Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sorry I Broke Your Stuff [Veus]

"Old Town," Adjesk, Corulag
Every once in a while, Fabula found herself getting so wrapped up in experiencing the galaxy that she forgot about simple things like "food" and "fuel." Somewhere over some backwater, washed-up antique of a planet the Bloody Pilgrim simply refused to go any further. She didn't quite have to make an emergency landing, but...well, it was very much a hurried and slightly anxious landing. It might have been a nervously cautious landing if she hadn't managed to find at least one spaceport on the entire planet that had enough room for something other than a Y-series freighter.

With her ship sorted and refueling, Fabs found ways to occupy her time. Normal ecuminopolis planets tended to bore her greatly, but this one was almost decrepit. Its glory days were clearly long-gone, and no restoration effort had been made on it, meaning there would be little chance of it bouncing back like Taris. The stench of regret and nostalgia was as thick in the air as the heavy pollen from the world attempting to reclaim was once its own. The people either languished in an apathy-induced malaise or raged against a prison of atrophy. It had all of the frantic emotions of any other urbanized planet, but quieter and with more meaning. Fabula found herself getting lost in it very easily.

So lost, in fact, that the trappings of civilization began to peel away without her even noticing for some time. The standard, angular gray omnipresent in every megopolis ever looked faded and dusty, as if no one had maintained it in years. The buildings were half-decrepit, a clear sign that the only apocalypse this planet had suffered was one of stagnation. At the very edges of Adjesk, Fabula had long since stopped seeing people, and was instead surrounded by a ghost town that gradually found itself devoured by what seemed to be the very fundamentals of a resurging forest. It was a tragedy to lose so much work to the onslaught of time, but Fabs still found herself admiring the planet's ability to reassert itself after what had to have been thousands of years of subjugation.

There were the calls of wild things. Creatures whose ancestors had once been domesticated ran feral at the edges of her vision, and the busty clone couldn't help but smile at the triumph of life over the sterility of industrial progress. So few people appreciated the verge of civilization, the gray area between safety and wilderness. It was, naturally, Fabula's very favorite place to be. She could wander about these dusty old streets for days if need be.

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
The fun thing about the edge of civilized life is that it's full of stories. The wild and the new and the ancient and the austere all meet to form a weird vertex of stories that causes everything to explode. And where there were stories, there was history. And where there was history, there were archaeologists. Grand archaeologists. Sages whose greatest joy in life was finding new information to translate and understand. People who love what it meant to be curious.

Curiosity, was, for example, the strong suit of fools like the current one. A man with a large hat, no idea what he was doing, and an almost goofy sense of humor. And here he was, taking a swig from a water-bag and looking about. Well, not looking about, as he was blind as a rock. Yes, a rock. Bats aren't actually blind. Rocks, on the other hand, usually are.

Anyhow, the Rockhound with a large aht an no eyes wandered cheerily, starting at wall as he walked past it slowly. It was on of those nice, carved bas relief pieces. There was a bit with a god or a king, and they were dancing along a parade march followed by many others. The leader looked like a big, red, six-armed snake with a feathered headress. Neat. He walked until he found--a person. Neat. People were always interesting. "Hello," he said with a wave. "Enjoying the scenery? Such a nice day for a walk."

He smirked. He wondered whether or not this person would be another interesting prospect. He could sense much energy within her, for whatever reason. Still,the force was weird. Life was weird. And he could go for some doughnuts right now. Did they have doughnuts on this planet?

(OOC: yeah, my brain wandered everywhere on this one. I blame the doughnuts.)

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]
Someone speaking to her seemed to shock Fabula out of her reverie. She blinked and spun on whoever it was making noise nearby, a slightly embarrassed smile on her face. Male, human or near-human, adult. Visibly unarmed. Relaxed disposition. Fabula dipped into a small bow, hands clasped in her lap as she spoke. "I'm sorry, I was't paying attention. Hello." Her quiet little mouse of a voice might have been a bit difficult to hear from farther than a few feet away.

He had been saying something casual, probably along the lines of "nice day for a walk" or some other un-comment. Fabula was careful to only walk closer to the point that she could be heard, and tried her best not to invade anyone's personal bubble. "There might not be much day left at this rate. I seem to have allowed myself to wander a bit longer than I had expected." And a bit farther. Where the heck was she? Where was the city she had just walked out of a few minutes ago?

...Or was it hours? Blast, Fabula needed to keep better track of time. Stupid girl.

At least she had company, though. And that company seemed relatively friendly, to talk to a complete stranger on the outskirts of a busted old city that was becoming overrun with animals. Of course, part of her realized that occasionally bandits used this exact sort of thing as a trap, but Fabula was hardly worried about something so mundane. Plus...if she wasn't mistaken, that man did not have eyes. Miraluka were hardly bandit-prone. 'Yes,' she decided. 'Friendly company indeed.'
[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Vorhi snickered at the young woman. "Heh," he said with a smirk. "yeah, losing track of time is common when you're traveling often. I always forget to adjust for local time," he said with a nod. "Hell, one time I was training and ended up not knowing the sun was up for twenty-six hours. Nearly ate the entire cantina out of house and home when I broke for lunch," he said with a massive smirk.

He appraised the woman calmly, his "eyes" scanning over her in a spiritual sense. Her soul seemed to almost dislike itself. It was like some sort of inverted possession, where the soul was rejecting the body instead of the other way around. It didn't seem to be causing any real harm to her, though. Still, there was no hostility directed at him. Her Aura was....electric and fluid. It seemed in a state of constant motion, and it was almost annoyed by stillness, although still in restraint. How many mental blocks did this woman have on her own spirit? Weird. He figured this was probably the most someone had looked at her without thinking about something worth getting slapped over. He decided to break the silence.

"I'm Vorhi. It's a pleasure. So, what brings you to Colugai? History, business? Food?" He said with a laugh. It was the happy, but hollow sort of laugh a person who took pleasure in small things would do. After all, he avoided takign pleasure in big things, as they usually tried to kill him. Although, that could also be fun.

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

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