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Discussion Someone has animated the Darth Plagueis novel


OOC Writer Account

I think it was recorded in a game (I don't recognise this) but they have narrated it and seems like a faithful adaption to the first half of the book. It's obviously not going to be some 4k HD studio budget production but I think this is cool and if you haven't read or listened to the Darth Plagueis novel this is a great start.
Looks like they used the Movie Duels 2 mod or Galactic Legacy mod for Star Wars Jedi Academy. (Both mods have Darth Plagueis not to mention countless other Legends characters to make more of a sandbox in the Jedi Academy engine.


OOC Writer Account
Detritus Ren Detritus Ren

That's pretty cool. I've never used those programs before so I didn't recognise them. I think I played Jedi Academy a few times a very long time ago. Either way I watched all of this just after posting this thread and it was superb. Really good. I would recommend watching this.

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