Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some people call this home…


Despite being temperate and habitable, the jungles of Dxun posed major challenges for its inhabitants. Due to its constant rains and wet climate, mechanical devices did not last long and required continuous maintenance. Moreover, the jungles were inhabited by many dangerous predators such as bomas, cannoks, drexls, maalraas, skreevs, and zakkegs, forcing the moon's inhabitants to be armed at all times.

Though considered a moon of Onderon, Dxun and Onderon were almost sister planets. They were so close to one another that it was only a short shuttle ride between them, and they even shared a bit of the same atmosphere. Every year, during Dxun's summer season, the atmospheres of Onderon and Dxun would connect. This allowed the vicious Drexls to wander and settle on Onderon, thus laying the foundations for the Beast Wars.

For Maja the place held special memories. It was linked to the lives of Bane and Zannah for a start and here she found the perfect present for her late sister.

But today, her task was a different one. She had an Acolyte to train and where better to start than the inhospitable jungles? So she set the shuttle down at a clearing near the canopy of the trees and looked to Teresa. “I promised it would be tough and this is going to be as bad as it gets. I’ll be near you, but if you come across anything nasty, I’ll let you deal with it yourself. If it kills you, I might consider taking it as an apprentice instead.” There was a hint of a smile – but only a hint.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Teresa had just left the new friend she had encountered on coruscant making her way through the jungle to where she was told to meet her future master [member="Darth Zilti"]. It was humid but it smelt nicer than the lower levels of coruscant that was for sure. Over head a shuttle flew over shaking the tree's, leaving trails of leaves falling in it's direction. She presumed that was maja look I for an opening to land.

She set her self into a full sprint towards the shuttle listening to the sounds the jungle made. There was obviously stuff here that would jump out if she wasn't careful, and she knew mandos used to be here so there would be traps still not set off. With in minutes she managed to get to the shuttle to see maja walk out. Her breathing was fast and heavy as she put her hands on her knees trying to get her breath back. "I said I'd make it." Saying to the woman.

As Maja spoke Teresa smiled. "I won't die, I have to much to live for. Thats motivation enough. Although if you want to train a beast I'm sure it's skills would lack from those I will gain." She seems adamant that what the woman had in store for her she would succeed but that was down to time. She still didn't know what they where doing here.
"Today we're going to revisit somewhere I've been before. I'm hoping to find anything I missed first time around." The nameplate Valcyn would look better with all its letters intact, she was sure of it.

"So my challenge is to simply find something I want. Your challenge is to not die as we go and look for it and then head back. You see, this place is strong with the Dark-side of the Force. As a result, a lot of the animals here use it and are strengthened by it. This makes them particularly deadly foes. I lost a pair of boots I loved last time I was here, so tread carefully - if you know what I mean."

Maja pointed into the jungle. "That way, it'll be about a thirty-minute walk if we're not interrupted."

[member="Teresa "]
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

Teresa nodded at her master. "May I ask what this thing is I'm supposed to be looking for? And please tell me it's not your boots." She said as a joke to lighten up the mood. After all there is nothing wrong with serious but if she was going to be with this woman a lot she wanted to at least feel comfortable around her. She wasn't going to change who she was there is no point.

Something did tell her though her fresh clean clothes wouldn't last long and get ditched with mud and stains. Teresa also hoped nothing would get ripped as this is her only set of clothes. She looked in the direction maja pointed and started walking. "Well I'm ready for what is to come anyway. So no time to waste."
Maja smiled. It could have been gallows humour, or a way of defusing the situation, but Maja appreciated it when someone could make light of a situation. "We seek the remnants of a ship. It is in parts now, no more, but you'll recognise it for what it was. But I suspect we'll meet something long before we get there. I have a...hunch about it."

And so she set off behind her charge, keeping a watchful eye but intending to take no part in whatever challenge her acolyte faced.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

Teresa saw her smile, the first time she got a proper one from maja that wasn't restrained. "What kind of ship, is it big?" She asked out of curiosity. She would ask closer to the time what specifically they where looking for. It could be tech her master wanted or maybe some kind of artifact. While her attention was still on maja, Teresa gave her the look eager to ask a question. "So I already know I have the ability of wielding the force but I was wondering if maybe along the way you could teach me something? Something that would help against what ever lurks in this Forrest even if it was a basic skill I could use." She was eager and if she didn't Learn how to use the force properly how would she be of use to her master for long.
Maja nodded. “It was a decent size when it crash-landed – but I’d say it’s more in bits now. The wreckage is strewn across a large area but the cockpit and main part of the hull is still relatively intact and close together.”

“And as for learning, that comes after we find what we need. For now all I need you to do is call on the Force – and you seem to be able to do that without difficulty – and then use your instincts. Command the Force to do what you desire. Strike down a foe or push something away – only your imagination can stop you now.”

“Once we’re done here, I can share some techniques but for now I need to see how you cope with something that isn’t passive. Something that wants to kill you.”

Even with her caution, Maja was almost caught unaware when the attack came, seconds after she finished speaking. An enormous feline creature dropped down from above, silent save for the faint hiss of its forepaw slashing the air where Teresa's throat had been a mere second before.

Maja had sensed the beast at the last possible instant, her Force awareness giving her a precognitive warning that allowed her to push her apprentice clear of the lethal claws. Even so, the massive body of the beast slammed into Teresa, sending her reeling.

The young Acolyte would have died right there had the creature not been momentarily stunned by the unexpected failure of its ambush. The beast's confusion gave Teresa the second she needed to roll clear of her enemy.

