiser, with all the latest technology credits can buy.
Personality: Somai knows she has looks, and she uses them to her advantage in business. She can manipulate anyone, and enjoys doing so frequently.
Seductress- Do I really have to elaborate?
Excellent swordsman
Lack of patience
EXTREMELY short temper

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