Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sophie Gustav


NAME: Sophie Gustav
FACTION: Republic/Jedi
RANK: Jedi Padawn
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 2”
WEIGHT: 130 Ilbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
+ Focused Studier and eager learner
+Dancing; which can be attributed to helping with lightsaber combat

-Has a wanting sense to stay “unique”
-Can be easily distracted by things she find beautiful; including art and music

Sophie prefers to have the more colorful and outstanding dresses, so she’ll tend to where something like a long dress skirt with a white dress shirt. An ascot tie. Black stockings and boots. And a choker with a broach on it. She also likes to keep her hair in a ponytail with a blue bow to hold it.

Ever since she was a child her parents had told her “Sophie, you were born to do great things.”

Her family heritage dates back to her family name Gustav originating from Madalorian space. Her grandfather, Ethan Gustav, had been from Mandalor itself before meeting the woman who would eventually become his wife, Jedi Master Anita Devini. Their first meeting had been a more violent one, since he was trying to take a key location on the now occupied Korriban while she was trying to look into sith artifacts. The two had fought but, in time, began to become closer as they spent more time with one another.

Eventually Master Devini left the order to marry Ethan, though they moved to her home planet of Alderaan when they’d finally settled down. Both were content with their lives to where they eventually bore a daughter, Samantha. However unlike her mother Samantha was not born with the ability to use the force. Surprisingly Ethan was more upset about this as he’d hoped for his legacy to return to the Jedi order and live in greater fame. Anita, on the other hand, worried what that life would bring; given that it involved fighting the Sith who were a dangerous enemy on their own.

Samantha herself grew into a fine young woman, becoming a professional singer in the Alderaan opera company. When she was old enough she married a young admirer, Anthony Lacraan. Smanatha still kept her family name because of her professional title but Anthony didn’t mind, only wanting to marry her and start a family. And sure enough both tasks were accomplished when they had given birth to Sophie, who was given the name Gustav at the behest of Samantha’s father.

Unlike Samantha Sophie had developed her force abilities like her grandmother, though no one had told her what they were until she was ten years old. During that time Sophie had gone to school and had taken up dancing and singing lessons, hoping to be famous like her mother. The phrase “You were born to do great things” had always made her think she needed to be the best, not realizing it was her parents telling her of her force ability destiny.

As said before Sophie was not told until she was ten, both her mother and grandmother explaining where it had come from. As interested as Sophie was both her parents worried what her life would be like if she left, not wanting to let their child go so soon. Because of this Sophie agreed to wait until she felt ready to join the Jedi order, which had taken nine more years. During that time she continued her studies had had become more proficient with her singing and dancing skills, still having dreams of being famous as her mother.

However the more she thought on it over the years the more Sophie began to realize how much more potential she had to be a Jedi. Anyone could be a singer or dancer but only so many had ever become Jedi masters, something she knew would make her great. And she felt it best as her force abilities blossomed more and more with age. It was not until her grandmother finally passed away that Sophie made her decision to finally leave, her parents accepting this though still upset they would not see her for a long time.

With that Sophie packed her things and made for Ossus, the new home of the Jedi order. It is there she hopes to live up to the destiny her parents and grandmother had always said she was meant for.

Her teaching, however, soon took a turn for the worse. Her curious nature had lead her to dark places, such as the ruins of Ossus. It was there Sophie had come in contact with a Sith knight who, after defeating her in combat, had influenced her thoughts and manipulated her feelings into full conversion. To the rest of the Jedi order she was killed on the planet by the sith, as she'd left evidence to suggest as such. Despite the failuer to her family heritage Sophie has always wanted more than what she discovered the Jedi could offer. Now she had joined the dark side and fallen down the dark path to the Sith.





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