Sophia Walsh
Captain Walsh
Sophia Walsh

- Name: Sophia Walsh
- Age: 27
- Force Rank: Knight
- Force Alignment: Neutral
- Species: Near-Human
- Races: Human, Echani
- Weight: 120 lbs
- Height: 5’ 5”
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Color: Brown
- Skin Pigmentation: Pale
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Voice Sample: Oliva Wilde
+ Tactician: Having spent much of her life in the Navy Sophia has learned how to handle any situation that is thrown her way. This skill she has been able to utilize in her position now as Viceroy.
+ Gift of gab: Sophia has always had a way with people
+ Martial Arts: Due in part to her heritage and her military training Sophia excels at hand to hand combat.
- - Force abilities: Having not realized her Force Sensitive till later in life Sophia is not adapt in as many as her counterparts. She counters this by focusing on a few instead of trying to learn many.
- - Over analytical: Sophia tends to at times overthink a situation which can keep her from being spontaneous. It’s not easy for her to think on her feet.
- - Bad Luck: Sophia has a knack for getting herself into trouble or rather trouble always seems to find her.
- - Eldest Child: Being the oldest of four children Sophia often had to take care of them while her parents were away which included cooking and cleaning. Sophia’s parents also had her when they were very young and just starting out so she had an interesting childhood.
Sophia is the eldest child of Admiral Johnathan Walsh and Jedi Master Kalia Vondrianch. She grew up on Coruscant with her two younger siblings Oliver and Laura. Sophia always has been fascinated with starships and anything really anything in general that flew. As a young girl she always enjoyed when her father would take her on his ship with him just to visit of course. She was never allowed to touch anything but he would show her various buttons did and how to operate them. Her father also taught her how to fly and of course how to modify ships. The one thing she disliked though was how he was gone all the time but every time he did come back he always had the coolest stories about his adventures in space.
Once she was old enough Sophia attended the Navy Academy. She studied very hard to learn as much as she could and scored well on tests. Even though she did her best to keep whom her father was a secret everyone knew and assumed that she was getting favors and special treatment for being an Admirals daughter. It wasn’t true though if anything more was expected of her because of her family. Sophia worked hard to get where she was not only for herself but to make her parents proud of her. It wasn't long before she became a Captain of her own ship with her own crew. They were wary of such a young Captain at first but grew to trust, respect her leadership.