Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some questions about Forum RP

I am not all that new to RP so i understand the basics of it, However i am new to Forum RP so i have a few questions to ask.
- If i am correct, each thread is essentially a storyline correct?
- Are characters only allowed to be in one thread?
- How exactly are actions determined? If two characters are say fighting, How is it decided what is done? Both parties could list how they are going to harm the other but which of these movements are chosen to be done?
- Does each thread contain more than one story or interaction?
Thanks for the help in advance!
ninjacarrot01 said:
- If i am correct, each thread is essentially a storyline correct?
Yeah, practically.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- Are characters only allowed to be in one thread?
Nope. There is no limit to how many threads a character can be in.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- How exactly are actions determined? If two characters are say fighting, How is it decided what is done? Both parties could list how they are going to harm the other but which of these movements are chosen to be done?
It's up to your logic and writing. You are a writer, so you decide which attacks and actions really work and which don't. However, use logic and don't make a character overpowered.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- Does each thread contain more than one story or interaction?
No. Most private threads contain just one meeting for a story, but some threads go through many time periods. Invasions, Dominions, Rebellions, Skirmishes, etc. mostly have many fights and interactions going on at the same time.

Hope that helped you a little bit. :)

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Hey there, [member="ninjacarrot01"] . Welcome to Chaos.

  1. Yes, you could view it that way. I prefer to think of them as individual chapters myself.
  2. Nope. You're largely free to take on as many threads as you can handle.
  3. PVP is probably always going to be one of the more contested issues. As it stands, its largely based around a trust system that both yourself and your opponent will play fair. Basically it comes down to Player A initiating an attack, Player B deciding if said attack hits or if they dodge/block/counter-attack. Obviously a certain degree of restraint and communication is welcome.
  4. Generally, not so much. They tend to be self-contained adventures in my experience. Ultimately, however, it is up to you and your partners to decide.
Hope that helps! If you need anything else, please give a shout.

EDIT: [member="Haileigh Dheed"] answered it far better than I could.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Another 40k fan I see. At least this one knows the Fist are best.... lol
So welcome to the board.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- If i am correct, each thread is essentially a storyline correct?
yes a thread is the story setting.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- Does each thread contain more than one story or interaction?
Yes it can, it can be anything the parties participating in it want it to be really so long as it conforms to rules and fair play.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- Are characters only allowed to be in one thread?
yes they are. We have a loose timeline for a RP setting so your character can be in more than one thread at once and it is just given it is not at the same time even if it seems like it is.

ninjacarrot01 said:
- How exactly are actions determined? If two characters are say fighting, How is it decided what is done? Both parties could list how they are going to harm the other but which of these movements are chosen to be done?
this is the hard one, A person will write out their story and actions then the next person will respond. Basically any damage or hits or whatever fall to the one receiving the damage. Say your writing partner carries out a dazzling array of maneuvers in a dance of death unlike any every seen it then falls to you to apply any damage his amazing dance of death had on your character.

Did this help? if you have any other questions please ask. We like questions.... :)

You can either hit the "@Mention" button under their name, or type their name with the @ symbol right before it. So for example if you try tagging me, it will be @Matsu Xiangu. But I just can't tag myself. :p

Hope this helps!
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Haileigh Dheed"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Runi Verin"]

Thanks again for all the help!

Oh, and how do i edit a subaccount once i create one? Trying to make a character but all i was able to do was name the account.

You have to do it from their account by selecting it in the drop down menu.

Once you've done that, you can go to their profile by clicking on the avatar and going to "Edit My Profile". From there you can change just about anything. Once you're ready you can post their profile here using the template provided in the same forum. :)
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
When i select them it acts like they are a separate profile, like the only interactions i see are options to add them as friend and etc

They ARE a separate profile. You have to be "playing" as them first by selecting them in the dropdown menu next to the Sign Out button. Once you're logged in to their subaccount you can make changes.

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