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Character Son of God | Soldane Talon


NameSoldane Talon
AliasRiven Dreadmoor
Force AlignmentDark Side
EducationHRD Nannies (3-9)
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex (9-13)
Jutrand Academy (13-Now)

Soldane Talon
Son of God

"Their bond is pure, it should be encouraged and strengthened. Together, they could be unstoppable."
~ Darth Carnifex, The Twice Emperor
There is an implicit anonymity to Soldane. Very few know that he even exists, and fewer still know him as Soldane Talon. The son of Rhysion and Srina Talon Srina Talon , Soldane is a dutiful and loyal child, most often seen with Lunaria, his twin sister. While his identity is masked for his protection, the Empire around him begins to shift as his distant Father drags it into war, and Soldane must watch from afar.​
Trained from a young age by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and his Mother in the ways of the Dark Side and the Force, Soldane Talon is considered a prodigy on par with his father. Taking more than just his skill, Soldane carries many of his father's features from whence he was still alive, though now mixed with the echani genetics of his mother. As he ages, he is bound to appear more and more like his parents, for better or for worse.​
For now, Soldane is enrolled in the Royal Academy of Jutrand under the tutelage of the Order's best tutors. While his teachers prepare him for a future in the Sith, Soldane begins to wonder about the galaxy at large, and where his path will soon take him.​

Soldane Talon
Circa 897 ABY

Born during the Winter Fete of 889 ABY, Soldane and Lunaria Talon Lunaria Talon were gifted to their mother, Srina Talon Srina Talon under the watchful gaze of [REDACTED] on the planet of [REDACTED]. They were quickly masked with void stone infused blankets so that their spirits could not be detected by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , incase the sensation would awaken within him the Worm Emperor. This was to begin their life of hiding away from their father's prisoner, so that they might not be harmed by his vengeance.​
Soldane is descended from two genetic anomalous lineages, first the Talon's, who are regarded as some of the greatest fighters in the Galaxy, and servants to royalty on the planet of Eshan. The paternal lineage comes from the Lutris, who have spent centuries attempting to perfect the genetic code of their offspring to create a 'perfect' Sith. While the Lutris line has made relatively mediocre Sith due to a variety of genetic complications and short comings, it was first presented in Rhysion Talon where a success had been made. Rhysion's children have thus inherited his genetic proclivity for the Force, but more over, their mother's innate strength as well.​
Raised on the far away planet of Cularin, for many years the twins had none but each other. HRD Nannies kept them occupied with lessons and figures beyond their years, meanwhile their Echani tendencies encouraged their martial practices just as much. By the age of seven, Soldane and Lunaria could fight on equal grounds with the lower settings of an HRD droid, outpacing the peers they never had a chance to see.​
It was at the age of 9 that the children met their Haru, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . In his first meeting with the Dark Lord, even at a young age, Soldane Talon threatened the Butcher King's life should he ever harm his sister. With that deterministic truth put between them, Darth Carnifex began to assist in their upbringing alongside Srina, their Naneth. It was under his tutelage and resources that the twins fell into their pace all the more.​
Force Sensitive at an age far younger than others, it had been years of passive telepathy and telekinetic play between the siblings. It was only later on that their training in the Force became more pointed - as Sith teachings from ancient times were brought to them. Alongside them, mythology and history dating back thousands of years. Not just later documentation or interpretations of events, but the first editions of first hand accounts, laid before them to be read.​
It was at this age the twins learned the ancient Sith language of ur-Kittat, both in its linguistic tones and its literacy. Their learning became their foundation, passing between this history and that philosophy. Books meant for scholars many times their age were consumed and spat back out as they moved on, all parsed between their practiced combat. Their energy was infinite, and their bond all the stronger.​
In these early years, the Talon Twins were introduced to children of their own age and older. Those trusted by the Zambrano Emperor were brought for their socializing, but even in their young age Soldane was often overbearing or aggressive in their play. He carried with him a darkness, perhaps from birth or from his upbringing, that seemed to make him blunt and forward to a tee. Many didn't like him, his personality often contrasting his youthful, androgynous features, but where his personality failed - Lunaria protected him, and in turn, he protected her.​
In the year 902 ABY, in an effort to further their education, Lunaria and Soldane were enrolled in the Royal Academy of Jutrand. A school for the elite of the elite, they were given a chance to compare their natural gifts against the very best the Order had to offer. With pseudonyms, falsified records, and a sponsorship from [REDACTED], a noble from the planet Eriadu and servant of the Butcher King, the children made their way across the galaxy to prove themselves to the Order.​

