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Approved Tech Sorceress of Coruscant's Gown

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  • Intent: To sub a unique Light Armor
  • Manufacturer: Syd Celsius
  • Affiliation: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Market Status: Closed (Unique)
  • Production: Semi-Unique (3 copies)
  • Material: Armorweave
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Vibro: High
    • Magic: High
    • Dark Side: Extreme
    • Ion: Very Low
    • Paddle Beam: Very Low
    • Acid: Extreme
    • Cryo: Low
    • Water: Low
    • Flame: Low

Enchanted to resist the effects of The Dark Side and Acid, Channel The Sorceress of Coruscant's Persona and Powers better

Capable of self repair

Enchanted to defend against various physical threats

Full mobility


Channeler: This gown is enchanted to help The Persona in control of Syd's Metallokinesis abilities, remain in control of the body more easily, and reduces the focus required to channel Metallokinesis and its related magics

Blessed: Enchanted for Extreme Resistance to Dark Side attacks, Acid, and high resistance to vibroweapons

Fixit: Slowly self repairs over the course of 14 minutes for heavy damage, 007 minutes for minor damage due to enchanted material

Full mobility: Like a dream...


Clingy: The longer the dress is worn, the more The Persona in control of this equipment will not want to remove it, which could lead to Syd being trapped in her own body for days.

Force Voids: Will not function in these

Flames: Flames chew through it rapidly

Cryo: Cryo exposure freezes the dress and slows the wearers speed by a quarter for 007 minutes, while causing their powers to malfunction

Water: Water exposure while wearing this causes rapid rusting of the character's skin, heavily weakening her powers by three fourths their capability and slowing her speed by half for 007 minutes

Energy: Vulnerable to blasters or Lightsabers after two or three hits.

Ion: Ion heavily stuns Syd while wearing this Dress


Crafted by the Sorceress of Coruscant Persona hiding in Syd's body, this gown allows it to channel Metallokinesis while in control of Syd's body. As Syd was influenced by the Coven hiding inside of her to select this persona as the one that will train Starlin while they are both in SJC Space in order to distance him from Syd's more recent actions as well making others think his tutelage has passed on to someone else, Syd plans to get a great deal of use out of this gown...yet does not know each use weakens her autonomy over her own body...
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Syd Celsius Syd Celsius

Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))

Please re-add the market status to the submission

Repairs itself very quickly

This will need a sort of timetable from small to heavy damage.
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