With the beast no longer concealed by Dxun's forest, Teresa got her first good look at the thing that had nearly killed her. It studied her with luminous green eyes that were definitely feline, though its fur was a metallic grey coat flecked with tiny bronze plates that shimmered as the muscles moved beneath the skin. It stood a meter and a half at the shoulder, easily weighing three hundred kilograms. It had four thick, muscular legs that ended in razor-sharp retractable claws.

But the feature that drew Teresa's immediate attention was the serpentine twin tails, each tipped with a deadly barb that dripped glowing green venom.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

The jolt of been pushed hurt a little but when she saw why it was nothing compared to what would have been. The beast was much larger and potentially much more dangerous than her.

From what her master said, she'd be on her own to deal with this stuff, although she did appreciate the slight help. Teresa rolled out the way before it could slash at her again. She rushed to her feet igniting the bright red balde. 'Oh damn how am I going to do this' she thought eying up the beast. As it circled her, she raised the saber following it around in the circle. With in moments it lashed out at her causing her to jump to the side slashing with the saber.

She only managed to cut deep into it's arm and it didn't stop it, if anything the only fear she was actually feeding off right now was her own. As the beast leaped at Teresa she brought her hand up to her face flinching away. She wasn't trained to deal with such things but what she didn't realise is that she in fact had sent the beast flying into a tree. it yelped and hissed as it made contact and land I on it's back.

Her had dropped down looking at it her saber still ignited. She charged at it with all the momentum she could get from a standing start to where it was. As she ran Teresa put her foot on a a rock sticking out and leaping herself using the rock to push her higher and further, as she did she yelled at the top of her voice. With in seconds the best had just got up but it was to late the saber was now already in it's back. With it's last moment it whined lashing at her with it'd tales knocking her flying and a deep cut in her back.
As promised, this was something that Teresa would have to solve all by herself – or die trying. Fortunately for the time she’d already invested in the young girl, she lived.

When the time came, she was able to call on the Force and with her survival instinct kicking in, deal with the beast.

Aware that the last time she came across one of these, it’s blood had eaten away at one of her boots, she did not repeat the act of kicking it.

“Good, good,” she offered before pointing once more in the direction they should be heading. “Don’t let it go to your head, there’s plenty more to see before we reach our destination.”

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

She stood herself up her back in pain and bleeding a little. "Ouuuch." Her face cringed. 'So much for not getting these ripped.' The cloak seemed fine but her dress now had a masivr tare in it. Non the less she pushed on with her master. She looked at maja her face riddled with the look of pain. "You do know I'm practically untrained in anything right. So far everything I've done is chance spinning in my favor when I have very little possibility. So unless you want to use me as the asset you want then maybe guide me when attacking so big next time." Her voice was a little snappy, but anyone in serious pain would be, taking a deep breath she calmed herself down a little. "Sorry master im not used to this whole thing and i think it really cut into my back."
Maja smiled. It was not a spiteful face but reflecting of the Sith philosophy.

"It is entirely possible you may have died. Then you would have been weak, unworthy of being my Apprentice. And you would have deserved to die."

"Heed these words. It is the way of the Sith. I will not needlessly allow you to die - but I will judge the challenge and if it is within you, I shall not intervene. But your challenge is noted, so where would you like to start? What training do you require first?"

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

Teresa's face went to a normal expression trying to move past the pain and the fact her dress was holding up by threads. "Possibly a saber techniques that are more aggressive but also very good on a defensive, and force powers that can show off power and really hurt people that stand in 'our' way. Honestly I don't know much about this force stuff other than I have it and I want to use it. You'd probably know what would be best to train me in, after all you want tl mold my abilities to suit you and I will gain my own knowledge out of it. In a way it's a win win situation."

Deep down she didn't care, she wanted power the ability to take the fight to the scumb of the galaxy and those in the way. Who would do that if they had such power that could build up to an unlimited amount of possiblys. As they continued to walk parts of rusted and muddyed metal stool out the floor every now and again panels with bite marks in them. She took this as the indication that they where close to the destination.
Maja nodded. "Once I have found what I seek we shall travel to...Ambria. Yes. There I can teach you in private. But first you'll need a saber of your own, so I have a plan for getting you a crystal."

Maja recognised the wreck of the ship. Last time she was an Apprentice and her stay was short. She could not risk any encounters. Now she was a Knight and close to being a Lord in her own opinion. Her power was significantly greater than it was back then, so she could take her time.

"This ship," she said out loud as she trailed her fingers along the remnants of the hull. "Means a lot to me. Call me sentimental if you wish. If you research for yourself you'd find out who it belonged to and who he was eventually planning to meet." She involuntarily tapped the notebook in her small bag. "And what importance what he found on this moon is to me."

Suddenly her hand darted into a bush and she pulled out a small piece of wreckage. Rubbing dirt of it, she beamed. It was the missing letter. "OK, we are done here."

[member="Teresa "]
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
[member="Darth Zilti"]

If anything it surprised her that they where here for something so simple, something so easily done she could have came here and done it herself. Sure she may have wanted to test Teresa on her current combat efficiency that lacked in many was and even lead to a small injury, but still she couldn't have built her up towards handling something like this. Instead of having an outburst she bit her lip and just nodded. "So that's it then till next time? Nothing else you need here?" She asked while she looked at the way back. If anything it only made her mind set on [member="san-ji yan"] now, the girl that she had traveled with here. She hoped the girl was still waiting for her because she missed been with her.

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