Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sophia Bergen


Full name: Sophia Bergen

Species: Lupine

Age: 24

Human height: 5' 8"

Human weight: 55 kg

Hair color :Blonde

Eye color: Green

Force sensitive: Yes

Force alignment: Neutral

Faction: None

Rank: None

  • History
    Sophia was born to a small family of Lupines on the planet Ossus. She had a pretty normal life all considering until her brother Samuel had broke. Broke is an understatement. He had gone of his hinges and killed. That was the most devastating night of her life. She lost her oldest brother and her mother to her own brother. Then the second worst day of her life happened. Her father welcomed Samuel back. Samuel had killed their mother and brother and Josiah welcomed him back and forgave him. She avoided her father and oldest living brother from then on. She didn't forgive him and was terrified he would kill her too. She took care of his child if only to protect it from Samuel. She didn't trust him at all. She is confused as he seemed to have regained some sort of semblance to his old self since having a daughter. The jury is still out. Sophia ran away in protest and got captured into slavery causing her to have to get rescued by Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor . She now lives in the empire and helps her savior/friend out when she can.

  • Skills

    • Force Sense
    • Telekinesis
    • Shatterpoint
    • Psychometry
    • Enhance Ability
    • Telepathy

  • Relationships

    Father: Josiah Bergen (father)
    Mother: Ainsley Bergen (mother, murdered)
    Brother: Samuel Bergen
    Sister: Harper Bergen
    Brother: Cyrus Bergen

  • Assets

    • TBA
    • TBA
    • TBA
    • TBA

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    • Seemingly Sane compared to some in her family.
    • Meta-human sense of smell and Hearing​
    • Force Sensitivity
    • Lupine gene dominates during mating

    • Known lifespan is up to roughly about seventy years of age
    • Heavily prone to madness for various reasons, including due to the Force (which, along with inbreed destroyed other Lupine families that once existed)
    • High frequency sounds can cripple a Lupine temporarily, e.g. a momentary sound would affect them 20-60 seconds. Longer lasting sounds would have a longer affects. The reaction would also depend on the intensity of the sound, frequency and fortitude of the character in question. Age and training is important here. A fully grown and trained character (e.g. Ket) would take 15 seconds to recover from a momentary sounds, where as a younger and less or un-trained Lupine (e.g. Katrine) would take a whole minute.
    • Odd- Things she does on occasion are strange to others.

  • Threads

    Shadow Empire: The Nightmare | EE Dominion of Codia



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