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Book 1, Chapter 1 - Coming of Age

Jutrand Academy
Cirqa 902 ABY

As Lunaria and Soldane were brought to Jutrand to make their final preparations for the entry exams, Soldane made a habit of sneaking out of their apartment to scour the city streets. With no goal in mind, he found himself in the slums more often than he meant to - each time travelling further and farther into the dark underbelly of a world his father had destroyed through conquest and imperial rule. There in he saw the realities of Sith rule, and understood that the common man was nothing but something to be used, not protected.​
In these early moments, he wasn't sure how to feel about this. Did he support his father for his Machiavellian approach to rule, or did he accept that the failure and hardship his people faced were fundamentally wrong? He had studied and understood the depth of societal structures well enough to know there was no perfect system - but he imagined there must be something better.​
His father would have called it childish naivety.​
In his many adventures through the slums of Jutrand, he met Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr - instantly faced with tension, Soldane moved to hide his identity from the would be Dark Councilor. On another, hunger stuck him on an evening people watching, he met with Ria the Cat Ria the Cat , drawn in by her colorful logo and mouth watering menu - it was his first experience with spicy food. Although these were relatively minor experiences, they were Soldane's first time experiencing the greater world.​
In the coming weeks, he prepared for the trials that would befall him in the exam set up for the Imperial Academy of Jutrand. Together, him and Lunaria Talon Lunaria Talon worked tireless on Sith Histories, Philosophy, Math, and Science parsed between their echani dueling and lightsaber form practice. It had become more intense over the last few months, pushed further and harder by their Mother and Haru alike. They had explained why - there was no saving them in the Academy, they simply had to sink or swim.​
Soldane intended to swim, no matter the costs.​
Given their uniforms, they arrived at the trial prepared to do their best amongst thousands. Soldane tested middling in most exams, as he hoped to do to undermine people's expectations. He ever put on a ditzy, almost air headed persona to better set expectations where he wanted them - but none of his strategies saved him when the Sepulchral had attempted to kidnap him away due to his midichlorian count. Listed as 'Above the Limit', it was only due to the intervention of a mysterious 'Demiurge' that he was freed from their death grip.​
Afterwards, Soldane regrouped with Lunaria and set about making a plan to pass the Labyrinthian, a test designed to cull the leftover members who had made it through the first tests. Spotting Udren Zeln Udren Zeln , Soldane pulled him aside to tell the group his plan - to bypass the Maze entirely, hoping to see the teacher's passage to get to the final trial.​
When all was done, Soldane would face off against Thelnic Vath Thelnic Vath in a duel to prove their strength before the Academy. Under careful watch, Soldane moved to secure his place - without showing too much of his true strength.​
When he was ranked, Soldane was given 65th, while his sister Lunaria was given 66th. It had dawned on him then that despite their different approaches, they had been given the ranks by the careful manipulation of their Haru. It was a moment of clarity for the young Sith, who realized that even in spite of his conspiracy to manipulate his rank - none of it had mattered, because someone else already had. He had been placed into the Fifth Cohort, because he was always going to be.​
In his first week at the Academy, he had stretched himself too thin. When he returned one night to sleep, he passed out into a deep sleep. When he awoke, it was to his assassination. Another student, sent by the Twice Emperor, had moved to kill him with a black blade made of obsidian. In the struggle, he was stabbed multiple times - the first time he was faced with his own mortality, as he bled out in the middle of a riot.​

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