Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sometimes you are the Storm (OS vs. Pubs Fleeting)

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Cyrus hadn’t left the Fringe out of spite. They had more than adequately acknowle4dge his abilities, allowing him to remain within he command structure he’d developed for the Atrisians and then appointing him to a high position within their own disjointed military ‘system.’ But besides periodic border feuds with the Protectorate (admittedly a good way to keep your skills fresh) the Fringe was at peace.

And peace just wasn’t Cyrus’ style. The One Sith were like every Sith organization Cyrus had worked for, war and chaos were their modus operandi. For now, that meant war with the Republic, and an opportunity to settle some scores and make an impression.

The operation had been launched with minimal planning. It was designed to be as quick and quiet as possible. Building up forces would have tipped off Republic spies and informants, despite the best efforts of the Sith’s ‘hearts and minds’ people. Sunshine and roses didn’t fit the followers of the dark side, but what did Cyrus know about all that magic crap?

Six ships were all that Cyrus had been able to requisition at short notice. He had chosen the Dark Blade Arrogance as his flagship. The rest of the squadron consisted of a single Torment-class Support Cruiser, two Vanguard-class Heavy Cruisers and two Razer-class Frigates. Compared to the fleets he had commanded in the past, this force was tiny, not even a full Star Destroyer. For what he had planned though, it would be sufficient.

A flash heralded the ships exit from hyperspace. Before them lay the famous Kuat Driveyards.

“Start the clock. Everything gets recorded. Send an encrypted message pulse to the prearranged coordinates. All units put strike craft on ready alert. Repulse and Adroit, engage defensive targets of opportunity. Main battery, targets in order of priority. Fire at will.”

The Arrogance shuddered as the spinal mounted hypervelocity cannon fired. Someone shouted “woo, that’s the stuff that gets your dick hard.” In spite of himself, Cyrus grinned. Since he’d pioneered the use of hypervelocity guns onboard ships, they’d spread across the galaxy. So much for corporate confidentiality, those designs were supposed to have been secret.

Some enterprising CIC watchstander brought up a display that zoomed in on a small defensive installation just as it got blown apart by volleys from the Vanguard’s mass drivers. The game was set, now all that remained was to see who the other players would be.

Please let everyone make intro posts with their forces before we get into it.

[member="Kymaero Vol"]
@Melakoth Tyrin
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]
@Valara Tiall
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Kymaero Vol
[member="Melakoth Tyrin"]
Gar'Hal Velasura
Friedrich Stahlmann
Tålamod Shapochka
[member="Valara Tiall"]
Well, peace may not have been the style of Cyrus Tregessar, but it was certainly one that Camellia Alexis Swift didn't mind. The young Rendili woman couldn't help but find herself gripping the edges of her command seat then as her small fleet exited hyperspace on the other side of the planet's orbit. She wasn't sure whether she ought to sigh in exasperation over the confounded bad luck she apparently had, or if she should feel righteously furious over the sight that lay before her? Whatever the proper response between the two was, Camellia opted in the end to ask for a confirmation of the events unfolding before the vessels under her command.

The response came quickly from the bridge officer at the station for the sensor arrays, there was indeed apparently a contingent of One Sith warships just off the way in Kuat's space. It definitely wasn't the sort of news that the Captain of Rendili's Home Defense Fleet desired to hear. Having had the misfortune of a Kuat Drive Yards transport suffer an engine failure near the Rendili system, and then further facing misery as its crew insisted on having itself carried back to Kuat for KDY to effect its repairs rather than pay for Rendili Stardrive to do it, Camellia was about ready to glare the next person with bad news into submission before they had arrived.

Now she wished her glare could be weaponized and used to remove the clearly hostile ships from her field of vision.

Especially once word came in after an explosion dotted in the distance that a small laser cannon satellite had the poor luck of being destroyed. Those were clearly long range guns, which thankfully her own forces weren't within range of yet otherwise their own long range turbolasers could return fire, and the young Rendili woman was certain as well that her small fleet was vastly outperformed and outgunned as the enemy profiles were detected and reported. Her own forces consisted of the Rendili Home Defense Fleet's current flagship the Spearhead Heavy Cruiser Stargazer, Flanked by two Dreadnought Cruisers, the Rendili's Wrath and Rendili's Protector Respectively, and four Oberum class frigates.

