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Sorenn-Syrush White Tie Formal

The day had finally arrived and even with the problems that had arisen - and against the protests of some close advisers and old friends - she was still committed to ensuring that the formal would continue. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she set the helm down, deciding that she would forgo that particular item, though still took the time to admire herself in the ceremonial armor she was wearing. Her attention though was quickly shifted as she looked over her shoulder, utilizing the mirror to aid in doing such before her smirk grew.
"That armor looks good on you [member="Thraxis"] ... Perhaps when this is all said and done, you might want to stick around."
Of course she didn't expect him to accept an offer, and she sincerely doubted that he would be remotely receptive to the idea of joining the Knights of the Pyre. Taking one last look over herself, she spun on her hind foot to be facing the man, her golden hues upon him as she stepped forward. Her hand raising silently as the two guards rose from their resting positions off to the sides of the room. The armored individuals stepping forward, much taller than the Epicanthix woman. Their own armor matching the one that she had set aside for Thraxis.
"I trust you understand your goal here? Just keep an eye on myself and our guests. My daughter has her own personal bodyguard and shouldn't need to be aided unless in a dire circumstance."
Bringing her hand up, she lightly let it rest on his shoulder before she let out a sigh, then took a deep breath. It was now or never, and already she was worried that a few individuals in attendance might have come just for the bounty. Though she was sure that if anything happened tonight it would be in her favor, which caused a smirk to arise.
"Well then, shall we go greet the guest?"
Her focus remained forward as she stepped out of the room and into the large hall way, the other eight guards waiting as she nodded quietly. Moving down the corridor, she came out to a large balcony flanked by steps, her eyes upon the large open area below as she offered a soft smile before bringing her arms up.
"Greetings honored guests. Welcome to the first Sorenn-Syrush White Tie Formal. Tonight is a night where we are not enemies of one another, rather we are here to enjoy some moment of quiet and a modicum of peace in these otherwise tumultuous times. Eat, drink and be merry. Refreshments are available in the dining hall - though for those of you not like myself, I would suggest staying to any drink that is not colored red - that is unless you're feeling adventurous."
[member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Harley Fenstermacher"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Vallory"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Ra'a'mah"] | [member="Gerard Lussk"] | [member="Aleksandar Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Vyra Silara"] |[member="Fiore de Noir"] | [member="Imperia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Lord Ajihad"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"]

His body twisted in and groaned as he slipped plate after plate, the weight was... Uneasy. What he wore had always been light and form fitting to some degree, but these seem to hang off him like boulders tied to chains. OVersized Gauntlets, Boots that ran halfway up his leg and the piece of resistance, the helmet. Well, it was more of a crown of thorns, an intimidating spectacle to behold especially in an army, but when one man wears it the lustre is lost and leaves all on edge. "Well, it feels like a million bucks." He said with a moan, slipping it on proper and clicking on its bolts and doohickies. "Weighs about the same too." He grumbled with all the sarcasm he could muster ran a finger along his throat, pressing against his Adam's Apple and started to speak, each word shifting through a thousand minisculy altered voices, like a Television that would only play the same program just a few seconds in advance before settling on a more baritone voice.

He gave a sharp shake of the head as he followed behind Amelia. Even in the armour she still took that little inch taller than him, and her guards made him truly stand out amongst the ranks with their behemoth sizes varying from huge to bigger, "I think I'll pass on joining. Don't want to dampen the awe-inspiring presence of lumbering men." He said eyes widened behind the thin veneer of Dursteel wed with Plastoid. As she placed her hand on his shoulder he raised a brow, he never used to people seeing his face behind any mask, but the subtle motions were mostly for himself, to know his dry wit would never truly come across, as she re-instituted his limits, which mainly consisted of no fun. Which, well. It was Commenor. It was never fun there without Thraxis to liven things up. And with his bag of Spike out of the picture, he couldn't exactly help everyone move along and get crapped faced. "You almost make it sound like you don't trust me to behave. I'm hurt." He said with a less than a courteous bow, the posture was right, but the way he spoke those words, a fire flared, a passion ignited he rose, head cocked to the side as his words laced with a chuckle. "I know the rules of this soiree. Don't flirt with the princess. Keep the Queen safe. And most importantly." He put a finger to the closest thing to lips this helmet had, unable to bend it into a smile he just gave a nod. "Well. Two out of three isn't bad." He muttered playfully, he wasn't about to go giving away what rule he always broke. "And the third is more a suggestion anyway." He said with a shrug. They were all technically suggestions after all.

