Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something old, Something new..Something borrowed, Something blue...

Location: Midvinter​
Years it had been since he had business with folks of the Orders out this way. The last time he had dealings with such, he had passed on a certain lightsaber to one of them, because he had decided to seek out the Aing-Tii and learn from them. Many things had been passed on, to keep them safe. Now though, he had felt an itching in his mind to check on that relic and it's new owner. To see where and how things had been going for the other Jedi, and make connections outside his Order. They were gunning for him to take a more active role in helping run the place. So, maybe he should.

In recognition of that, Julius had packed his ship, and taken his shuttle down from orbit. He was now waiting by the docking bay in his long green duster and spacers gear that still somehow looked like stylized Jedi robes. Apparently folding space via his ship into system and jetting to the surface in his shuttle had made the local authorities nervous, but he had soothed them a bit with his credentials, more so the Judges star from the Coalition than the Jedi Credit from Corellia. Now he waited for [member="Coci Heavenshield"], to see if she knew where Connor was at.

And, if he were honest, to try and forge some friendships.
It was fair to say that she knew nothing of this man, maybe their paths had crossed in the past but she could not recall. He had found her, through what means she did not know but from what the message had said, he did not pose any threat or ill will toward her. He wanted information, the subject of it undisclosed and if she could help in any way she would do her best. But first, she would learn of the man, and the best way to do that is to meet him, before she would consider giving him what he wanted, what he had come all this way for. Coci will always remained guarded, it is her nature as well as a pass profession with the Silver Jedi and before that, intelligence department for the Republic.

The doors opened to the docking bay allowing her entry and she was quickly informed where the man waiting to see her was. As she approached, Corellisi, was her immediate thought before anything else, it was written on his face, in his features. And Coci realised it had been a very long time since she saw a fellow Corellian, probably not since Coren Starchaser. She came to meet the man called Julius Sedaire in her white Dawnguard robes, a little more refined to standard Jedi robes, yet he would not see it really as her long fur protected her from the bitter cold.

"Julius Sedaire, I believe", she offered a bow the Jedi way. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Coci Heavenshield. I believe you have some questions for me". She turned to offer for him to follow her where they could speak with comfort and ease. "I trust your journey was uneventful". Small talk but they will get to business soon enough.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
"Mostly uneventful, yes. Had a typhojem training droid break security protocol. It gave me a good hit to the gut that still stings, but it's saber was set for stun thankfully. The wife is adamant I not allow it to go any more dangerous with that model. Otherwise, very normal trip, thank you. Though next visit... Heavier coat.."

In a glance, he took her in. It was not a crass look. Nor dismissive. Considering. Weighing. Respectful. She had a more regal bearing than his lady, in her own way. But there was that same pace to the walk that spoke of a lethality of a different breed. And an intelligence that spoke of danger all of it's own, reflected in her eyes alone. And a posture that almost reeked of regality and power, and one used to being in command. Then he grinned, in that half-smirk, almost sly way and followed her. A rolling, easy, and almost rhythmic gait showed the walk of a career warrior blended with one used to the hustle of the street and underworld.

"Yes. I did have a few questions, regarding an associate of yours, of sorts. I've been trying to find him to ask a few questions, to no avail. Wondering if you can help me find him, or answer those questions for me?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

She had lost count of the times in which she greeted people on landing pads only to lead them to a conference room in which to discuss current issues, not only with the Silver Jedi in the past, but wide issues of the galaxy. It was never her favourite thing to do, most of the time finding such meetings tedious to say the least and confined in a space where there was nowhere to hide from duty was displeasing. As much as duty had demanded much of her she always reminded herself that the day would have an end and she would go home from it all. Today however, was much more pleasant a meeting and it had everything with the surroundings as much as the new found company that walked beside her.

Coci listened to the man, speaking much in small talk until such time as they would reach the place in which to speak more openly and although curious about a comment made at the heavier cost, she did not ask, more intent on the matter at hand, his reason for coming here in the first place.