There technically was also the LongArm Salvage and Repair Cruiser Lovely Nurse, but it wasn't something that would partake in the combat. Not when it already had its hands full dealing with the large freighter it had been bringing back to port. Especially not with that uncomfortably nasty looking and intimidating capital ship with the hypervelocity gun. Camellia hoped its maximum range had been what they had seen it fire against the defense satellite because she didn't want to test any of her ship's shield strength or hull integrity against it. In fact she desperatly hoped that Kuat's own Defense Fleet or any of the Republic Fleets in system, because considering how important Kuat Drive Yards was there was no way there was no one nearby, because she wasn't going to pin hope of overcoming that monstrosity with just the force she had brought on hand to escort the Repair Cruiser and its patient.

Still, she wasn't about to back down, not with Kuat and its facilities at stake. The orbital shipyard rings around the planet were too important to the Republic. The Rendili Home Defense Fleet wouldn't turn in the face of the enemy here. Besides they held an advantage on some accounts, the enemy force was small and isolated, it was a raiding party. It would likely flee if too many Republic Forces showed up. Not to mention they wouldn't wish to damage Kuat Drive Yards stations too much, they'd eventually wish to conquer them for themselves so doing enough damage to destroy them or cripple them indefinitely was not their objective. Factor in that the KDY shipyards and the world's defense emplacements would be set against the OS fleet too, even as just a distraction to reduce the damage done to her own fleet's forces.

Lastly as Camellia issued out orders for her ships to reconfigure their formation, put a call out on all Republic channels for reinforcements and inform them of the situation, deploy their fighter and bomber squadrons, direct the LongArm Cruiser to dock the freighter it held with KDY's facilities, and lock on targets. She knew she had the advantage because unlike the One Sith, she had superior ships.

They were Rendili designed after all.

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
17 minutes. Too soon, something was off. Junior officers scrambled across CIC trying to gather information and figure out what the hell had just happened. Cyrus looked on, anger slowly building within him. This was expected, accounted for. The panic that was spreading through the officers below him was inexcusable. A product of the Sith's preferred method of advancement, no doubt. Were they outright selling commissions, or was it all under the table crap?

"Report," he called out, his voice clear even above the noise that permeated the control room. There was no response. Seconds ticked by before some Ensign yelled out 'standby' in the general direction of the Admiral's chair. Cyrus rose, incensed. "Report goddammit! Those ships have been in system for three minutes, and you still don't know who they are?" Before he could say more a Chief he hadn't noticed walked over, tablet in hand. Cyrus took the tablet, nodded in acknowledgement and sat back down. As usual, the enlisted covered the slack when the officers stood about like the slack-jawed idiots they so often were.

Comms traffic had identified the ships as part of the Rendili Defense Force, a Republic affiliate. They didn't specialize in capital ships, but instead in smaller fleet escorts and cruisers, and had a decent reputation, though nothing terribly impressive when it came to actual battles. This particular squadron had arrived escorting a freighter, who's panicked transmissions across nearly every open circuit were currently the Sith's main way of getting information about the Rendili ships.

The Chief approached again. "Sir, based on what we know, it appears this is an anomaly. They were likely already en route, based on the damaged freighter, or else very nearby. I recommend we continue the operation."

Cyrus nodded, then yelled out across CIC again. "Continue the count, maintain standoff range from Rendili vessels."

There was another interesting piece of information from the report, and as Cyrus sat back down he considered how to use it. Rendili retained a great deal of autonomy in the Republic as a whole, and their defense force was rather sizable. Further, the Sith intelligence apparatus (an infant organization still, to be sure), advised treating them as a neutral party unless they were directly antagonistic. Diplomacy may not have been Cyrus' forte, but he was willing to give it a shot now and then. He reviewed the report again, this time focusing on the limited information about the commander of the enemy unit. Then he opened a channel.

