Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Songsteel and NPCs

I'm working on fleshing out some information in relation to Auron's family in order to have some quality threads in the future, but I had some questions, regarding restricted items and NPCs.

I hope to have a lightsaber that belongs to Auron's family that uses songsteel for its hilt. However, it is currently in possession of his father, who is missing. His father is a Jedi Master NPC, and as such will require a development thread like songsteel does. IC, right now he is in a Sith dungeon somewhere after being captured on a covert operation of investigation.

So my question is: Would I be able to have a thread writing as this NPC (with Auron's account), duelling with this lightsaber (that would technically already exist with the metal in it) against a Sith Master - if anyone is willing to do that with me - adhering to the rhyming requirement to have songsteel accepted?

That was a convoluted sentence.

But two birds with one stone, is ultimately what I'm asking about, and whether or not NPC threads are acceptable for a Restricted Item development thread.

I'm quite curious exactly who came up with the rule for obtaining Songsteel and how it came about. Visions of drunk Admins during a game of D&D forgetting they needed to make a rule for it and decided so on the spot, is my idea.

Aside from that, it appears you must be dueling against a player character. I think NPC's are fine to be involved, one of my other characters are going for Laminanium, going for the NPC perspective thread.

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