They approached a small wooden bridge, laden with snow as much as the ground and brook around it, and she stopped. This was an isolated place not far from his ship, but more convivial to open communication.

"I shall help you as best I can", she turned once settled in their new surroundings. "Who is it that you seek?".
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
"Connor Harrison... I lost track of him some time ago. He was given something to hold on to. And now that i've returned from the Rift and my training, and decided to make a firm go of sticking around, I wanted to ask for it back. He seems to have vanished though."

Memories flashed and flickered of his time with the Monks, fighting slavers and learning of a different nature of the Force. A different way of viewing it that meant he would likely never be a staunch, dyed in the wool traditional Jedi. Not that he fully agreed with the Monks, just you couldn't learn from them what he had and not be changed. Changed intrinsically. Absently he rubbed at his neck as some might in frustration or chagrin, but for him was a subconscious reaction to thoughts of his apprenticeship - touching the neck where his silver-vine tattoos began that he had taken on out there.

"Do you know where he has gone, or what he did with a certain lightsaber I entrusted to him?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
It had been many years since the last she saw of Connor Harrison, and their parting was not on good terms, and this was an understatement to say the least. She had done her best to try and save the man, from himself, but in retrospect she realised that he was the only one that could do that. After Coci had nullified the force, the darkside of the force, in him, burning it until he had no connection Connor had been hell bent of destroying what was left. That small spark of the lightside she let remain so he could find it. He didn't, quite the opposite happened in fact, he killed it.

Connor had become even more unreasonable, his rationality parted from sanity, and even after the threats of killing her and her family, she had hope for him, but not anymore. He was dead to her.

"I have no knowledge of his whereabouts at all", which was true, and she did not wish to know either. "So I am afraid your journey here is for nothing". She looked at Julius with furrowed brow because clearly he was in dire need of this saber he mentioned.

"But you talk of a saber", her curiosity peaked now. "Can you tell me more about it?". She suspected which saber this was, but she had to be sure, she had to know why he was wanting it so much, why it was important to him. After all .. it was not just any old saber.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
Here he hedged his comments a bit at first as he looked about, but didn't want to be rude by hesitating to answer.

"It is rather old. Lots of hullabaloo about it over the years. But this one belonged to a certain family for a while. Rather influential.... Specifically made by the patriarch to suit his use of Dejm'so..."

His scan complete, he smiled softly, remembering the first time he had held the weapon, the flashes. History in your hand like that triggered things, psychometric specialist or not. And he was not, but the visions were still potent. The smile stayed as he spoke again.

"It was blue, and they came from Tatooine and walked the Sky, unless I need be plainer I think you know, dear lady, of what I speak now..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Of course Coci knew of what Julius spoke of, "Very nicely put Corellisi", she turned to him with a smile and a nod to acknowledge to him of her understanding. Connor Harrison had in his possession a saber most important to the Jedi as well as history and once he had turned to the darkness he was no longer fit to hold it. It is a saber of a Jedi not of Sith. He had mentioned to her before his turn that this saber been in the possession of another, and she wondered if this man before her was he.

Was he fit to take it too? She had no need of it, Coci had never been one to gather relics or such to her self, to her such things belong in the past but if they are in existence now, than they need a safe hand to have them. Why was the reclaiming of this saber of Luke Skywalker so important to this man?

"Tell me why you want it? why you seek to come all the way here to find out where it is?". He had to convince her of the importance of it to him, or more so to the Order he now serves. If his answer was just, they would need to travel because the saber of Luke Skywalker is not on Midvinter.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
"It is a symbol for me. Of my path from a drunken idiot to beginning to become a Jedi.. I sit on the Green Jedi council now. I have trained padawans. I help teach younglings. I have a family and strive not for rabid adherence to the Light or the Dark, but a balance for the good of all. That saber is that symbol to me, that beacon of who I want to be. And I wish to carry it until it finds another who it can aid thus. It needs to be out in the world if it is to find a new true owner."

Here the Green sighed, rubbing at his eyes and stretching.

