Mercenary, Artist.
Pirates generally work by being quick and effective. They fall upon their prey like a plague, take everything they can, and leave before somebody -the law, a jedi, the rare warden - can do anything about it.
So it's easy to conclude that the band of brigands who had descended upon a cargo ship named Afterthought, bound for Trevel'ka, were in something of a hurry. The battle had been quick and bloody, brutal, and the end result of it was a ruined, gutted cargo vessel... and a half destroyed pirate craft, ruined by some idiot's itchy trigger finger and a single thermal detonator. Only the Force knew now if it'd been one of the pirates, or one of the crew of the cargo ship they were getting busy all up on.
And, lest we forget, one survivor, wandering the wreckage of both. He was filthy, lean with starvation, clutching a half-drained bottle Whyren's Reserve as he wandered amidst the blaster-burned corridors like a particularly morose and drunken ghost. He had substances to spare to ease his pain, the ship had been carrying all manner of fun drugs and pharmecuticals to help the needful and poverty-stricken throngs of Trevel'ka... but what little food had been on board had mostly been incinerated in the battle, or ripped out into the vacume by the same explosion that'd devastated the flanks and ruined the escape pods. "Jus my luck." Olan spat, wasting valuable energy to viciously kick the skull of some hapless bastard down the hall towards the pile of bodies he'd spent his first week making. They were well on the way past ripe at this point, filling the air with the thick, sickly-sweet aroma of corruption and desiccation.
The smell turned his stomach in a dizzy circle - what power remained in the wreck of the Afterthought had been diverted to the life support and sealing off the intact portions of the craft, but the beleagured air filters hadn't been able to keep up with the decay of the conflict. Now, all they did was sputter and unhappily stir the air, which grew colder and colder with each passing hour. Day. Cycle? Olan couldn't keep track anymore. Wasn't sure that he wanted to. He'd stopped bothering to try and gauge the passage of time around two weeks in.
"It's called Trevel'ka, Arr-nine," Chloe told the astromech droid as she went flopping onto her piloting chair, letting the plush well-worn leather envelop her petite form, boots rising up to perch upon the piloting console of the Aurora Hawk, patrolling a small section just within Lord of the Fringe space. Why? Well, call it curiosity. Then again, the past year or so has seen the Omega Protectorate and Fringe dancing with each other with the odd skirmish here and there, leading up to a straight up attempt at an invasion at the latter. Things were definitely interesting.
A pear in hand, Chloe idly studied it for a quiet moment. A series of beeps and a hoot came in curiosity just behind her. Chloe's nose gave a slight wrinkle, "Well.. yes... But the chances of running into him again are low," she told him, giving a small sigh.
A low dejected hoot came after. "Me too bud,” she said with a faint melancholy smile. That’s when her sensors lit up like the proverbial life-day tree. Tucking her feet off the console, Chloe sat up straighter in her chair, frowning slightly. Not a second later alarm shot through her face at the realization. It was a distress signal. Transponder codes dubbed her as the Afterthought. She wasn’t too far off, certainly within comm range. Warden instincts immediately took over.
Quickly, her hand shot up above her head, where her fingers went curling around a small black comm box. A flip of toggles and a turn of the comm frequency, the Warden soon began to transmit the following.
“Afterthought, this is the Aurora Hawk. Ya’ll doing alright there?”
A crackle, a distant pop and hiss of the Afterthought's barely-there comm array. Got a moment, Olan was convinced he was losing what was left of his mind, and decided to ignore the voice for fear of looking stupid.
But who was alive to look stupid for?
That thought rattled around his drug-addled and starved mind for a moment, and before he knew it, Olan was in motion... flying across the bulkhead as fast as his legs would take him. Desperation battled with fatigue, and for one heady moment he was sure that he was just going to keel over and slam his face into the bulkhead, but somehow he remained upright.
The control console confirmed that he wasn't hearing things, and some womans' voice echoed through three half-destroyed ship for a moment before Olan could find his voice. "T-this is th' Afterthou'! Come in!" His voice was a tragic hybrid of relieved sob and hysterical laughter. "Afterthou' to... whoever y'are. Do y'read? Are y'real, luv?"
"As real as the kiss of the Corellian sun, Afterthought." came the crackled reply.
"What's your status?" she asked, for the hysterical sound of the stranger's voice was enough for the Warden to start adjusting course for the cargo ship. "What you be needing?"
The Aurora was a pretty decent sized ship, with an adequate medbay. However, she'll need to get a grasp on just what she was tackling.
"I...I'm th' only one left." Olan gasped, pulling at his bloodied and ragged hair as though doing so might wake him from this sweet dream where somebody had heard the wreck's distress signal. Rescue! After a month of a slow, rotting, starving hell, could salvation really be at hand? "We got ambushed - pirates waitin' fer us t' drop outta warp."
"Please, I'm... not doin' too good here." Olan admitted bleakly. "Nothin' to eat but pills an..."
He paused, glancing behind himself needlessly. Hungry ghosts, hobbling about on single legs, danced at the edges of his vision. "...Nigh'mares." Olan croaked miserably, wincing as he forced himself to turn his attention back to the console.