As she waved past him, moving down the dining hall he counted who she had put into her ranks. It was all down on both his hands. At least, the first ten, after that he lost count. Then she made her speech, standard, sweet, short. The perfect kind that would tickle any diplomats fancy minus the red wine. He stood behind, his form would have been engulfed by the Fanged Queen, but the armor was the sort that made you look like an infected finger on an otherwise healthy man, glarring, obvious and rather unsightly. But he stood there, back straightenned, a constant thorn, that pervaded his Contractors company.


King of Pumpkins
Rex had asked to come to the formal well before the bounty on [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] nor the counter bounty from [member="Natalie LaForte"]. He didn't care for politics much anyways, he did what he though was right. So he decided to attend the white tie formal even anyway wearing this . He was disappointed that he could wear his armour, but he still had this lapel on. He always preferred to be prepared for the worst, but he hoped this would be a nice night.

As Amelia approached with [member="Thraxis"] behind her, she made quite the speech. He was glad to hear that tonight was a night off, he didn't get to enjoy many of those. He decide to go and personally thank the host. "Greetings Amelia, I would like to thank you for this wonderful event." He smiled "I don't often get nights off anymore." Then he thinks of a question "Are you a official of the CSA, cause I remember you name from my days with them, I am still a member of course." Then he goes quiet "Don't worry I try my best to keep Lady Kay safe and I don't support the Bounty on you." Then smiling again and speak in a normal tone. "So tell me how long did it take to set this all up?"

[member="Lady Kay"] / [member="Harley Fenstermacher"] / [member="Vanessa Vantai"] / [member="Vallory"] / [member="Kei Raxis"] / [member="Ra'a'mah"] / [member="Gerard Lussk"] / [member="Aleksander Sorenn-Syrush"] / [member="Vyra Silara"] / [member="Fiore de Noir"] / [member="Imperia Sorenn-Syrush"] / [member="Lord Ajihad"]
Natalie gazed up, blankly staring at [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] as she gave the welcoming speech. Her eyes then glanced down at her own attire, perhaps a little bit outlandish for the dress code, but she did design and sow it herself, so it was either she was let in or she was breaking off her engagement with Amelia. Before moving to join the group, she glanced up and down at the individuals who had not made her acquaintance as of yet.

The Chiss seemed boring, as with any Chiss natalie had met before this little get together. Judging more so on appearance, he couldn't have thought of something a little bit less plain than a black suit? Ugh. The other though... interesting. Metallic, curves in all the right places and most importantly, a handsome man to round it all off. Though she could have swore that she met him somewhere prior to this, not being quite able to pinpoint where and when.

She couldn't help but snigger at the decor of the building, of course her interior design choices were always quite avant garde even by her own standards. Everything seemed so montonous, lacking any sort of artistic flare or creativity. Of course, when the two eventually get married, Natalie will happily impart some of her own experimental juices upon the entire estate of the Sorenn-Syrush dynasty.

Strutting to join the newly formed group, her eyes fell upon the one she was least acquainted with, listening intently as he questioned her fiancee. "Good evening all." giving a half smile and continuing to pay attention.

[member="Rex Taff"] I [member="Thraxis"] I [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay arrived to the get together arranged by [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] in an ornate gown befitting one of her station. At first she was going to turn down the invitation, but figured that it was best to take advantage of the distraction and to use it as an opportunity to find out what was going on outside of their borders.

