Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
Brokering a deal with the Assassins and their presence on Maena had been one of the best decisions Matsu had made in regards to further securing the planet’s future success. It was a strange working relationship, seeing as neither really interfered with the other. Matsu had no wish to disrupt their workings, and while she was sure the Assassins were gathering intelligence on her it was simply their way. The two were more powerful when on the same side of something, rather than working against each other and so - in perhaps one of the only Sith traditions Matsu truly could follow - they struck an agreement for mutual benefit. The Maenan Institute loomed silently deep in the Wastelands where it kept its secrecy but presented an alarming front for anyone well-informed enough to know it was there, and Matsu provided the Assassins one of their bases and an endless stream of credits to fund their galactic endeavors.A few she knew better than others.
Though, to say she knew Darth Lykos would be disingenuous. She had spent time with the Zabrak, but being in the presence of someone hardly gave you an idea of who they truly were - even a mentalist such as her, especially when she used her powers so judiciously. She would describe him as serious, directed, determined, rather fierce towards a goal. Haunting. Yes, the latter most certainly.
The last time they’d met, they had discussed her talents in sorcery. A gift one was either born with, or bereft of, they had determined that the White Assassin was indeed in possession of the ability to wield it. She had felt it push back against her. But classroom instruction was for Apprentices, for those who hadn’t been out in the field and used the Force with any sort of mastery. For Lykos, it would be an insult. And so when something particular had come up in the line of Matsu’s ventures, she thought of him. Typing a quick message out on her datapad was easy enough, the wording careful not to seem like a summons. It was, after all, his choice.
Darth Lykos --
It has been a while since we last met. If you are still seeking after the same knowledge, I believe I may have an opportunity for a more practical form of study. And you might just enjoy it anyway, considering your talents.
You know where to find me.
Matsu X.
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