@[member="Chloe Blake"]
So it's easy to conclude that the band of brigands who had descended upon a cargo ship named Afterthought, bound for Trevel'ka, were in something of a hurry. The battle had been quick and bloody, brutal, and the end result of it was a ruined, gutted cargo vessel... and a half destroyed pirate craft, ruined by some idiot's itchy trigger finger and a single thermal detonator. Only the Force knew now if it'd been one of the pirates, or one of the crew of the cargo ship they were getting busy all up on.
And, lest we forget, one survivor, wandering the wreckage of both. He was filthy, lean with starvation, clutching a half-drained bottle Whyren's Reserve as he wandered amidst the blaster-burned corridors like a particularly morose and drunken ghost. He had substances to spare to ease his pain, the ship had been carrying all manner of fun drugs and pharmecuticals to help the needful and poverty-stricken throngs of Trevel'ka... but what little food had been on board had mostly been incinerated in the battle, or ripped out into the vacume by the same explosion that'd devastated the flanks and ruined the escape pods. "Jus my luck." Olan spat, wasting valuable energy to viciously kick the skull of some hapless bastard down the hall towards the pile of bodies he'd spent his first week making. They were well on the way past ripe at this point, filling the air with the thick, sickly-sweet aroma of corruption and desiccation.
The smell turned his stomach in a dizzy circle - what power remained in the wreck of the Afterthought had been diverted to the life support and sealing off the intact portions of the craft, but the beleagured air filters hadn't been able to keep up with the decay of the conflict. Now, all they did was sputter and unhappily stir the air, which grew colder and colder with each passing hour. Day. Cycle? Olan couldn't keep track anymore. Wasn't sure that he wanted to. He'd stopped bothering to try and gauge the passage of time around two weeks in.
"It's called Trevel'ka, Arr-nine," Chloe told the astromech droid as she went flopping onto her piloting chair, letting the plush well-worn leather envelop her petite form, boots rising up to perch upon the piloting console of the Aurora Hawk, patrolling a small section just within Lord of the Fringe space. Why? Well, call it curiosity. Then again, the past year or so has seen the Omega Protectorate and Fringe dancing with each other with the odd skirmish here and there, leading up to a straight up attempt at an invasion at the latter. Things were definitely interesting.
A pear in hand, Chloe idly studied it for a quiet moment. A series of beeps and a hoot came in curiosity just behind her. Chloe's nose gave a slight wrinkle, "Well.. yes... But the chances of running into him again are low," she told him, giving a small sigh.
A low dejected hoot came after. "Me too bud,” she said with a faint melancholy smile. That’s when her sensors lit up like the proverbial life-day tree. Tucking her feet off the console, Chloe sat up straighter in her chair, frowning slightly. Not a second later alarm shot through her face at the realization. It was a distress signal. Transponder codes dubbed her as the Afterthought. She wasn’t too far off, certainly within comm range. Warden instincts immediately took over.
Quickly, her hand shot up above her head, where her fingers went curling around a small black comm box. A flip of toggles and a turn of the comm frequency, the Warden soon began to transmit the following.
“Afterthought, this is the Aurora Hawk. Ya’ll doing alright there?”
A crackle, a distant pop and hiss of the Afterthought's barely-there comm array. Got a moment, Olan was convinced he was losing what was left of his mind, and decided to ignore the voice for fear of looking stupid.
But who was alive to look stupid for?
That thought rattled around his drug-addled and starved mind for a moment, and before he knew it, Olan was in motion... flying across the bulkhead as fast as his legs would take him. Desperation battled with fatigue, and for one heady moment he was sure that he was just going to keel over and slam his face into the bulkhead, but somehow he remained upright.
The control console confirmed that he wasn't hearing things, and some womans' voice echoed through three half-destroyed ship for a moment before Olan could find his voice. "T-this is th' Afterthou'! Come in!" His voice was a tragic hybrid of relieved sob and hysterical laughter. "Afterthou' to... whoever y'are. Do y'read? Are y'real, luv?"
"As real as the kiss of the Corellian sun, Afterthought." came the crackled reply.
"What's your status?" she asked, for the hysterical sound of the stranger's voice was enough for the Warden to start adjusting course for the cargo ship. "What you be needing?"
The Aurora was a pretty decent sized ship, with an adequate medbay. However, she'll need to get a grasp on just what she was tackling.
"I...I'm th' only one left." Olan gasped, pulling at his bloodied and ragged hair as though doing so might wake him from this sweet dream where somebody had heard the wreck's distress signal. Rescue! After a month of a slow, rotting, starving hell, could salvation really be at hand? "We got ambushed - pirates waitin' fer us t' drop outta warp."
"Please, I'm... not doin' too good here." Olan admitted bleakly. "Nothin' to eat but pills an..."
He paused, glancing behind himself needlessly. Hungry ghosts, hobbling about on single legs, danced at the edges of his vision. "...Nigh'mares." Olan croaked miserably, wincing as he forced himself to turn his attention back to the console.
@[member="Chloe Blake"]