"Captain Swift of the Rendili Defense Force, I am Admiral Cyrus Tregessar of the One Sith. Your navy has not proven overtly hostile to mine in the past, and I am prepared to offer terms of neutrality for the current situation." He leaned in closer to the viewscreen and a cruel grin crept across his face. "Why risk your ships and the lives of your men for a Republic that has done so little for your planet? You have the opportunity of a lifetime here, to improve the stake of your homeworld by doing nothing more than turning around and looking away. I advise you to consider this closely before you take any further actions."

No additional shots or movement in relation to the two forces taken (besides the continued bombardment of Kuat defensive installations).
[member="Camellia Swift"]
How to approach the situation was actually Camellia's own problem as well. Going in guns blazing would lead to a quick defeat. The firepower the Dreadnought Cruisers packed was nothing to sneeze at, but they didn't have any long range weaponry and would have to close the distance to bring the full brunt of their Turbolaser banks against the One Sith vessels, and even with all the armor and shielding on the Dreadnoughts the young Rendili Captain wasn't so sure they could withstand a bombardment from the Sith ships for long. At least not with that Hypervelocity Gun that large ship was packing. Heck she was fairly certain that even with the Spearhead cruiser and the Oberum frigates long range emplacements that they wouldn't overpower the Sith even without that brutal gun.

The best plan would then be to draw the enemy fire and use the Kuat Drive Yard's facilities for cover to get the Dreadnoughts in close. The problem would be that the shipyards were not something to risk damaging, and banking on the Sith wishing to capture them and use them someday without effecting major repairs first wasn't something Camellia wasn't certain she was willing to bet on. Still, at least she wasn't without complete support. Kuat's shipyards encircled the whole world and thus its defenses also worked in the same fashion, and if the Sith stayed out of range of them then they were going to wind up being kept to certain areas outside the immediate space lest they take fire from them, which meant if the Republic Reinforcements appeared behind them then they would be in for a world of hurt. Plus thankfully Kuat's own security forces were deploying, it was foolish or unreasonable to think that Kuat's yards would have no fighter squadrons for use in their defense. While not under her command, she could at least count on them to engage the Sith's fighters once a battle begun if she started an engagement. She knew because of the Dreadnoughts lack of hanger space she had a weakness in support craft.

Although if negotiations could be opened that could be another way to solve matters, and wouldn't you know it the Sith were even the ones to contact her first as the communications station was pinged and the officer at the console called up for a response. "Put them on screen. let's see what they're after." Honestly this wasn't something she expected from the Sith, especially not when an older gentleman appeared on the screen and began detailing a rather accurate depiction of the situation, though she could also see the underlying threat behind it. Leave the system and let the Sith have their way with the Kuat Shipyards, or risk their wrath in the future and put her life and those of her fleet's crews on the line in a battle now. There were other problems with it though, if she fled then KDY would know of it and rumor would spread and discredit Rendili, not to mention the Republic would look disfavorably on them as well. Sure if they left and Kuat's yards suffered greatly then Rendili Stardrive had a great opportunity to fill the role, but with the stigma of fleeing it would be difficult to do so, especially when there would be other competitors.

Honestly though she also had personal honor at stake, though she felt somewhat honored they considered her fleet enough of a threat to consider requesting them to pull out rather than draw out a battle. No there were was too many downsides to retreating now, maybe if the war seemed more dire and Rendili was in dire danger and she had no choice but to do so to save it, but for now losing face for her homeworld in the eyes of the galaxy wasn't the best way to go about things. However, talking certainly didn't hurt things, if the enemy commander could be occupied to keep his damage to the automated defenses at the very least for a while as she waited out the clock for the Republic Sector Fleet or for Kuat's System Defenses to get into position then it was a victory in itself. It would give her own fleet more time to organize and position for the battle too while she "came to a decision" without threat of being attacked.

