Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Songsteel and Molecular Compression?

So, as I begin to design a personal set of lightsabers for Julius (the Skywalker saber will eventually go elsewhere), I have a question relating to songsteel, the one restricted mat i've not touched in any form besides orbalisks...

I want to combine it with the Echani Molecular Compression Technology which feature and was detailed HERE and in a few other Chaos submissions from Sasori and [member="Darth Vulkan"]. The idea behind it is it will go from a standard lightsaber hilt length to a light pike/spear length 'haft' and back.

Now, molecular compression is decidedly vague as a tech, but near as I can tell, it works off compressing the matter in density form, maybe? Not sure, but that would be my guess, it could just be pure handwavium. Regardless, being as I am trying to make Julius a blademaster, I thought it would be fitting to have the hilts made of songsteel since masterwork weapons are made of it. The quarterstaffs most famed for using molecular compression tech are noted as using cortosis or phrik already, so I think songsteel should work. Just curious for thoughts.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

I've made a sword with Althea that was the exact idea you were proposing. It was simple obsidian, that was compressed through the force until their was minimum space between molecules. Granted she broke a dagger in the Dev thread and it took some concentration.

End result? Saber resistant.

There is Jal'Shey with Force Imbue for staff and such. Also Alchemy.
[member="Jack Raxis"] - I think you misunderstand...

  1. I'm not looking for separate weapons.
  2. I'm not looking for a physical blade. Lightsaber.
  3. I'm not particularly looking to use mystic arts to achieve this. Just not fitting for Julius as a character.
  4. The idea is one weapon that can be both at the same time. Hence referencing the bit by Vulkan w/ Larraq's spear, etc..
[member="Jack Raxis"] - Yep. There's a few SW Canon instances, and some Chaos Canon instances, but they typically involved phrik, cortosis or the like. Never involved songsteel so far as I can tell. The links and info are in the first post.
Banned and Restricted Items

Banned Items

i. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in canon role-play threads on Star Wars RP: Chaos without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
ii. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in submissions within the Factory without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
iii. Banned Items are only permitted to be used in Non-Canon role-play threads or Non-Canon Campaign threads.

Quantum-crystalline Armor
Quantum-Crystalline Armor

Quantum-crystalline armor, also known as layered molecular armor and more informally known as quantum armor, was designed to withstand incredible forces. It was made possible by stacking a few layers of atoms as densely as the laws of physics could permit, and laminating them above another thin film that was as strong, but phase shifted.

Restricted Items

I. To be able to use a Restricted Item in your Factory Submission, a writer must first complete the objective attached to the restricted item in a convincing manner that adds to the quality of the role-play thread. Below in alphabetical order are the items and their associated objectives.

II. Submissions using Restricted Items will be reviewed by a Role-play Judge, and may be declined depending on the quality and effort of the submitter.

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IV. Completing restricted item objectives may count as development threads for the submissions using the restricted item. Each completed objective usually only counts for one submission.

V. This list is subject to change without notice. Changes will not affect past submissions.


Songsteel (( Objective : Consecutively rhyme the last word of every other sentence in a paragraph in every post for the full duration of a duel against a Force User player character –OR—assist members in completing ten other objectives. ))
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Molecularity compressed armor is a bit of a no-no. However, I'm not entirely sure if the same rules applies to using said technology to make other items. That's definitely one for the Factory Admin.
[member="Captain Larraq"] - I'll mention it to her. To my end, it's sorta different animals, as in the end the quantum crystalline style is about compressing strength, and this is just dimensional, the tech referenced just allows it to grow in length and nothing else. But I'll ping her with this.
[member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Captain Larraq"]

Those are good points Larraq, I'd like for Julius to send me what he's planning and we can talk about it. But in any case - all forms of the Banned items are not useable and will be denied on concept if they are submitted.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I have a magnet that goes from three feet to the size of a pen. Echani tech for it is just more scifi taking a 4 meter stick and collapsing it to a half meter stick. The thinner the plates for it and the more extension as int he sasori staff would make it more vulnerable to bending and breaking. At least that was the judgement from the judges in the submission and before the wipe. Songsteel in thin plates would not fall into banned tech unless he was doing a lot more to it.
Domino said:
The templars of twilight is a fan wiki for their RP site and not Star Wars cannon. So there is no 'Echani Molecular Compression Technology' unless recreated on our forums in some way.
[member="Julius Sedaire"]
I know... The link is used more as an example of taking information from KOTOR II and codifying it in a coherent whole as to how the Handmaidens Staff works.

Regardless, this has been passed on to the Factory Admin and is awaiting judgment. Given she recently approved a spear for Larraq that functions on molecular compression, the only real question in my eyes is if songsteel can work with the tech.

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