Long Long Ago! When Vulpesen was only a knight within the Jedi order! Young Ophelia had joined the academy! She was the light of the light side!!
After being kidnapped by the sith lord, Circe! After having been placed in the sith academy and see a sithspawn being made with near 10 sith lords around her! After the attempt to corrupt Ophelia by Circe had failed!
She finally was able to somehow return to Master Vulpesen! She got herself a Nexu and continued to train under his more neutral guidance! But it didn't matter Ophelia stayed on the lightside till she finally got knighted!
And now she wants to say Hi!
Would anyone like a thread with her?
After being kidnapped by the sith lord, Circe! After having been placed in the sith academy and see a sithspawn being made with near 10 sith lords around her! After the attempt to corrupt Ophelia by Circe had failed!
She finally was able to somehow return to Master Vulpesen! She got herself a Nexu and continued to train under his more neutral guidance! But it didn't matter Ophelia stayed on the lightside till she finally got knighted!
And now she wants to say Hi!
Would anyone like a thread with her?