"That's certainly an interesting offer . . . .I'm sorry I don't have your name. However, I would like to know your explanation as to how this would be more beneficial. Certainly it would cripple a rival in the shipbuilding industry which would greatly benefit Rendili Stardrive's standing, but the stigma of fleeing would weigh heavily on us too. It would actually benefit the Incom Corportaion or Mon Cal Yards more than us. Not to mention the Republic would look quite disfavorably on Rendili on many matters until we cleared the stigma. If you could answer any of those concerns I'd be much more considerate of your offer. Especially since I also have to factor in the honor of my homeworld and the burden of the lives that may be lost to your attack. If anything I would actually prefer to ask you pull your forces out instead. You won't do enough damage to completely destroy the rings that are Kuat's shipyards, nor do you want to when you could capture them at a later date which would benefit you greatly if you could use them without effecting repairs to damage you caused. Not to mention calls have already been put out to the Republic Sector Fleet and Kuat's system forces. They won't take much longer in arriving and will leave you quite pressed to actually conduct your operation. Are you sure this is the route you wish to take?"

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] huzzah for story!
Lieutenant Commander Tålamod Shapochka observed the surprise assault through the encompassing glassteel that separated the bridge crews from the vice of nothingness that stretch to the forevers. The necklace that was Kuat Drive Yards and the immense orb it ringed (that was Kuat) were all that stood out--with the exception of the sudden bursts of plasma and the eruption of a defense installment. Hopefully that was just an automated platform.

An allied convoy had just signaled its arrival. They hailed from Rendili, a respected system that was associated with the Republic, well-known for their own quality shipyards and a minimal fleet--perhaps this very one. A series of staccato responses flooded the comms channels, thanking the newcomers for their immaculate timing and relaying all known information on the invasive armada. They were from the One Sith. Shapochka hated the One Sith.

The lieutenant commander had the bridge of the Redoubt-class cruiser, christened Rectification, while her captain and commander were attending a conference on the new policies in tactical process due to the latest war. Of course, no one would have been at such a conference had they had the prescience to expect this ambush. The ships were in dock, and all she had to do was say the word to launch for the opposing fleet. Could she justify taking the reins in this situation? Of course. She supposed she had a duty to defy orders in this case.

She took a deep breath. She would bravely face any repercussions for the actions she was about to take, for it was in the name of honor and not any egotistical crusade. "Alert dispatch that we are launch," Tålamod ordered the communications officer. "And communicate the other vessels to follow, yes." The young man did as he was instructed, and the three accompanying Republic warships signaled back that they were starting up engines.

Nervously brushing her hair back over her shoulders, Shapochka gave the command to Rectification's pilot: "Move us out. Set vector for their pack." The cruiser shunted and edged out of dock placidly, then propelled towards the One Sith forces with aft thrusters burning brightly as soon as they had cleared the massive ring of construction and repair platforms. Onward.

Squadron composition:

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

"ETA 60 seconds, my lord."

"All decks report ready for combat, my lord." added Arvol, the ship's captain. Melkaroth did not reply.

The cyborg was seated upon the command chair of the bridge of his Star Destroyer, the Matador. Normally he would leave the running of the ship to the captain, but he would trust this operation to nobody.

The vessel shuddered slightly as the hyperdrive generator disengaged, and the Kuat Drive Yards surged forwards to meet them. They were hardly impressive at this range--just little specks in the distance. Melkaroth sat there for a moment, observing the view. Two distinct groups of vessels could be seen directly ahead of them; one of them began to move towards a third group, closer to Melkaroth's fleet and to the side.

"It seems the battle is yet to be joined." said Melkaroth, speaking mostly to himself. "Good...Helm!"

"Yes, my lord?"

"Bring us into range of that first enemy squadron. Weapons officer, prepare to fire on their lead ship on my command. Communications operator, hail Admiral Tregessar."

"Channel open, my lord."

"Admiral!" said Melkaorth. "I'm moving my squadron in to engage with the enemy group that's moving to intercept you. Do you have a fleet composition report?"


OOC: I'm moving to engage [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]'s fleet.

1x Dark Blade Star Destroyer [FLAGSHIP]
2x Torment Heavy Cruiser
2x Razer Frigate
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Cyrus threw back his head and laughed at the girl on the screen before him.

"Do you think the Republic Fleet scares me? Do you think I don't know exactly how long it will take them to arrive? Could it possibly occur to you that everything that happens here right now happens because I want it to? This isn't marketplace girl! There's no bargaining to be done here. Let them come, and they'll find your ships crippled hulks to greet them, and the yards a ring of rubble. You've made your choice, now we see if you have the skill to back up your courage."

