
NAME: Soontir Rookh
ALIAS: ISB-2148, “Hound”
FACTION: Galactic Empire
RANK: Inferno Squad
SPECIES: Human (Eriaduan / Korun mix)
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.89 meters
WEIGHT: 94 kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black (Bald)
SKIN: Medium Brown
HOMEWORLD: Eriadu (Birthplace) / Kamino (Residence)
VOICE: Idris Elba

[+] Martial Training: As an officer of the Imperial Security Bureau, Soontir was trained in the standard combat techniques of the Galactic Empire. This is in addition to the training in hand-to-hand his mother taught him. As a former agent of the Interrogation branch, Soontir also knows the martial training behind the interrogation of prisoners.[+] Pilot: Soontir’s father had hopes in naming him such, often taking him on training sessions in an old starfighter. This continued after being assigned to Inferno, Soontir was placed in TIE training simulations, knowing the group often employed TIE Fighters in their missions. As a result, Soontir is a very competant starfighter pilot.
[-] Aggressive: The nickname of “Hound” was well earned. While normally able to keep a level head, there is an underlying aggressive side to Soontir. Should he be met with failure by his underling, or dealing with an enemy of the Empire on a personal level, he is known to become like an attack dog. During his time in Interrogation, he resorted to near-extremes of physical aggression against his victims.
[-] Prejudiced: Being raised under his father’s roof, Soontir was exposed to prejudiced ideology concerning what his father thought destroyed the Empire of old. Namely, he is highly distrustful of Force-users, as they have had a hand in their fall before. Similarly, he dislikes those who are cyborgs out of cosmetic reasons, rather than having a legitimate reason for cybernetics (injuries).

Soontir is a man who is within his mid-thirties, but whose looks appear older due to the "aged" appearance that Korunnai-blooded usual seem to have. He usually keeps his hair shaven, both as a bald head and a short goatee-mustache. His skin is a medium brown shade found in humans of high melanin, seeming to have a shade reminiscent of chocolate. Near his right eye are several, lacerating scars caused from an old injury. While his left eye is a normal dark-brown, his right eyes been replaced with a cybernetic counterpart. This mechanized eye is usually covered by a black, bantha-leather eye patch. He is a tall, muscular man, towering around 1.89 meters. Some may note his resemblance to the Jedi Mace Windu, of whom he is a distant relation on his mother's side.
Soontir Rookh was born into a family atypical of most. His father was a disgruntled descendant of an Imperial officer, who pined for the return of the Empire's ways. His mother was a Korun mercenary who hailed from Ghosh Windu, who did not have a connection to the Force like her kinsmen. Due to this, she was often considered an outcast, and left Haruun Kal. She empathized with the elder Rookh's ideology, becoming enamored with him. Thus, Soontir was born to them, named for the great TIE Fighter pilot and founder of the Imperial Fel Dynasty. During his life, the young Rookh was brought up in a loving, but rigid home. From his parents, he learned how to fight, how to pilot, and the same pro-Imperial sentiments.
When he became a young man, Soontir heard whispers of a growing return of the Imperial Remnant. With his parents' blessing, he traveled to the Remnant's quadrant, and pledged his loyalty. Here, his knowledge in the art of combat expanded. He was trained like every other cadet in the techniques and weaponry of the Empire. Yet, he showed more ambition than becoming a mere stormtrooper. This caught the eye of one of his instructors, who recommended transfer into the training department of Imperial Security. From here, he graduated and placed into the Interrogation branch of the Bureau. Here, "Hound" was born. Soontir became well known for his use of highly aggressive, but effective methods of extracting information from enemies of the Imperial Remnant. On one, fateful day, Soontir tasted his first experience of failure. While on assignment off-world from the current Imperial headquarters, an agent of the enemy managed to catch him off-guard with a hidden flash grenade and escape. The explosive caused him total blindness in his right eye, with shards of shrapnel slicing scars across the same area. He vowed to never again allow such to occur, becoming more willing to torment his captives if he was authorized.
With the Imperial Remnant's declaration into the Third Galactic Empire, Soontir was recommended by his superiors for placement into Inferno Squad, citing his effectiveness in ISB. Following further training with TIE Fighter maneuvers, Soontir was placed into Inferno, assigned to do special operations at the bidding of the Imperial Council.
When he became a young man, Soontir heard whispers of a growing return of the Imperial Remnant. With his parents' blessing, he traveled to the Remnant's quadrant, and pledged his loyalty. Here, his knowledge in the art of combat expanded. He was trained like every other cadet in the techniques and weaponry of the Empire. Yet, he showed more ambition than becoming a mere stormtrooper. This caught the eye of one of his instructors, who recommended transfer into the training department of Imperial Security. From here, he graduated and placed into the Interrogation branch of the Bureau. Here, "Hound" was born. Soontir became well known for his use of highly aggressive, but effective methods of extracting information from enemies of the Imperial Remnant. On one, fateful day, Soontir tasted his first experience of failure. While on assignment off-world from the current Imperial headquarters, an agent of the enemy managed to catch him off-guard with a hidden flash grenade and escape. The explosive caused him total blindness in his right eye, with shards of shrapnel slicing scars across the same area. He vowed to never again allow such to occur, becoming more willing to torment his captives if he was authorized.
With the Imperial Remnant's declaration into the Third Galactic Empire, Soontir was recommended by his superiors for placement into Inferno Squad, citing his effectiveness in ISB. Following further training with TIE Fighter maneuvers, Soontir was placed into Inferno, assigned to do special operations at the bidding of the Imperial Council.

Custom, Inferno Squad-colored armor consisting of ARC Trooper Body Armor and a Tank Trooper Helmet
E-22 blaster rifle (For Battlefield assignments)
Tribune Model Bolter (For ISB-related assignments)
A TIE Interdictor