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Something I'd like to share, because I am bored and I MUST SHARE THINGS OR I DIE

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(Character Name): Rashgarroth
(Known Alias/Titles): Seeker of Darkness, The Seeker, Puppet Master, Father of Decadence, The Whispering Shadow, The Unholy Ghost, Lord Dread
(Character Race): Nathrezim
(Character Class): 40th level Warlock / 22nd level Necromancer [62]
(Character Alignment): Lawful Evil/Chaotic Evil
+Height- 13'3 Feet
+Weight- Unknown
+Body type- Muscular

(Character Personality): Rashgarroth is a controlling, malicious, deceitful psychopathic monster. He uses his advanced control over telepathic powers to control weaker minded mortals into doing his bidding, and then once finished with said mortal; he ends their existence without any care or regret. He also studies his opponents before making the first move, finding faults in their combat abilities, and exploits it. Rashgarroth does not tolerate failure very often, only giving his most trusted and powerful minions another chance to redeem themselves. The others meet a slow and agonizing death. Like most Nathrezim, Rashgarroth would rather attack from a distance, hitting his opponent with powerful Shadow spells to weaken and totally obliterate them, only using his claws and weapons in combat if he absolutely needs to use it.

Concerning Mortals, Rashgarroth has a small regard on them, knowing that they are a small thorn in his side that will soon be removed permanently. He just needs to cause more chaos and destruction, and they're civilizations will crumble in on themselves with time, as is the history of things. He has a deep distaste for various -demon- races as well, calling the Mo'arg and Gan'arg nothing but pitiful peons who serve the Greater Demon's will till they are no longer needed, and can be easily cast aside without regret. The Succubi, Imps, and Shivarra however, have become his personal favorite Demons to command and use. The Imps, being small and mischievous, are some of Rashgarroth's best infiltrators and spies, one of which is even a Lieutenant of his forces. The Succubi are sadistic and cruel, perfectly matching Rashgarroth's own personality greatly, and the Shivarra are fanatically loyal to the Legion, and work best with Rashgarroth. Rashgarroth tolerates many members of his own race, and is loyal to nearly every Eredar, especially Kil’jaeden the Deceiver, who Rashgarroth works tirelessly to please.

Rashgarroth has a way of dealing with enemies and other types of forces who would dare try to destroy him. He'd rather have his servitors or pawns deal with any of the rabble, at first the lesser ones to gauge their strength, and then if the need arises he'd send his more powerful minions, only reserving his Lieutenants for rather powerful rabble. Rashgarroth himself will only fight a mortal if, one: they are truly troublesome, and cannot afford to live any longer and mush perish, and two: if they truly prove a worthy challenge to the Seeker, and then he will show his true might by disposing of a powerful enemy, which usually happens to be a Champion of the Light. Of course if a mortal discovers Rashgarroth's existence or to an ever worse extent, his plots and motives, then Rashgarroth will go so far out of his way to personally slay the mortal, by using various means such as mortal guises to get in close and slay them.

(Character Appearance): Rashgarroth stands mighty at a staggering thirteen feet and three inches tall, well over the heads of nearly all of the mortal races. His skin is a sickly pale green, like the flesh of a corpse and has a waxy texture to match it. Veins pulse slightly underneath bulging muscles, showing that not only is Rashgarroth a master of magic, but also has strength to pummel those who prove to be nuisances into the dust. His face is very lean, having an almost elfish look about it and with a pair of ears to complete the ensemble, but that’s where the similarities between Elves and Rashgarroth end. His lips are thin and can pull back to reveal rows and rows of dagger-like teeth inside of his maw, so sharp in fact that they can tear right through a human arm without any hindrance. His eyes no longer exist, gouged out in ages past by the Daemon-lord, Musta’krakish, as punishment for a dastardly ploy to trap Musta’krakish in an alternate dimension for all eternity. Now instead of organic eyes lie twin balls of adamantium coated in fel-flames that grant Rashgarroth new sight, a sight that Rashgarroth himself has augmented to see into the spectrum of magic itself.

A pair of gnarled, blackened horns protrudes from Rashgarroth’s forehead, and extends three feet up above and ends in wicked points. Black, leathery bat-like wings jut out of his back, each one connecting into the flesh beneath each shoulder blade, and have a wingspan of twenty-five feet to carry the daemon through the skies with ease. His hands end in viciously sharp talons that can rip through the flimsy armor of mortals without any trouble, but on the much stronger metal of the Nether, they have no effect. His entire torso is very humanoid, but at the waist is where it changes drastically. Instead of common humanoid legs that end with a pair of feet, instead there’s a pair of long, black furred equine legs that arch back like a goat’s and end in a pair of cloven hooves that leave burn marks wherever they tread. This is the form of Rashgarroth, the form of a Daemon-Lord with powers so horrific, only the Man’ari Eredar could outdo them.