With a wave of his hand, Cyrus cut the channel. The time for bandying words was over. Reports indicated that a second force of Republic ships had started moving under some form of direction. Scans showed four, the largest of which was a cruiser, none a serious threat to his force.

Or to the allies that had just jumped in. It took only a moment to identify the Matador with Lord Melakoth Tyrin in charge. Cyrus frowned. He did not normally trust Sith in command of fleets, they had a tendency to waste ships and pursue their own objectives in the middle of a battle, but here he was willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

After all, what else was this operation for? The Rendili captain had been right about one thing, he had not brought nearly enough ships to raze the shipyards. Where she had been wrong was in thinking that was his objective to begin with.

"Lord Tyrin, a group of four vessels have broken off from the driveyards, engage them with your squadron, and I'll tackle the larger enemy force. Maintain tactical control of your battlespace. Tregessar out."

The squadron abruptly stopped firing on various defensive installations, besides periodic shots to silence those that made themselves a nuisance. What the fascination was with fixed emplacements, Cyrus had never been able to understand. Generals trying to write the rules for war in space, perhaps. A fixed point in space was a liability, as the Mandalorian [member="Captain Larraq"] had demonstrated so well at Dromund Kaas. A satellite could be taken out from across the solar system, far away from any chance of reprisal, with only a basic understanding of its orbital course.

So the real threat of course was ships, and right now that meant the Rendili ones. The two forces were closing, albeit slowly. It was time to take things up a notch.

Like the physical representation of death, the Arrogance turned to point its colossal Hypervelocity Cannon at one of the Dreadnought Cruisers. Targeting solutions were plotted, amended with probably maneuvering on the part of the target, and recalculated. For a moment, it seemed as if the entire ship held its breath.

Then it fired, launching 60 slugs at a fraction the speed of light in under a second. One cruiser was about to have a very bad day.

Dark Blade main gun fired at Dreadnought Cruiser.

@Melakoth Tyrin
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
@Valara Tiall
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

Sorry for the delay. Long week and all.
Melkaroth nodded, before turning to the captain. "Captain, designate our target battlegroup Alpha and the second Beta. I want a full composition report on Alpha, and make it quick." With that, he pressed a few buttons on the arm of his chair, activating the inter-ship communications. "Mauler and Hyperion, begin launching all fighters and bombers. Half the fighters will protect us while the other half will accompany the bombers to destroy the enemy fleet. Execute orders on my command."

While waiting for the results of the scan, Melkaroth observed the gigantic metal rings of Kuat. Clearly, such a massive installation could not be destroyed completely by such a small force before overwhelming enemy reinforcements arrived. Still, a few shots in the right places could do a lot of damage, and the general layout of these ancient shipyards was well known; Melkaroth himself had studied the basic schematics when overseeing the Morellian shipyards for the New Order. Of course, their information was a little out of date, but it would be enough to direct some precision strikes; enough to throw a spanner in the republic's works, at any rate. More than that, they were sending a message: they could reach and damage the heart of the Republic's war effort. The psychological impact of their mission was more important than any physical damage they would be able to do.



Conducted scan of battlegroup Alpha
Launched 192 x KI-SF "Blade" Starfighters - Holding Position
Launched 96 x KI-SB "Bombardier" Bombers - Holding Position

OOC: 400 posts! YAAAAAAAAAY!

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Alana Sunrider

Before the attack....

Valara dropped her salute and turned to examine the next ship on her manifest. This one was combat ready-one of the brand new Star Defenders. She was looking forward to seeing it in action and hearing how it turned out. Or maybe even serve aboard one. Logistics and inspections were not where she had intended for her career to take her. She had dreamed of being a starship captain. Not some supply acquistioner.

Then the Sith strike forces appeared out of orbit and opened fire. Klaxons blared and the comm channels instantly sprang to life. SHe staggered as the ship rocked from the concussive force. Where were the defense fleets? She looked out the portholes. There was one. Rendili by the looks of it. No more as of yet.

She turned to the NCO stationed aboard the ship.