"Maybe my son will carry it.. Maybe my wife can find balance from the dark in musing on it. It is a fulcrum, intentional or not. And I intend to wield it as much more than a weapon"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
As the man stood speaking of his feelings, his past and what this relic means to him and the Order that he serves, Coci could sense his sincerity and there was no malice in the man at all. A truth was apparent behind his words and even though he may not be the pinnacle of what Jedi are suppose to be, she had yet to meet one that was. Even herself, she had done things that run counter to the Ways of the Jedi in her past. But from it all, of course, the trick is to grow from it and many do that. He did, just as she did. And it is a journey both of them will continue until their dying day, it is a lesson that needs to be taught to padawans that life is the learning not that of the class room.

When he spoke his last words, Coci took Julius by the arm and lead him back to the landing platform, "The saber of Luke Skywalker is no longer in Connor Harrison's possession, but mine", she finally revealed to him, as her feet crunched upon the snow. "It seems the force has guided you to the right place", she turned to smile at him. The memories of the day in which the saber had come into her possession were not happy memories, facing a someone that was once your brother who you loved greatly rips the soul and the heart apart, but she did what she did in order to try and save her beloved brother .. but he 'died' that day and was lost to the darkside.

"I shall give you what you want, and I hope that I am not making a mistake", she turned to him now very much serious as they reached the platform. "We need to travel to Shri-Tal, a planet west of Midvinter, I will travel on my ship, send you the co-ordinates and I will meet you there". She bowed her head upon leaving him to head to the Sting.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
He was no prophet, but she was honest. Years of fighting had honed his instincts for body language and more to an almost supernatural level. She was wary, guarded, but no deceit was in herr. The talent didn't come easily, but when he was sure of it, he was sure of it. Bless the Echani for agreeing to teach him those few months that they had.

Heading back to his ship, he waved in affirmation at the other, smiling. Friendships being forge against the long night coming. More than the saber, that was what this was about. Someone had to actually get out of their comfort zone.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The Sting lifted off the surface in a cloud of powdered snow before pushing through to open skies and into the atmosphere over Midvinter. There was little doubt that Julius would not be fair behind her, and with the set of co-ordinates, the pair would reach Shri-Tal in unison. The idea of going back there was strangely bitter sweet for Coci, it was on that mission she had met Thurion but there was the beginning of the rot that set in the heart of her friend Connor. But it was not to the moon they would fly but to the planet and to find the tower in which horrifying events had become them all.

Yet, she took heart from those events, if it had not been for the possession of Connor by the Taung she would not learned of her capacity to shield her mind against anything, even Thurion had to fight to reach her. Coci had been all but dead with only a small spark of life that she clung too.

Her ship arrived and wasted no time in descending to ground and navigated the tips of jungle canopy until she found a place to land. She caught a glimpse of the tower, she doubted anyone or anything would be there, not since the last time she was here to place the item out of harms way. The boarding ramp touched down on sodden surface and immediately Coci felt the change in temperature which for a moment stunned her, having grown accustomed to the cold.

Now she would wait for Julius.

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
Landing, he felt a tremble in potentiate. A sense of homecoming, to a place he'd never came before. In all likelihood he would have never found this place on his own, blindly searching. But having set foot on here as he did, it was undeniable and immenitely noticeable what he sought was here. Beyond a doubt. He couldn't walk to it... It could be 500 yards away or it could be 500 kilometers. No way of telling really. But it was here.

Longcoat swaying, he stepped out, slipping a bryar pistol and belting it on as well as his lightsabers. Not because he didn't trust the lady he followed, but because she didn't appear to be armed much and he'd hate for harm to come. What if Connor had found his misguided way here? Or some other Sith or such. So he would prepare, as was his want. Under the smiles and jokes and humor was a damn fine warrior with honed instincts. Life was just easier when folk thought you were a simple good-timey drunk with a glowstick until they saw you fighting them and realized their mistake ten-fold.

