The Phantoms Yet Live

"They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Basic Information- Name: Unknown
- Alias: Songbird
- Faction Allegiance: The Phantoms of Freedom
- Faction Rank: Unofficial Leader
- Species: Human
- Races: Aubolloni
- Age: Unknown, believed to be in her twenties.
- Height: 5'6"
- Build: Athletic
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Black
- Skin Pigmentation: White
- Face Claim: Piper- Fallout 4
- Force Sensitive: No
- Significant Other: Unknown
- Parents: Unknown
- Siblings: Unknown
- Offspring: Unknown
- Extended Family: Unknown
(+) Silent As Shadow: Stealth appears to be something she excels in. She has infiltrated more bases then we care to name, here.
(+) Quickdraw: Records have proven that she is a very capable shot with a pistol.
(-) Close-Range Dependency: We have never seen her use ranged weaponry beyond a pistol. We believe this is because she is not as experienced or comfortable with them.
(-) Lack of Armor: From what we have witnessed, she never utilizes armor of any kind. This means that if someone manages to hit her, she goes down.
Notable Possessions
- Armor: Never witnessed wearing any.
- Weaponry: A variety of home-made slugthrowers, and small hidden blades kept in objects such as pens.
- Primary Transport: N/A
- Property: Uknown
- Miscellaneous: Nope.
- N/A
The most vexing part about trying to understand the woman known as Songbird's history is that we know absolutely nothing about it. We don't know when she was born, where she's from, the circumstances of her birth, childhood, nothing. The only thing we know is that she joined the terrorist organization 'The Phantoms of Freedom' as a teenager. The first recorded instance of her we have is her murder of an Authority officer in an alleyway. She slit his throat with a piece of glass wrapped in a rag. From the camera footage, we place her age at this time at perhaps fourteen to sixteen.
Over the next few years, we have recorded instances of her participating in several Phantom operations, seemingly moving through the ranks of the organization. Infiltration, assassination, intelligence gathering, she did it all without getting caught. From our estimations, she is the unofficial leader of the movement, now. Chances are, this is because everyone above her in the chain of command was killed by us.
Now, she directs the Phantoms. Bringing her in is a priority, dead or alive.