"Who's the commanding officer of this vessel?" The man picked himself up from the deck.
"None assigned yet, sir." She frowned as more klaxons blared and everything went crazy.
"Who's the senior officer aboard this vessel?"
"You are, sir." Her stomach dropped, but she stood a little straighter, jaw set, and straightened her cover.

"Well then. Looks like I have a battle to fight." She hurried to the bridge, speaking on her comlink.
"Recall all off-duty personnel, send those assigned to ships to their ships, including the ones assigned to Star Defender classes, specifically this one in Bay Niner Five."

She strode onto the bridge and took a seat in the captain's chair, activating the inter-ship intercom.

"All personnel, this Captain Tiall speaking. We shall assemble all nearby vessels into a fleet and serve to counter the Sith incursion as soon as the crew are aboard. Battle stations, please, and department heads, inform when you are above the required number of required personnel."

She sat back in her chair, listening as reports came in from ships.

"Sentinel ready for action, sir."
"Vanguard awaiting orders, sir."
"Beacon of Hope standing by, sir." She gave a cold smile, watching the battle begin in earnest ahead of her. There were two fleets per side now, and that Dark Blades were the most dangerous by far. Reports came in from her own ship now. They were ready. A few more ships chimed in.

"All ships, form up on the," She paused to double-check the name of the ship, "Requiem. Standard fleet formation as of now." Affirmative commands filtered in. She chewed on her lip.

"Navigate a course to slingshot us around the planet at full burn with the destination of beneath the larger enemy fleet, codename Aurek. Rotate as to provide the smallest minimal target profile." She strapped herself in as the ships began to accelerate, utilizing Kuat's gravity to give them some extra acceleration, and rotating to display the smallest target profiles.

1- Avenger Class Star Defender
1-Nudcha Class Assault Cruiser
1-Metellos Class Frigate (Horrid paint job not included)
1-Dorin Class Frigate
2-Altier Class Frigate
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
"New contacts! Signatures on 6 vessels. One is identified as Star Destroyer class, new design, unknown capabilities."

Cyrus pulled up the data on his display. This was what he had been looking for since his squadron had first dropped into the system. This was the prime threat, an organized Republic response.

"Very well, stop the clock. Begin phase two of the operation. All units shift targets to new enemy units, maneuver to maintain range on Rendili ships while unmasking batteries on Republic forces."

There was something still off about the way the Star Destroyer (or was it Star Defender) led its small group out. It was unpracticed, imprecise. Perhaps the Republic Navy was in even worse shape than Cyrus had figured before. Or more likely, this was just as much a haphazard response as the first group of four ships that had launched from the dockyards. Now that was telling. The sector fleet hadn't even shown up. Was this raid viewed as a feint? Was the fleet still being held in reserve? Or perhaps there were larger issues at play. Cyrus made a mental note to visit the OSI bureau after he got back. The intel boys would have some work to do.

Orders were given, and the formation shifted. The Vanguard Cruisers came in close to benefit from the Arrogance's more powerful shield array, then all three ships opened fire with their long range weaponry, the cruisers volleying with their mass drivers to punctuate the much slower shots from the Hypervelocity Cannon of the Dreadnought. The single Torment Cruiser, quiet for so long, finally launched its strike craft, who drifted into four groups out to the flanks, two each of fighters and bombers. Finally the frigates took formation just behind the Dark Blade, ready to support if necessary.

A textbook formation, except for how close the heavy cruisers were. Everything in a space battle came down to conserving shield power and forcing the enemy to distribute fire. Tight formations could be part of that, if you were willing to drill your crews well enough, something Cyrus emphasized to a possibly extreme degree.

"Continue barrage, all ships fire at will. Set all thrust to reverse while holding formation."

It wasn't particularly glamorous, but if you had an advantage you were a fool to not exploit it, and here the Sith had vastly superior long-range firepower. The Republic would have to work to catch its 'prey.'

Skipping over [member="Camellia Swift"] for now to keep the thread moving.

