Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Someone calls for aid (Open for LAA students)

This was an interesting sort of game. Kaia was now around her father again. She knew her brother was nearby too, she saw the Treader and was convinced she saw Lia around the Oswaft Station. She avoided her father’s classes, knowing he was all about exploration and Starfighter piloting. She found other teachers who were instructing similar classes, and she was avoiding starting her cert classes because, well, it was a chance of running into him. She really hoped [member="Jorus Merrill"] would be the one that got to administer her practical. It would just be… better.

But right now? She wasn’t really worrying about anything. It seemed that she was destined to follow in her family’s path of being a Starchaser. She was part of the Levantine Frontier Corps, which seemed very similar to the way her family holocron explained the ExplorCorps. If she focused, she could probably live in the Republic, but there was so much going on that it just… bothered her too much. The Sanctum was quiet. It was peaceful, and she might actually get to learn what she wanted here.

Sure, she didn’t have her lightsaber yet, but she did have the necklace that her father had given her before she left. It was a focusing crystal, and orange one. It represented Corellia. She might use it in her saber one day, but she might just go and make a synth crystal all on her own. Who knew? What she was doing was heading away from Corellia. There were people there but others were faster at finding the survivors. She saw a bit about her world and made the pilgrimage. It was… hard. She hadn’t really spent much time unless ‘aunt’ Lily took her home sometimes.

But her ship was on its way back to Laekia, through use of the Corellian Run and Mara Corridor. She liked taking the lanes people made. It was more simple than plotting her own run. She was somewhere along the Corridor when her hyperspace transceiver picked up a call and her ship fell from hyperspace.

“…Aid….Charros…” Was she that close to the Levantine Space already?
She needed to help these people, didn’t she? Around the Jedi Academy and the Frontiers Corp, it seemed that two things were consistent, that you helped those who needed it. And she was a spacer, her father made sure of that. She knew her way around a vessel and really, a vac suit. Two things she wanted to get certified for on the LAA, but like she thought, it meant dealing with her father, especially the vac suit. But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? He was over here now too. Probably the best place to be to explore, but who was going to fight the darkness from the Unknown Regions?

Probably her brother. He loved that sort of thing, especially if he could do it all from his fighter. There was going to have to be a reunion, especially since Kaia just did her own private pilgrimage home and came back with a bit of the new metal she found, the one that people were calling Bloodsteel. It was red, it was pretty, and she wanted to give it to her father. He might already have some, but it would be a nice gift, right? A memento, as it was supposed to be. Something from a trip home.

But right, there was a call for aid. And Rohan will answer! Right, that meant she needed to turn the Wandering Star around. Well, not really, but she was directing it at the Plantation bug world of Charros IV… or VI. Whichever. The Starchaser ran her hand through her dark hair (typically it was a dirty blonde, but she didn’t want to be recognized as a Starchaser… like hair color mattered and she liked the dark) and tied it up off her shoulders. She checked her scanners to see if there were any ships in the area.

A few, but which was calling and who was going after it? It seemed like a few were heading in the direction, but she didn’t know the first thing about those people. What would her father do? Was she really just saying that?
Kaia was watching the ships. There were a few, some more well armed than hers, but it wasn’t hard. She really focused the Wandering Star to be more about engine muscle and speed to get from point A to B rather than fighting her way out of situations. Move fast and get to space, she could out run most things, or at least she hoped she could. Probably not be able to outrun her father’s ship, but… well, that was something else. Her father had a lot more time to work on it. One of those Warbird Wing rites of passage, building and making your ship excellent.

“Aid…. Charros…. Pirates.”

That was a great call now, pirates. Terrific. Kaia didn’t have her lightsaber yet, she was working on that, probably some time soon though, she did have her scatter gun and blaster pistol, the rifle probably wouldn’t do much good aboard a ship, but a flechette launcher with magnetically sealed shrapnel? Yeah, that last bit would have to wait… And she hoped her ship didn’t get lifted for Bloodsteel.

“Roger the call for aid. This is Wandering Star, distress ship, please identify.” Kaia called on the radio, when she heard an interruption.

Wandering Star, wave off. This is our salvage.” Was all she heard before a shot was fired across her bow. She tucked her freighter into a tight roll and shook her head. So that was how it was going to be? Space was getting crowded, especially when another shot came from her aft and headed towards the pirate vessel.

“Vessel Blackhole Rider, you do not want to touch the Slipstream. You’ll be dealing directly with me.” Came a male voice over the radio while a very well armed Baudo-class yacht overtook her. Well then. What exactly did she wander into?
This was sort of what Kaia was meaning when she said she wanted to help people. While the Warbird Wing did help people, they did so from the belief that there would be someone to take up the mantle of Thrawn. That was a hope, and for all that she was a ‘free-thinker’ nowadays, she really hoped it would happen. Thrawn and the whole of the Chiss ran an Empire in a free fashion and that was nice. Right now, she was loving the life of a Levantine, and taking the classes at LAA? Well, that just helped even more.

Student life forever, and she knew her father was just bothering her other professors. Maybe.

She shook her head when the pirates called up. Salvage? There were living people on that vessel! What did that mean? They were forfeit? Before she could even say anything the other vessel showed up. Kaia nodded to herself and pushed the throttle. She was going to follow the newcomer in. It as what made the most amount of sense. Her scanners looked at the Baudo-Class and its IFF provided back as Scout. Simple. Clean. She liked it.

Following the Scout to the Slipstream, she locked her weapons to the target of Blackhole Rider. A concept and procedure her father always told her. Have all turrets trained and ready on the biggest enemy in the area. But that wasn’t the best way to handle it. She could deal with the foes aboard their vessel, perhaps.

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