Why would it be any different from the
last time I quoted (Tefka) evidence stating that your Ragna was allowed? All the Factory-approved draconic species prior to that rule were said to be okay.
Now I have to go digging for it. For a third time. Thanks guys.
Found it! (
To be honest, I don't know where the Ragna Dragon fits into that because on the one hand it is a Biot, but on the other it is also not Sentient.... o.o
Edit: Also, the reason,
IIRC, canon dragons were PC-banned was because they're rare, non/semi-sentient and were entirely too frequently used to be healthy for any Star Wars/sci-fi setting here. Though, for the lattermost, neither are werewolves, vampires, wraiths, living crystals and all the other things that didn't make this list of fantasy examples. TLDR - people played dragons into oblivion. -.-