Attending her was one of her guards, not wearing armour, but instead a uniform bearing the Commenori colours of grey and blue. There was no date for her as her husband was currently in prison awaiting trial. What others thought about such a thing, she didn't know. But more than likely she'd find out.

She spotted Amelia, [member="Rex Taff"] and of course [member="Natalie LaForte"] . Oh this was going to be interesting. Even more so if she was to discover that [member="Thraxis"] was there too. Instead of approaching any of them, she instead went to pne of the refreshment tables and search for some much needed tea. Surely there'd be some there for her.
Indeed, it had been quite some time before the galaxy at large had felt the presence of the Sith Lord Ajihad. After the fall of the second Primeval, the Demon's Fist had withdrawn into Wild Space and seemingly disappeared from the face of existence. Most of his Sith compatriots figured him dead and he was lost to the annals of history. Just another page in a chapter in the book of Sith history.​
Now, however, he decided to resurface once again. The galaxy was filled with small warring factions, opportunity ripe for the taking. He sensed a chance for the Sith to make a resurgence in a very big way, something he could not miss. This most recent series of bounties between the Sith, house Sorenn-Syrush, and house Organa caught his attention rather quickly. Truth be told, he had zero idea on any of the background conflict at play. Nor did he much care. He knew house Organa was backed by the Sith Empire, so it was the Sith Lord's duty to ensure the opposing dynasty fell.​
By the end of the night, house Sorenn-Syrush would be broken.​
For now, the assassin cruised through hyperspace in the back of an old Black Sun gunship. Another stealth ship of his arrived on the planet hours earlier, strategically placed minutes outside of the venue of the formal. He stared up at a computer screen detailing his target, Amelia Sorenn-Syrush. The Spynet database had a fairly decent file on her, it seemed she had been rather active in recent years. He had already read her file over several times, she was quite an impressive individual. The one outstanding piece of information that caught his eye was here race, Sanguinius Vampirika. Having never heard of this particular species before, his face grimaced as he read the biological profile. This race bore quite the resemblance to Tera Vampir, a species he was all too familiar with. Vampiric races in general were not something to be trifled with, he would have to watch himself around this woman.​
After he had managed to get an invitation the the event, he immediately commissioned the Consortium labs on Csilla with producing a highly concentrated Nightshade poison. Due to short notice, however, they were only able to produce a small vial of the substance. Plus, he doubted he would be able to smuggle the poison in anyways. It would seem rather suspicious to walk in to the formal with a container full of the only poison that can harm a vampire. Just his luck, really. He would have to conceive another way to defeat his mark without a weapon.​
Ajihad had secured the invitation of one Enteri of Dantooine. He was some wealthy merchant that had occasionally done business with the Black Sun. When the invitation was sent to Enteri, the Syndicate quickly struck a deal to take his place at the event. He was secretly smuggled to a safehouse in the dead of night, where the Gurlanin Sith assumed the form of the wealthy businessman. Via careful observation, Ajihad was able to copy every detail of the man's features into his own visage. His voice was now identical to Enteri's. He learned everything there was to know about the man. For all sakes and purposes, he had become Enteri of Dantooine.​
As they prepared to exit hyperspace, Ajihad donned his highly modified Sith Assassin armor. To make the armor seem more ceremonial, the engineers at the lab had to whittle it down considerably. All of the fancy tech was removed in favor of shiny gold and platinum plating and a red cape that hung from his shoulders in an elegant fashion. There was no more stealth tech, hood, temperature control, or anything along those lines. It was just Phrik and Laminanium armorweave under lots of fancy metals that did not suit the assassin's fancy at all. Permitted to bring no weapons inside, he was only outfitted with a gold hidden blade minus the actual blade. In its place was a small concealed durasteel needle used for quiet and stealthy injections. He doubted anyone would notice it, as it blended in with the rest of his ridiculously gaudy jewelry and matched another golden bracer on his left arm.​
"Mr. Enteri, we have exited hyperspace. Making landing preparations now." The assassin turned to look out of the cockpit window as they made their final approach. Though his face betrayed nothing, he was slightly excited for what was to come.​
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Lady Kay"]​
Vallory had received the invite from [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"], and when she had she had been so overwhelmed by it, she had to take a minute to rest from the excitement. As soon as she could, she had then set off to the location of the White Tie Formal. She had chosen a dark silken dress to wear to the formal, and usually she was not one to where anything formal. This was an exception for Amelia, who she held so much high respect for.

