Sydney Kandossii
Mini Mando
Zooey knew her father had wanted her in the Navy with him and the rest of the family however that was not where Zooey wished to go. She knew everyone in the Navy and the pressure of going there was too much so much she decided to be different and go into the Army. She knew her father High Admiral Walsh was displeased not only because he told her so but just the way he acted now. Zooey would show him though and prove that she had made the right choice for her. She would make him proud of her once again.
As she waited for Colonel Corek to arrive in one of the training rooms she began to stretch her arms over her head. She had met many officers in her time so she knew it best to arrive early, you don't keep officers waiting. Another tid bit that Zooey had picked up over the years was how to act and the military lifestyle. She wasn't like a normal recruit and something told her [member="Noah Corek"] already knew all about her.
As she waited for Colonel Corek to arrive in one of the training rooms she began to stretch her arms over her head. She had met many officers in her time so she knew it best to arrive early, you don't keep officers waiting. Another tid bit that Zooey had picked up over the years was how to act and the military lifestyle. She wasn't like a normal recruit and something told her [member="Noah Corek"] already knew all about her.