Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Somebody explain how to add a signature

Two questions:
1. How do I put in a signature?
2. I've seen rank titles in signatures that aren't actually rank titles (eg. "Lawful Evil") , and more than two. How do those work?

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Azalyn Falconer"]

  1. If you go to the drop down on the far left of the menu bar, you want to click 'My Settings'.
  2. It brings up a set of tabs on the left side, the one you're after is 'signature'.
  3. To add rank titles or a signature (which you can either create yourself or find in the Art section ), you simply click image icon and paste the URL of the item you want.
  4. Viola. Centering the image is optional, but generally preferred.

I believe there's only one real rule regarding rank titles and that's limiting them to four (although I could be wrong) to avoid a wall of bling.

Otherwise you're free to put in there whatever you best feel reflects your character.

Hope that helps!

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