(Armor): Rashgarroth’s battle armor is forged from Fel-Steel, one of the most durable metals within the Nether, and fits only to Rashgarroth’s form. His chest plate is colored a pitch black trimmed with withered bronze and is covered with verses from the Biblicus Luficius, an Unholy Book of darkness with powers so immense, that it drives mortals to insanity to even catch a glimpse of its contents. The phrases on his breast plate are not just for decoration, but are in fact enchanted to channel an aura of dread and despair wherever Rashgarroth walks, sending the most weak-minded of fools into a delusional panic, making them easy prey for Rashgarroth. With this breast plate is a pair of pauldrons, which rest firmly on Rashgarroth’s broad shoulders and are decorated with spikes that jut out from the trimming, and has the skull of a lesser daemon planted firmly in the center of the right pauldron. On his wrists lie a pair of bracers that have the same spiked trim as his pauldrons, but are decorated with a pair of orbs that act as focal points for spells, making them more potent and accurate when cast.

Covering his legs are three-piece armor sets that have the same spiked trim as his pauldrons and bracers, but just serve as protection for his legs and have no true special enchantments. They are however decorated with more text from the Biblicus Luficius, and are usually coated with the blood of enemies crushed under-hoof. A large chain connected to a skull-amulet lies around Rashgarroth’s neck, and is enchanted to contain all of the souls slain by Rashgarroth’s hand, writhing in eternal agony with no hope of escape, unless of course the amulet is somehow destroyed.

(Weapons): Rashgarroth has a variety of ways to destroy his enemies. He can rip them to shreds with his claws, crush them underneath his massive bulk, impale them on his gnarled horns, or even devour their still live flesh before their very eyes. He also has a vast array of magical abilities to destroy them as well, but when things get truly close and personal, Rashgarroth has his own weapons forged for him personally. His first weapon is a massive bastard sword imbued with the souls of the damned and enchanted with the ability to absorb blood. Such a vicious ability can be used to great effect in battle, as merely one cut can lead to a quick death if not avoided or countered. When the sword’s blade cuts into flesh, it instantly begins to pull the blood towards the wound and begin to absorb it, which can cause the wounded victim to lose all of his or her blood within mere moments. This monstrous blades name is Kalmageddon, which is a combination of ancient tongues, roughly translating to “Blade of the Wicked.”

His other weapon is a massive staff forged in the darkest pits of the Nether, and forever coated with the blood of a million slain mortals. The head of the staff is a large pentagram with a metal goat’s head stuck in the middle, and acts as another conduit for magical abilities to be used at long range. The magic can be siphoned into the staff, and expelled out through the icon-head at anyone or anything, but the staff can also be used as a bludgeoning weapon, since its icon-head is incredibly sharp and heavy. It could crush bones with just one blow, leading to a quick and agonizing death.

(Powers and Abilities): Basically, Rashgarroth is what some would call a Grand Warlock, a being who can command the shadows, summon forth demonic entities not of this world, and cast horrific skin melting spells that no mortal has lived to tell the tale about. If you were to put it in categories, Affliction and Demonology spells are what Rashgarroth excels best at, as he can summon forth an Infernal with relative ease, and can use various spells to melt skin, turn bones to liquid, and turn opponent's spells back onto them, causing much chaos and death. In the terms of Telepathy, Rashgarroth can easily manipulate mortals with little loss of power. He has shown this throughout his lifetime serving the Legion, corrupting various alien kingdoms from the inside and causing them to fight amongst eachother. He can even force numerous normal minded mortals to commit suicide if he wanted to, as it makes things easier for him in the terms of Infiltration, and like most Nathrezim he can turn invisible for a short period of time.

Rashgarroth can crush an opponent's will just by looking into his or her eyes. Although just glancing at his eyes will not have any effect, Rashgarroth must gaze deeply into your eyes, and then your will be suddenly be assaulted by the powerful mental powers of the Nathrezim and utterly obliterated. Rashgarroth can also cast a powerful spell on a mortal’s body, and take the soul of a Doomguard who has not taken physical form, and meld it into the mortal’s body. Soon the Doomguard’s will and the target host’s will battle over control of the body, causing the target’s body to go limp and numb as the fight within rages. If the Doomguard’s soul wins, the target’s body will morph and transform into a Doomguard itself, and while the mortal’s mind and soul will remain in with the Doomguard’s, they can do nothing but watch in horror as the Doomguard rages destruction down upon its enemies. One of Rashgarroth’s more maiming than killing spell is the ability to summon forth a fel-steel needle, and with strands of orange energy he can weave stitches throughout the target’s body. Mostly this is an interrogation method but it’s also Rashgarroth’s way of punishing incompetent servants, such as you wouldn’t find it uncommon to see many mortals and demons alike with orange demonic stitches across their body.

Rashgarroth can also Siphon life from his victims, by saying a quick Eredun phrase and casting about foul magics, blood would rupture from the victim’s eyes, nose, and mouth and begin to travel in streams towards the caster, who in turn would devour the stream of life energy and gain power from it. Rashgarroth has the ability to possess any sentient Mortal once every day. The way he does this is by slaying the intended victim, once the victim is slain does Rashgarroth possess him/her, his body turning into a purple misty cloud that invades and takes over the corpse. His power sustains the body so it does not decompose; in fact, it appears in all respects as if alive and Rashgarroth retains all of his previous powers and abilities as if he was in his true form, but they are taxing on the mortal shell and could cause it to rot over time. When Rashgarroth possesses a body, his Sword and Staff disappears with him, reappearing when Rashgarroth sheds his disguise and Rashgarroth only shed's his disguise when he's been discovered, so he can silence the people who found him out, forever.
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