Eventually she arrived, and she stepped down the ramp of the shuttle she had arrived in. She thanked the pilot before leaving the shuttle behind, and in she went. And just in time for Amelia's greeting. She was the only one the Vampirika had recognized out of all those present. So, Vallory decided to go about and make friends. She just had to choose who to greet herself to first...That's when she decided upon one of the women, who was wearing an ornate gown. With her usual innocent facade and smile she approached them. "Hello miss, how might you know Amelia? The name is Vallory" she said with her small smile.

[member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Natalie LaForte"] [member="Rex Taff"] @Thraxis [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
A breathtaking vision of deep scarlet silks, bright rubies and molten gold, the Queen of Relovian paused briefly in the entranceway, taking quick stock of the room before her with a practiced sweep of her dark amber gaze.

She was late.
How unbecoming of a leader.

Vyra Silara didn’t seem particularly worried about it, although she was a bit disappointed she'd missed her host's opening statements. Her only knowledge of the legendary [member=Amelia Sorenn-Syrush] was built on word of mouth and rumor, and the Naboo native had plans to change that tonight. Such a gathering of the galaxy’s finest would no doubt include other equally renowned names and plenty of opportunity to make important connections. Vyra had no intention of wasting those chances. A devoted member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, she, and by extension Relovian, had no shortage of support. But as a newly minted monarch, she knew the importance of forging friendships and establishing political links to the rest of the galaxy, especially so early in her leadership. And after the recent assassination attempt and the horrifying attack on her people, Relovian needed more friends.

With one arm looped lightly through the steady arm of [member=Kyle Ajahn], queen and Master Jedi stepped into the gala in perfect sync, a pleasantly receptive expression on her face despite the confident set of her slender shoulders and the imperial lift of her chin. Atop her chestnut locks lay an intricately woven gold crown, its precious crimson gemstones flaring like specks of fire in the light. The luxurious flowing folds of her gown trailed behind her, billowing as she moved, the bold red ensemble like blood on snow, striking against her ivory complexion. Even her heels were adorned with gold, spiraling up the back of the shoe to glimmer when exposed. No expense had been spared for tonight.

After all, white tie was the highest formal dress code in the social gathering world. She might prefer comfort over style on an ordinary day, but Vyra knew when to break out the glamour.

Behind the pair followed a small hovering platform mysteriously draped with black material and accompanied by two guards.

It simply wouldn’t do to attend such a function without a hostess gift, would it?

Immediately, Vyra recognized [member=Rex Taff], the talented young Minister of Science with an affinity for networking, it seemed. The Chiss was well on his way to building himself a strong network and had been of great help to the CIS and Relovian during the attempt on her life, though she had yet to meet him personally. And that must be… their host he’d just engaged in conversation. Vyra turned, bidding the guards to wait off to the side until Amelia was available. She had no intention of interrupting. Vyra cast a curious glance at the lovely woman next to them ([member=Natalie LaForte]) and the man in the lavish armor beside Amelia ([member=Thraxis]) before leaning slightly towards her eternal protector.

She didn’t need the Force to know that Kyle wasn’t thrilled about attending. He wasn’t one for parties, especially one that might harbor danger (although Vyra argued him on that particular point). Vyra had offered her friend an ‘out’ once or twice before the day had arrived, but the idea of her being alone and unprotected seemed to worry him more than small talk, rich foods and fancy clothing. “Perhaps a drink while we wait?” she said softly, gesturing to the refreshment tables where a beautiful woman in a stunning gown ([member=Lady Kay]) and an enchanting lady in black ([member=Vallory]) stood. “Or one of those little savory pastries you seem to like?” Vyra gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “I haven’t eaten since this morning, you’ll have to drag me away from the cheese platter kicking and screaming.”
To say that he was not pleased was an understatement. Yet, even as he continued to stubbornly carry his resistance in silence, they had arrived at the event. It was then, and only then, that a wave of guilt washed over the man dressed from head to toe darkly regal.