Long Range Mass Drivers, Turbolasers, and HVC's fired at Requiem.
1 Dark Blade-class Star Destroyer, "Arrogance"
1 Torment-class Cruiser, "Spite"
2 Vanguard-class Heavy Cruisers, "Repulse" and "Adroit"
2 Razer-class Frigates "Razer 1" and "Razer 2"

@Valara Tiall
@Melakoth Tyrin
[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] @Valara Tiall [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] @Melakoth Tyrin

((You literally just skipped me, I was in the middle of posting finally lol))

In the end Camellia found herself gritting her teeth and clenching her fists as the Sith Officer responded to her. . . . .and completely rejected a possible ends to the debacle. He had seemed so much more willing to negotiate in his first transmission, was it all just a little mind game for him then?"If that's how you believe the way things are then I don't think we have much else to discuss. I'll be taking this opportunity to thoroughly educate you on the reason why you should have cursed the inferior yards your ships exited the docks of!"

Of course that bit of bluster was just that, bluster. The Rendili Captain had received the signal from the officer at the sensor station that several more profiles had appeared in the local space, both enemy and ally. The enemy force was just as dangerous appearing as the first, including another one of the ridiculously deadly and powerful Darkblade Star Destroyers. Meanwhile the first friendly group to appear had ships even smaller than those that most of the Rendili Defense Fleet's units consisted of. The largest ship was giving off a cruiser analog, it made Camellia wonder if it was a battlegroup scrapped together by Kuat's own defense forces rather than a Republic system fleet.

Regardless, Camellia wasn't going to look down on those supporting her, not when things were so dire and they were already risking so much. "Open up with all long range cannons! Target their smaller vessels first, we don't have the input to really dent their destroyers from this range, so let's put some holes in their support craft. Get use behind the shipyards while we're at it helmsman, I don't want us in the open when they have that cannon of their with a clear shot at us. They can take a few hits, Kuat's yards as big as they are have more shielding than any of the ships out here have."

Sure it would mean risking some damage to the shipyards, but its hull and shields were far beyond just a ship's own. It would last a long time, honestly she still wasn't sure what the Sith was thinking. He didn't have a force strong enough to breach the shipyards without pounding at them for at least an hour, and he wasn't going to crush her fleet quickly. If he was thinking that he was mistaken, even if the shot from his Darkblade's precious cannon was a nice try. It struck one of her Dreadnought cruisers as they drifted towards the shipyards for cover as the Spearhead Cruiser and Oberum Frigates fired away with their long range cannons. The report coming in that 65% of the first layer of shields being drained wasn't comforting. two or three more would strip both the redundant shield and the base layer, and she wasn't wanting to determine how many shots the hull could take even if it was reinforced.

Yes taking shelter behind the yards while they made their approach and shortened the distance before they'd have to cover open space was the best tactic. The only danger lay in if there was a larger Sith fleet coming that could endanger the yards and break the shields on them, or if the Sith could wipe out any allied forces before they got in range to do any damage. Whatever the case, Camellia spurred on her crew so they could avoid having the cruiser take another shot, if they didn't reach cover in time she'd have her flagship take the next hit, its shields could handle it better anyway. However, when the report came in there were even more Republic Profiles appearing on the sensors she couldn't help but grin as she signaled for communications to be opened on the Republic Frequency.

"This is Captain Camellia Swift of the RHDF, our forces will be going behind the yards on approach to the Sith Fleet to avoid that hypervelocity gun. We're aiming for the 1st Enemy Battlegroup that appeared, the second appears to be diverting to enter range to fire its own gun at the force with the Rectification. I suggest you also employ the yards for cover before engaging them. Its my opinion we focus fire on their Darkblades once in range and take out their greatest weapons, they have the most firepower and will be the toughest to take down."
"My lord, we're picking up a new hostile battlegroup entering the system."

Melkaroth nodded. "Very well; designate battlegroup Gamma and run a scan on them immediately." Melkaroth surveyed the veiwing screen before him. Battlegroup Alpha was now on the move, and seemed to be pulling behind the starbase. It was a smart maneuver; using the gigantic ring of the Kuat Drive yards as a shield against their hypervelocity cannons. They had to be defeated swiftly, before they could close to range with Admiral Tressegar's fleet.

"Comms, open a channel to the Arrogance."

"Done, my lord."

