Ala Quin | Indra
clone #1 & #4

There was a lot wrong with Coruscant but Ala had always found good on the world. The temple especially had been all the more beloved for its oasis like nature. Jutrand, however, provided no such respite. Ever since she had arrived, she had had this unmistakeable feeling of something crawling on her skin.
"You want it or not?" The voice of the food vendor brought Ala back to the moment. In the vendor's hand was a steaming pile of processed meat, fermented vegetables and way too much green sauce. Ala handed the man the payment and simply smiled a thank you as she took the food. The food vendor gave her no more heed.
Walking further into the street, Ala took a bite and wrinkled her nose. The fermented element of this 'delicacy' smelled nearly as sour as the vendor's persona. Despite her reflexes she wanted to dig in. It was the first food in some time. And it was her cover.
The diminutive Jedi was already clothed in a manner that would make her unrecognisable. She wore the garb of a Dragarian Singer. They were not known for their singing at all. No one knew exactly why they even had that as part of their name. The most important element was that they were fully covered, head to toe. The ornate mask she wore could only be taken off if she were alone or with a lover. Seeing as she did not have the loneliness it was.
Within this district there were a few alcoves that had been turned into privacy spaces for the likes of the Singers. Paying the doorman, Ala slipped behind the curtain, lifted her mask and set herself to munching. Despite wanting to gag, she found herself pushing through. Her stomach demanded even this putrid mess, such was her hunger.
She wasn't just here to eat though, and soon the curtain rustled, and another in Dragarian garb slipped into the booth with her. Their cover as Singer romantics was only new, but it was the only way for the informant to pass on the necessary intel in private. Ala stomped mid much, with a piece of fermented cabbage still protruding from pursed lips. "Ayo, Devlak," she said through the mush in there mouth.
He did not respond. Ala's eyes fell to his side and how he grabbed at his cloak. Something was wrong. She swallowed hard, and dropped her food in time to catch Devlak as he slumped forward. Ala's hand pressed against the man's side. Her hand quickly recognised the sticky, warm feeling of blood.
"Devlak," Ala gasped as she grabbed ahold of his slumping form, "who did this to you?" She knew the answer.
"I...I told you...they would...know," Devlak hissed in his serpentine way, "curse you for convincing me...I could speak of their sins...freely..."
Guilt grabbed Ala's chest, as she moved to a kneel and Declan's head rested against her chest. The pressure she was putting on his wound was only serving to cover her hand, and now her knee, in blood. "I am so sorry, Devlak...I did not mean for this..."
She could feel him dying, his life force slipping away. In his dying moments, Devlak whispered information that caused Ala to reel in doubt and her eyes staring at him as if to say "You are lying." If it were true though, it would change not just her life but the lives of all those that she sought to aide.
"Come out of there!"
The authoritative voice drowned out the complaints of the privacy alcove vendor. Ala's eyes flicked about. There was absolutely no way out of the booth save through the curtain. She would not escape.