Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something About Slates?

In the world of business, opportunity was as valuable as currency itself. A single, well-placed encounter could result in untold wealth...while failing to seize a golden chance could result in utter ruin. Having ascended to the mantle of CEO, Darth Metus had began to become quite savvy in terms of the business world. While he was not the most flawless of businessmen, he knew a solid opportunity when he saw one. Such is what dominated the totality of the Sith Lord's afternoon agenda: for the chance to acquire new holdings for Stargo Defense Enterprises was too great to pass up.

Looming over his Resinwood desk, the Sith Lord graced the console fitted into its surface with a few deft keystrokes. A low, steady hum then churned into being before an azure light shone onto his face. This was but the commencement to one of the final stages of his corporation's acquisition, for the intitial groundwork had already been laid. Stargo Defense Enterprises would welcome a new branch as a subsidiary, thereby expanding its operations and holdings exponentially. Of course, this momentous occasion was not cheap in the slightest; but sometimes, one had to bite the bullet when opportunity knocked.

As such, all that was left was signing on the dotted line...and any good CEO would personally see to that step. To this end, Darth Metus opened a transmission to his newfound associate before transmitting a copy of the contract. Legal representatives of both corporations had already reviewed the terms numerous times over, and as such fairness was guaranteed. All in all, the acquisition would prove beneficial to all parties involved. When the transmission finally worked its way through the airwaves, the visage of the Sith Lord would manifest before his associate. Courtesy was given in the form of a polite inclination of the head.

"We have finally reached the height of this momentous opportunity!" he began, smiling from behind his helm. "With but the signing of this contract, our corporations will become one; and it is my pleasure to welcome you into the SDE family." There was not much else to say at that point, for ceremony was best left to the politicians. The Sith Lord simply procured his stylus, scrawled his signature on the dotted line, and transmitted the document. His portion of this opportunity had been completed, now it was up to his associate.


The woman's obsidian-clawed hand rose off of the arm rest of her chair to grab a stylus, which began quickly scribbling her mark through the air, across a transparent projected surface. She crossed her legs at the knee, lifting the shimmersilk cloak tighter back over her bare shoulders in formal posture. In truth, while her exterior form was that of a Mnenchei woman, she was really among the ranks of the mystical Narran. The form she bore was one much more familiar to the beings of the greater galaxy, which did not frighten or confuse them, and allowed her to observe their curious machinations.
"It is done, but I regret to say I will not be joining your 'family'," Ms. Mnaya bluntly stated in Mnenchalis accent.
Her right hand waves across the space before her, swiping across a holoscreen to bring up another window and a small dialogue box.
"I am retiring. Such is why I am placing the corporation in good hands so that it may continue to grow in the right direction. I am transmitting all of my documents to you now, including storefront management plans, product manifests and corporate contracts. Anything else you might need can be accessed from the corporation's servers at any time."
The agreement as Ms. Mnaya signed it included all of Arcrystal-Mnaya's standing productions such as the twelve Aniri-Class prototypes. There was also a good wealth of unfinished products, most if not all pertaining to extensions of the Volition shuttle with the exception of one BRSR rifle.
After giving her partner in business a moment to review, she'd speak.
"There's one more thing I offer, but beyond initial ownership you will have to speak with another... the two Savan women from Ri'ess Regal."
As cooperatives in a political union, Crystalsong had maintained all of the Narran-Class Series [x] [x] [x] vessels independently of the nation. No one party in particular oversaw the maintenance or operation of these ships, but assumed responsibility as a collective whole. For that reason, and others similar, they never needed a government supply contract to maintain this force. Handing them over was akin to selling a used speeder.

[member="Darth Metus"]​

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