Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Reddish Work

Brokering a deal with the Assassins and their presence on Maena had been one of the best decisions Matsu had made in regards to further securing the planet’s future success. It was a strange working relationship, seeing as neither really interfered with the other. Matsu had no wish to disrupt their workings, and while she was sure the Assassins were gathering intelligence on her it was simply their way. The two were more powerful when on the same side of something, rather than working against each other and so - in perhaps one of the only Sith traditions Matsu truly could follow - they struck an agreement for mutual benefit. The Maenan Institute loomed silently deep in the Wastelands where it kept its secrecy but presented an alarming front for anyone well-informed enough to know it was there, and Matsu provided the Assassins one of their bases and an endless stream of credits to fund their galactic endeavors.

A few she knew better than others.

Though, to say she knew Darth Lykos would be disingenuous. She had spent time with the Zabrak, but being in the presence of someone hardly gave you an idea of who they truly were - even a mentalist such as her, especially when she used her powers so judiciously. She would describe him as serious, directed, determined, rather fierce towards a goal. Haunting. Yes, the latter most certainly.

The last time they’d met, they had discussed her talents in sorcery. A gift one was either born with, or bereft of, they had determined that the White Assassin was indeed in possession of the ability to wield it. She had felt it push back against her. But classroom instruction was for Apprentices, for those who hadn’t been out in the field and used the Force with any sort of mastery. For Lykos, it would be an insult. And so when something particular had come up in the line of Matsu’s ventures, she thought of him. Typing a quick message out on her datapad was easy enough, the wording careful not to seem like a summons. It was, after all, his choice.

Darth Lykos --

It has been a while since we last met. If you are still seeking after the same knowledge, I believe I may have an opportunity for a more practical form of study. And you might just enjoy it anyway, considering your talents.

You know where to find me.

Matsu X.

[member="Darth Lykos"]​
Silence was, as always, a blessing for the Iridonian; at least, it always would be when he was on his own, socially noise had always served him well. Broken only by the soft sound of pencil scratching along archaic paper and gentle, subconsciously hushed, breaths, that silence hung around his shoulders like a comforting companion - heavy in its stillness but welcoming in its emptiness. This was, Lykos would say, the closest that he would ever come to what an uneducated observer would call peace. However, since the Zabrak scoffed at such a word, saw it as one of the highest signs of weakness, he, himself, would not hasten to call the state he was in as peaceful serenity.

The words he would choose, should he ever actually be forced to do so, would be a momentarily pinprick of coiled anticipation - synonymous with the moment when the tide of a roaring ocean would draw back, a giant wave would form and then hang for a few beats of the heart before crashing forwards. That moment where the world would seem to freeze in anticipation of the force of the wave? That was how he would describe his current situation.

Of course, the fact that he would be talking about it, discussing his philosophies with another, was a purely hypothetical and metaphorical situation and one that played out solely within his mind; a thought so passing and minor that it skimmed along the back of his mind as he focused on his writing.

The steady scratch of pencil on paper continued to gently break the silence; a steady sound unending as Lykos leant over the desk he had forced into the cramped space of his ship. For, his work was not only done as an Assassin - not only as one of the Four Horsemen; leaders of the Assassins - but also done as a scholar. Despite the harsh appearance, brutal and savage, he possessed a mind sharp and deadly when it focused on subject he had come to take an interest. It was that drive and proficiency that drove him then as he slowly transcribed the very musings that had been running through his mind for the past three days.

This was his chance to express and organise theories, conclusions, ideas of testing the previously mentioned conclusions, questions and dilemmas. This was his time to straighten out the clutter of his mind. And that was why his silence was so comforting. No words to corrupt his musings, no sound to cause his focus to waver. All that remained was scholarly thought being carefully etched onto archaic paper in precise penmanship. However, his silence was soon broken by a sharp bell from the datapad carelessly chucked at the end of the desk, pulling a muttered curse from a scarred lips as he dropped his pencil and harshly scooped up the datapad so as to read the message of whoever had been foolish enough or brave enough to bother him. But, when he caught sight of the name attached to the received message, his annoyance melted away into curiosity as a hairless brow would be slowly raised.


Once more finding himself on the planet of Maena, Lykos strode through the halls of the compound, Cloaked heavily in the Force as it served to hide him from ethereal sight, light and sound. He needed no guide, for he had prowled these halls twice before, but, that did not mean he needed no direction. For, within the Force, he followed after the strand of the ethereal that tasted and smelt of Matsu. Eventually, coming to a closed door, Lykos would spare a second to knock, the once, before stepping through it as it slide open, letting the Force drop from his shoulders and reveal his form once more; hood down and features exposed as he only ever chose to do for those he wished to garner trust from - or those that he saw no reason to hide his face from for one reason or the other.

"Lady Matsu." A slight bow accompanied his words; nothing more than a polite incline of the shoulders as his one eye glared towards her.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Those who had graced the hallways of Matsu’s suites within the first five levels of the New City typically had little trouble moving through it unhindered if they visited again. And members of the Assassins - past or future - even less. So it was of little surprise when Lykos appeared so suddenly, though welcome.

Matsu stood from behind her desk, returning the shallow bow. Lykos knew how she felt about Sith formality - stuffy, enforced to stroke egos better grown by deeds instead of words - but she would observe it enough to be polite.

“It is good to see you again,” she said by way of greeting, moving closer to the enormous floor-to-ceiling windows that constituted the far wall of the large room. In all honesty they were a bit of a safety hazard but Matsu had been known to forego practicality in favor of preference. She liked looking out over the city. Her city. Home. She had spent time learning to understand its unique culture, its technicalities of underworld etiquette. And when she’d tipped her toes in and started pushing her own criminal influence out among its crooked peoples she had been caught by an unexpected sort of momentum. Perhaps it was instinct or coincidence but either way...she had to make sure to keep it.

“I thought of you as a certain piece of news ran across my desk the other day. As I’m sure you know,” she began, a wry little grin blinking over her features at the thought that very little escaped an organization built on acquiring knowledge. “...I’ve been building up something of an empire on this planet. Unconventional, but lucrative. It would seem that somebody very low down saw fit to attack a supply depot of Nova crystals. And somehow get away with some. Whoever that is must be very, very skilled.” It also meant that tracking them down would be dangerous. They now had quite a bit of volatile weaponry at their disposal.

She had thought of asking Six-O. But lately...she’d been unnerved by what spending so much time with the droid was doing to her. It wasn’t unpleasant. But it was territory with no precedent. And besides, as far as she knew he was still chasing down the last of the branch of the reborn Kintan Kings gang they’d unearthed waging war against their enterprise in Level 434.

And above all, this was a job whose requirements might prove a great practical opportunity for Lykos, and a stretch of the legs for Matsu. She turned from the window to look at Lykos directly, wherever he’d moved to, if at all.

“If you’re willing, I’d like your assistance hunting them down and eliminating them. On top of the practice, I’m willing to part with some of the crystals if you’re interested in them.”

[member="Darth Lykos"]​

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