He had made her late.

It was her expression and demeanor, however, that swayed him from compartmentalizing the strain of beratement of self. A quick glance to her face, to the visage that was her gown and figure, and he was reminded his less pertinent reason for enduring her diplomatic, and mildly irrational, desires. Composing himself with a glance about the party as the guards caught up with the gift in tow, Kyle made made note of the various guests he could, and could not, recognize.

A man accustom to the field of war lost in the wilderness of the jungle of aristocratic luxury.

Walking in even pace with Vyra, known to the guests and host of the party as the monarch of Relovian, he quickly came to catch glances at each guest she took attention to. One familiar and a dozen more unfamiliar, but none more concerning than their illustrious host by nature alone; a thought he buried beneath his outer demeanor as they approached their hostess and paused to await ready attention. Even as he did so, naturally, he was drawing upon the Force to focus his feelings on the various guests.

It was her voice, contrary to the variety of bombarding elements, that drew his focus away from the bustle and to her attention.

"I hardly think now is the time to be drinking," he mused as he peered over to the refreshments area, his eyes fixing on a variety of foods there along with the very same pastry she had so aptly drawn his attention to. He was, however, stoic and determined not to show that she had struck a chord in his resolve. "I don't recall you disliking them, yourself. If you want one, than we'll have one and I'll relegate the rest and get you a proper meal."

A squeeze of his arm, unfortunately, was enough to turn a hiccup into the smooth layer of his composure; a small smile cracking his lips as he envisioned the idea of dragging her away from cheese as she vehemently wailed for even the slightest taste.

"I know you wouldn't want any of these lovely people seeing you like that, Vyra." He jeered as he flashed her a playful but well disguised smirk. "Most unbecoming of you, your highness."

[member="Vyra Silara"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked over to [member="Vallory"] as she approached and introduced herself while she poured herself some tea. Cradling the cup in both of her hands, she bowed her head to her. "Lovely to meet you. I am Lady Kay Arenais. You might say that I'm her employer. She is my Minister of Defence." And a good one at that.

More people were arriving. It was good that she wasn't the last. Kay sipped her tea and returned Vallory's question right back to her. "How do you know her?" She hardly knew anyone in [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] 's circles. Except for maybe [member="Natalie LaForte"] . Everyone else was a stranger. Which was fine. She couldn't know everyone in the Galaxy. Only a droid would be able to keep up with that many names and faces; and she was no droid.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Vyra Silara"] [member="Kyle Ajahn"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley was usually all for group chit chat and talk but in this case the Echani CEO had kept small distance away from the congregating groups of people. Loitering over at the refreshments table, wearing his typical white business suit, black pants and stripped tie watching with a careful silver glare as [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] finished her speech and excited the stage.

If did not take long for the woman to be swamped by a few people, the first being some you and very, executive? that's a word right? Chiss, saying some words about being in the CSA, protecting Lady Kay and bounties, nothing new there in the world of politics. The other in the small gathering was a rather spunky looking woman in a rather nice dress, a little more cultured then the Chiss already there, but again the woman not ringing any bells with Harley.

Speaking of [member="Lady Kay"] the woman seemed to be just as reluctant to get mixed up with Amelia, the two probably seeing enough of each othe on a daily basis. Soon said monarch approached by some woman in a rather elegant black dress, 'sure seems to be a lot of women at this gathering not that I am complaining'. For the moment the Republic Remanent senator would remain on the side lines, observing and acting in accordance to events, this was much different then a voting debate or private meeting.

[member="Natalie LaForte"] - [member="Kyle Ajahn"] - [member="Vyra Silara"] - [member="Vallory"] - [member="Lord Ajihad"]

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