"Admiral Tressegar, I recommend you divert all your firepower onto the smaller ships of the first enemy squadron. Once the escorts are destroyed I will order my strike squadrons to attack the cruisers. My fleet will remain in a standoff position and attempt to disable the second enemy battlegroup before the third can arrive."

As he spoke, Melkaroth's battlegroup was moving ever closer to their target, their engines operating at full capacity. The Dark Blade lead the charge, ready to soak up any enemy fire that came their way, escorted closely by the two frigates while the more fragile carriers followed some distance behind. The fighters assigned to escort detail also accompanied the flagship, while those assigned to strike at the enemy fleet were now moving off as per their new orders, correcting their orbits so that they could speed off to meet their new target at a moment's notice. Without cutting the channel, Melkaroth began to bark out orders to his own crew. "Target the hypervelocity gun on the enemy cruiser; hold standoff position." said Melkaroth. One by one, the ships came to a halt, holding their formation perfectly. Slowly, the Dark blade pivoted around to face its target. The mighty ship was was shaken to its core as the massive cannon fired its first salvo at [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]'s vessel.




Dark Blade Star Destroyer Matador: Hypervelocity Cannon fired at Redoubt Class Cruiser
A separate group of hostile ships had just exited hyperspace in their vicinity, and system-wide chatter escalated, if that were even possible. How had such a large fleet passed into Kuat space unanticipated? And where was the system defense fleet? Tålamod glanced to the side and pursed her lips in suppressed consternation. It was not especially wonderful for her to be thrust into this role in such a conflict when it was not even her job. But they would not hurt her Republic while she stood idly by.

Not that she had time to stand idly at all, as a new, alarming bit of information was shouted across the bridge. "New command cruiser is opening fire!" Of course it would be directly at Shopochka's cruiser.

While the engaging fleet was hardly any bigger than the de facto captain's, it certainly seemed to sport a few more potent weapons, including the advanced cannon it had just now fired. It can only hit one of us. Luckily, the Redoubt-class was constructed to deal with heavy fire, though a hypervelocity projectile is no light matter. When contact was made, the slightest of jounces could be felt. It was not an incredible tremor by any means, but anything that could cause even a minimal tap on such a large vessel was a concern indeed.

As soon as the enemy's opening salvo had landed, Rectification returned its own venom of heavy long-ranged turbolaser fire. "Launch all bombers. And fighters, yes," she commanded over the comms. "Engage with the frigates." All four Republic ships would soon be unleashing their swarms of snubcraft, but she needed to think a little more advanced as she was facing down an opponent with a bit of a superior force. "Taboon craft, prepare for evacuating. Shuttles mark to location 347 of KDY. Crews remain until my signal, yes."

Now opening a public line, the half-Miralukan attempted to coordinate movements with the newly arrived Republic reinforcements. "This is Lieut Commander Tålamod Shapochka with the Rectification. I am requesting for assistance in combat of Opposition Beta. Please answer."

Squadron composition:

Action report:
Redoubt-class Cruiser Rectification: Fires heavy long-range turbolaser batteries at Dark Blade Star Destroyer Matador.
All fleet ships: Launch bomber/fighter craft.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Camellia Swift"], [member="Melakoth Tyrin"], [member="Valara Tiall"]
"Long-range turbolasers in range, my lord."

"Return fire; target their shield generator." said Melkaroth. "Focus on battlegroup Alpha and magnify." The screen changed, now showing a view of their target battlegroup as the bolts of green light streaked through the blackness of space to meet them. Now Melkaroth would finally get a chance to fully test the armament of the Dark Blade. If the engineers weren't exaggerating more than usual, his weapons should be enough to tear through his current opposition. True, a Redoubt class cruiser was a formidable opponent, Melkaroth had enough long-range firepower to mostly nullify its threat. However, staying at long range would be a problem--the cruiser, while slow for its size, was still considerably faster than his own ship. He could, of course, target the engines, but he was working to a time limit and he needed this fleet out of commission quickly.

"Full speed ahead." said Melkaroth, deciding to risk the enemy's short range guns rather than let them escape to join up with one of the larger enemy forces.

[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

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