Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Song of Souls - iii - Change on the Rise


In the streets of Tmol, just as it was in the streets of many other cities, and in the cropfields and pastures and on each rolling, wild hill of the countryside, the gods were dead.

But below the streets of this particular city, in an underground aqueduct, the gods were known to yet live.

This conduit had not been used to convey water deeper into the city for quite some time. It led in from the bay, yes, where docks saw the tide as well as many fishing boats come and go daily. Over the last years, though, neither were coming quite so far. The water level had dropped so was to not reach the level of the aqueduct anymore and flow into the city's desalination house. Tmol's government had responded by finding another way to supply the city with drinkable water, paying the aqueduct and Daphis' slow forsaking of the fishing settlement no mind.

As much was fortunate, it turned out. A group of Archaics had begun meeting here to share their idea outside of earshot and persecution of the majority that they had taken to calling Cultists. Where most citizens of Tmol might see, if they were looking, a forsaken, cramped, and dank tunnel without a use, these Archaics did see a Temple to all of the gods.

It was one at which they came to worship, gather, and dream daily.


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