Seeing Coci, he raised his hand, noticing the muggy and oppressive heat already, and approached.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
She could sense that the saber was here, still in the place she had left it. However, the walk to the tower along the path cut through the jungle would not be easy, the jungle had reclaimed it over grown and thick with vines and branches and no doubt the tower would be in the same condition. Nature has a wonderful way of reclaiming what was rightly 'hers'. Coci met up with Julius once more, already the humidity was sitting on each of their brows in the form of small beads of sweat, "We are close now, and soon you will have what you seek".

And so she started upon the path, pushing back the branches and vines to begin, and it would be slow taking a good part of an hour to get there. She was enjoying this trip, feeling warmth in her bones once more, and looking upon green in the lush foliage she had not seen in some time. Life was a buzz here, the living force strong and wild and healthy and she could feel it giving her energy and strength fueling the light side of the force within her. Never does she feel so powerful when the purity of the force is untouched.

They would not see the tower for a while, hidden to them by the thick canopy of the jungle, but soon the shadow of it spilled across the path and immediately the temperature dropped giving them some respite. The last time she was here of course, she had placed the saber in a small wooden box and hid it at the tower most platform, years ago it seemed now. But he would never have thought of this place.

The pair had reached the point in which the path vanished, the once clipped lawn that surrounded the tower now a garden of all sorts of low shrubs and flowers, saplings of what would become the most grand trees of the jungle if time allows them, and before the stone wall of the tower, the front door broken off it's hinges lay across the entrance and beyond that the stairs .. they would have to tread carefully.

"After you", she gave him a smirk.

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
Foilage and all sorts of fun spread out before him. Half-grown trees, tall weeds, and he eyed the other with a grin as he began walking. His skills within the Force gave him an odd and almost preternatural sense of balance and agility, and he strolled up, over, around and through the tangle without much effort, keeping eye contact with her as he made a small amount of side-talk.

"So what caused you to hide the saber here, I wonder? Usually, they have a connection to the hider, so to speak, these places..."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
The climb up the old stair case took some time, but eventually they entered the room in which the saber was kept. "The story of this place, and what had happened here is a long one Julius but the place represents the begin of the end", was all she said on the topic, it was the day in which she had saved Connor from the evil that had possessed him only to have it transferred to her, which if it was not for her strength of character, would have killed her too. Connor was never the same man after this.

Her hand indicated toward a small chest, nothing extraordinary about it, it was a simple wooden box that she had made on Midvinter and among the soft cloth he would find what he seeks. All he had to do was look.

Meanwhile, Coci walked to the window, the very same one that she and Connor had plummeted from and would have died had it not been for Thurion. It was still smashed, and through it came a wind that did not give her any comfort.

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
He nodded, once, and smiled as the box opened, and nestled within was found what had set him back on the path of the Jedi what felt like so long ago. Timid hands reached in slowly, running along the cylinder and the fins on the grip, tracing the emitter with a familiar gaze to his eyes. For so long he had fallen from grace time and time again, but here in this moment he knew the purpose and meaning to his journey. He was a Jedi Council Member for his people. Younglings and Knights and even Masters looked to him for guidance and example, Taking it up, he gingerly clipped it to his belt and turned, a loose and coarse string snaking out from his palm.

"Here... A gift... It's nothing special, a trinket I made in the Outback from a bit of Aing-Tii armor and kyber. But a debt is owed for this, and should you need and show any of the Green Jedi that, they will get you to me safely. I swear it."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
In a strange way it felt good to be rid of the saber. I just held too many old ghosts for her even though it was nothing the saber ever did but the last time she saw it she had ripped it out of the hands of her great friend, lost to her to the darkness. Coci had the feeling that this special saber was now in good hands, and with someone that it meant more to and if this symbol of hope would give Julius and those Jedi that follow him a sense of greater purpose, then it a good thing.

She smiled as he handed her the trinket, it maybe nothing in itself but the gesture was not lost on her nor the meaning behind it. "Thank you Corellisi .. Mahn uhl Fharth bey ihn valle". It felt good to be able to speak her language again, it had been awhile. She placed the trinket in her pocket of her jacket, strange how this small thing meant more to her than .. that saber.

They would part and go their separate ways, and Coci hoped never to see this place again...
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
The end.

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