Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Crazy Ideas [Interest Check]

I have come up with a few ideas for factions. I don't know if anyone will like them or not and they don't even have to be made by me, I'm just going to spread these ideas.

  1. Force-Sensitivity = A Weapon? Basically every faction I see here sees the Force either as a tool or as a belief. But I have come up with an idea of having a group of Force-sensitives who don't see the Force like that. They care about culture and they want to keep every little bit of culture alive. Force-sensitives over there do music, art, write, make food, etc. with the Force. They use Force powers to release certain wavelengths which are known as music. They use Telekinesis on colours and just throw them on the canvas. They use the Force to look deep into their own thoughts and heart to write books, texts, about it. There are so many other options, so many other things they could do. Why use the Force as a weapon?
  2. Cool People = Fighters, Company-Owners, Force-Sensitives? I have noticed, that many people like warriors, soldiers, admirals, fleet owners, Force-sensitive company owners, etc. because they are cool... But I have a crazy thought. Maybe we could make at least a few characters who are actually just civilians? They live their normal lives, have their normal problems... There are many people over here who have had a character which could've been just a civilian (including myself), but then... They made a company, joined and army, tried to conquer the galaxy or something...
So basically, if you were too lazy to read, I have two ideas:
  1. Force-Sensitive protectors of culture.
  2. Civilians.

I know, they might sound a bit crazy, but what do you think? :p And I know the reason, why civilians are boring, so there's no need to state it in following posts.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I really like the Civie group. Sure, i love my Force Seeker and my Force Pilot, but I've got a character or 12 in my head that really fit in with just living a daily life. And tossing that into a SW aspect is really fun. I've currently got one muse on the board who really isn't a fan of the whole faction idea, and just wants to find somewhere to live and go to school. Sure, she's a Forcer, but it'll only enhance her abilities.

I'd be interested in more on the latter. I can't really reach for anything for the former idea.
I've always found it to be immensely amusing to take an average civilian type and stick them in with the snowflakes and the warriors and the wizards and whatnot. Then play them as incredibly inept, if well meaning, at everything 'heroic' they try their hand in. Make them horrible shots, squeamish around blood, and dead weight in a fist fight. Play them as normal people that are far out of their element, aware of their own failures, and then have them do the best they can.

I played on an IRC SciFi RP once. The ship had an invincible, heavily god-modded Captain, his equally god-modded XO/love interest, a grizzled soldier, a genetically engineered super ninja, a plant pornstar, a mad scientist/cybernetic supremecist, and other, similarly incredible snowflakes. I played the ship quartermaster. I put all points into non-combat skills, like, languages, and accounting. Horribly inept with anything violence related. Useful in only the most inane circumstances. Consistently the most well intentioned, friendliest, and stablest guy on the ship. It was great. A good character isn't inherently the most interesting one. Sometimes you can have an overabundance of super special-types and need that bit of mundane characters in order to both offset and enhance the others. A foil, if you will, but on a broader spectrum than it's usually implying.
Darth Malificete said:
Cool People = Fighters, Company-Owners, Force-Sensitives? I have noticed, that many people like warriors, soldiers, admirals, fleet owners, Force-sensitive company owners, etc. because they are cool... But I have a crazy thought. Maybe we could make at least a few characters who are actually just civilians? They live their normal lives, have their normal problems... There are many people over here who have had a character which could've been just a civilian (including myself), but then... They made a company, joined and army, tried to conquer the galaxy or something... So basically, if you were too lazy to read, I have two ideas:
Likes for you.
I think Force users are traditionally treated as weapons, because of their innate strength. It's hard to be just a normal civilian after going through the rigors of training. Learning to use powers beyond the normal person's understanding. Which does not make your ideas any less interesting, I especially like the idea of ones dedicated to culture.
I've been debating on whether or not I have time for another character, or if I shod just let it lie, but a bartender, who runs a joint on Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine. He'd hear all the stuff going on nearby, know which space lanes were supposed to have pirates, and whatever.

The Hound

I have a few characters that could fit into the Civi faction! :D Would it be a minor that is just a minor faction inside a larger faction?

Old Man

This was sorta kinda my attempt at a "civilian".

It was hard.

I made him force sensitive.

He has never used the force.

Literally the only thing he has ever done is talk.

I almost wish I didn't make him because I hardly use him at all. But he was the idea that brought me back from OOC exile, so I guess I should give him a little credit.

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